Just did 2 bowls, one dry and one through water..... 3.5 and 5 respectively.... wife tried .75 ramped up to 2ish...........
GAME. CHANGER. Without question!
I'll sure to be back with impressions, but i'm off to enjoy the GH in the sunny weather!
You know what the impressions are anyway!

This is what I mean when I make my "Saab vs. Toyota analogy" Even people who test drive a Saab and decide it's not for them for whatever reason still come back from the test drive impressed with a smile, even if they then buy a Toyota, they still dream about that Saab.
The GH seems extremely well made and it's just a dam nice vaporizer.
You can tell a ton of work went into the GH and the attention to detail and specs is impressive.
Of my vapes, GH is definitely the highest build quality, followed by Firefly and pax2 in the next teir. I would say the mivape and the Elo made a sacrifice in "chassis" to invest in horsepower. The right compromise in my opinion but for those who don't want to sacrifice trim for speed, then you have to wait for the slow shipment of the grasshopper but WORTH IT!
I've noticed this as well, the flavour is alot better than I expected! However, I remember the vapour output being much higher with my defective GH.
The first rip on a Grasshopper on temp 3, not sure flavor gets better than that ... I've been looking for better, I've found "differnt" but not better!
I just can't seem to get it to milk up glass like before, but that could be strain, grind, etc.
Coming from an absolute FAN Boy who knows from being at HL that QC issues are much improved due to new equipment, I have to say I think yours may work but is probably defective.
This seems odd to me. Even 3-4 back to back hits on 5 my body, nor the backend, get hot in the way you described...
Because I think it may also have some defect, doesn't hurt to ask.
@biohacker I thought I got your last quote in about this vape "not being for you" and meant to add it because YES as a total fan boy who thinks everyone should have this vape in their collection and if you only have one it should be GH, you give exactly the reasons this "Saab" may not be
for you.
It is really designed to be optionally used as a personal, discrete "one hitter" Like the old dugouts I never clear a grasshopper in one hit but bear with me.
I wanted to reply to all those quotes to tell this story of 3 vapes.
Yesterday was my birthday. Before the grasshopper I had a pax which I liked, a firefly which I thought I loved until the grasshopper taught me how to love a vape. Since July when I got my GH, I have gone from 90% smoke with vaping really being an at home novelty to the exact opposite.
Something unexpected happened when I moved to Boulder 14 years ago, which is finding my new home created an unexpected urge to travel. Similarly, ever since I got the grasshopper, because I love it so much I oddly seek better.
So it being my birthday I went a little indulgent with respect to vapes and decided to order a desktop for my party Saturday (I don't think a grasshopper is party vape unless it's a party where everyone has one, I think the grasshopper is versatile and useable in a group but for a party I think a desktop is the right tool for the gig). I also ordered another new portable I found interesting.
The vivape2 so far is a fine desktop and considering it only cost $169 and even better that it was a gift make it totally worth it. I think it will serve well at my party, great flavor, great efficiency and no learning curve or explaining.
Now is the flavor "better" than GH? No, I'd say differnt. Cooler, more consistent over draws but I I would say in terms of complexity and interesting flavors, still can't beat that first grasshopper draw and since I'm high two draws from either, most times I'm going to go grasshopper and save the vivape2 for parties. It's certainly a product I'm glad to have in my collection.
It was also a refresher in the industry. I like vaporfection, this is my second device from them. I have a mivape which again, I'm glad to have in my collection, it's great for bowls of flower mixed with concentrate but definitely in my b-squad. I also ordered an aqua-vape which for whatever reason is arriving tomorrow. Good thing since the glass mouthpiece already broke. I'm not suggesting either is Vaporfection's "fault" per se. I'm just imaging the outrage on this thread if grasshopper had shipped items seperatley and a component broke in what was a trifle, the mouthpiece shouldn't have broken just being set down on the table but that is the nature of blown glass, if you hit it in just the right spot BLAAMO. And I can use the house just fine for now. My point being is that in terms of my customer experience with Vaporfection and investor backed, established company with two products on the market, both of which I own and enjoy, my experience with nascent, crowd sourced grasshopper has been better. As it stands now I have to flawless grasshoppers where two mouthpieces in for the mivape I have two functional but someone messed up vaporfection products.
More importantly I prefer the grasshopper product to the vaporfection products which enjoyment is a pretty important feature.
I also got the Elo. It's an interesting concept and at $130 it was worth the experiment. It's not to say that I love it or hate it, it's to say if you can't tell you don't love it. When folks talk about a functioning grasshopper they love it or hate but they are SURE! When folks complain about it it's usually because, whether they know it or not it's malfunctioning in some way.
I don't think my Elo is defective. The experience I'm
having, great flavor and effect little to no clouds, seems consistent with others as well as the battery life etc. The point being is if I can't tell that it's working when it's working then I probably don't like it that much.
I think Elo would make a great first vape if they keep that price or for a very light user, but so far it's not for me.
What the Elo did however was put the grasshopper in perspective.
Loading: I liked the chip idea because reading threads about the GH made me forget about rolling joints or loading bowls and had me convinced that loading the grasshopper is a pain in the ass. You know what's really a pain in the ass? Loading chips only to have the battery you can't swap or charge in the car or use while driving dies.
Turns out, when driving to Denver with a dead Elo, taking a pinch off of a bud and dropping it the grasshopper taking some delicious hits, no grinding needed and then just ripping it while it's on the USB charger that works great in the car doesn't seem so bad!
I know admitting to being fanboy reduces my credability which it should, I take all zealots with a grain of salt but without having tried the Crafty for flavor and not having tried Firefly 2 yet, the grasshoppers lead on best vape seems to increase with every other portable I try.
Only the Firefly can match the instant convection heating but lacks temp control (which I don't care about although temp stepping is a feature of GH I use almost every bowl) so maybe FF2 might be a competitor with its new size but as for now I don't think one can do better than grasshopper and it will be worth the wait.
This tiny little device that feels super solid and delivers flavors and clouds almost instantly with no learning curve, replaceable rechargeable batteries hay can be used on the charger!