I have put my CouchLog through the paces. I have used it as my daily driver for two weeks. I like to break-in a vape a bit before I decide about it. Also, new devices hit differently. I like trying new vapes, so a lot of devices move through my rotation. Typically though I have two regulars and I rotate through the rest as guest stars. I think I may have just added a new regular cast member. It might just be the new main character.
I want to temper my enthusiasm but I love this thing so much! I don't have any other log to compare it too, but for me the CouchLog is completely unique.
@beluga808 and I were talking, and one thing we both love is how versatile it is. It's basically an injector and log all-in-one. I regret not buying the glass bowl from 420 Engineering. I am using a 14mm adapter with a screen in the joint which works well, but not perfectly. I do really love the stem as an adapter on my glass. I'm hoping that
@Beefcake@420Eng can find a cheaper shipping option to the US so I can go pick it up (and maybe another MP).
I can't believe how this thing produces at the hot end. Absolute monster rips on glass. My SO was sitting next to me on the couch one night and said, "Geez Cheech, I didn't know we were hotboxing the living room." Also, the flavor is not nearly as muted at the highest temps as some of my other devices.
I typically keep it between on 3-5 during the day and only go up to about 7 in the evening. That low temp flavor also delivers. My primary factor for deciding on vapes is the flavor and the CouchLog nails it, especially below 5 on the native mouthpiece. I kind of wish I could do temp stepping, but that's not really this device's thing. Taking a hit and waiting 5 minutes to go up a step seems less than ideal, although it would probably give you more hits and flavor. I just don't have the patience so I hit a bowl at the same temp the whole session.
My device is absolutely gorgeous. The wood finish is perfect on the kingwood. I love the friction fit throughout and the assembly. I am not sure about repair-ability. I have not tried to disassemble it, but I do prefer to be able to fix things myself if possible.
I have tried the device with all my glass and even some 14mm socket stems from TRWW. Those got a little hot above 5.

I am picking up an adapter to try my lamart and rbt-style stems too. I also really liked vaping the reclaim from the cooling pads. I usually don't bother with that, but this was way more tasty than expected.
I guess I might be reluctant to recommend the CL to people in the US because of the cost and shipping. There are other logs in this price range, but I can't say how it compares to those. To me it is worth every penny.