Thank you,
. As you may well-recall, I was dead-to-rights "guilty" of negative harping on the nascent Ascent thread early in my FC Forum youth (and was duly admonished for it more than once by the FC mods) - and as such, I am now well aware of such forum dynamics that call one's objectivity into question. As they say in court, though, with regard to the Grasshopper threads, I will let the record/s (as posted in this forum and on other sites) speak for itself and for me, rather than repeating what has already been reported by reviewers and others with opinions. It has been my intent, largely, to offer a counter-perspective to that which is presented by resident town-criers who would sound the alarm "The Sky is Falling" every time a drop of rain is reported to fall; or yell "Forest Fire!" whenever we are made privy to a newly detected whiff of smoke by a contributing reviewer. I fail to understand how echoing, ambulance chasing, spin doctoring, and incessant negative harping contributes any new objective, useful, and productive information and guidance beyond the original report. How useful is it to be reminded again and again about the long string of delays, growing pains, and reasonably expected first-run device problems that typically come with the territory? As I said before, "
I personally want to see Grasshopper succeed, and not fail due to doomsayers and fault finders. The pendulum has begun to swing decidedly in the direction of success as I see it, and I want the end user to also share in GH's success." I am very hopeful that Grasshopper will succeed not because of chronic criers, but in spite of them, and success will be the result of a mutually beneficial exchange predicated on competent supply and triumphant demand. And, of course, I always welcome any & all reports of product defect for all to be informed of and benefit from - why would I ever seek to sweep ANYTHING under the rug? I am also a pre-paid GH client.
Some may remember the Brothers Grimm fable "Chicken Little" wherein the little chicken hysterically cried out for all to hear "The Sky is Falling" when an acorn fell on his head. The little chick then decides to tell the King and on its journey meets other animals which join it in the quest. The moral of the fable (depending on the version told) is not to be a "Chicken" but to have courage and to build on the positives - though not suggesting to ignore the negatives (just don't magnify them beyond their original dimensions or create an ever-repeating echo). In other versions where the birds are eaten by the fox, the fable is interpreted as a warning not to believe everything one is told.
Thanks, I'd assumed as much.
When you say you "fail to understand how echoing, ambulance chasing, spin doctoring, and incessant negative harping contributes any new objective, useful, and productive information and guidance beyond the original report" I think you raise a good point, but dismissing such concerns is little better?
Folks are reporting real problems, at least real to them. Second guessing their motives, or even those that choose to be concerned about them doesn't change that. Many don't have the easy access and personal contact with 'Trevor' you do, I think they're rightly concerned about 'what if I get a defective one'.....even before we really understand the defects. I think at this point folks expect you to 'counterpunch' any negative statements, but I think it would be much more effective if you had some facts/information to back up your strong support? IMO it beats dismissing their concerns as "ambulance chasing, spin doctoring, and incessant negative harping ". To be honest I think a case could be made you're using 'spin doctoring', at least from 'their side'?
Addressing the concerns (hopefully with facts) beats attacking the messenger I think. The fact remains that many of the original claims have shown to not be realistic, some might say deceptive or false others might say optimistic speculation. This makes it harder to trust. Folks are looking for confidence, want to know the real story. The key to that is happy campers (lack of problems), not discounting the problems.
I too hope the situation can be resolved, as I've said a few times along the way. I've also expressed my concern that this project is not following the traditional processes......something I fear 'we' are continuing to pay the price for? Claims have been made that can never be met, promised deliveries missed in a huge way (by 'years'?). To have what seems a significant number of owners having performance and reliability problems is understandably concerning I think. I hope that changes......but IMO it's a long uphill climb.
I think, in general, under promising and over delivering is a better position to be in.........
I'm still sitting on my wallet.
What he's talking about is that if you've followed this thread or worse, be a person who actually has a grasshopper and post your thoughts, there is a consistent pattern of questioning the motivation, veracity, sanity of the poster while any criticism small or large, real or imagined, valid or not gets blown way out of proportion. Just a few pages back I gave some actual insight into the collar defect, which by the way is fine. I come back just a few minutes later to find the GH Tea Partiers and Occupiers cherry picking quote to suit their narrative that either The GH is a disaster and the company is full of thieves (NOT TRUE) or that the GH is a new revolutionary device, with imperfections? Sure, but again for context no
I bought my Firefy in February of this year, scratching my GH itch actually because I think folks animosity is rooted in impatience not reason since the majority of people harping about the GH problems are people who DONT have one, in fact usually the people who have the problem immediately highlight how they LOVE the device and the customer service is GREAT and that's never quoted, just more hysterics.
My first Firefly combusted within a first few days. It's actually how I found this forum looking for why that happened. Finally discovered it was a common error, emailed customer service. I had to send mine back at my expense (fine) they had it for a week or so then sent me a new one. A few weeks later, same thing.
My third one which I still have, has combusted every once in awhile, particularly when friends are trying to use it for the first time. I emailed with Firefly a few times, they gave me a few usage tips which were helpful and for the most part I never get it to combust anymore and I'm certainly not bothered by it enough to spend another $30 on shipping.
I'm NOT complaining about FF customer service, I thought it was fine. I just want to give folks some frame of reference, particularly people who HAVE NOT had a GH they needed to return so therefore have no grounds to discuss it. I'm just saying that for $270 or whatever species of double the price the FF, my quality control and customer service has been SUPERIOR with the far less expensive GH.
Further I think the point that I tried to make that never got across in the noise of me saying there are defects, which they have identified and addressed was that the failure rate is actually fairly low. I don't have to speculate because I was told this by the manufacture who ASKED ME to bring in my device which I thought to be working fine because he wanted to just check in after 3 weeks of heavy use, a GOOD QUALITY CONTROL IDEA! It so happened that my backend was in the bad batch so he just replaced that part. My GH has spent three weeks being used, abused, dropped, flown across the country,not cleaned etc and it is not only my go to vape, it's my favorite way to consume. my much more expensive FF? Collecting dust.
Because I think most people care MORE about the user experience than the customer service experience because hopefully your vape won't break and statsically speaking the GH's failure rate is fairly low and in my experience half of the FF and the GH delivers are FAR BETTER user experience. No technique, better flavor, more efficiency, more flexibility in bowl size, not to mention cost and maintenance.
The Firefly is a great vape don't get me wrong, it's just that for fewer quality control issues, better price and better experience, comparing the two vapes the GH wins HANDS DOWN.
Have there been QC issues? Yes, primarily two. one with the heater which literarly I think affected 10, I only know because I happened to be one of the winners of that lottery and had a bit of fun at the lab chasing it down. It's been addressed it's over. The second being the overheating collar, again, One batch of back ends had the problem, most in th batch don't have th problem and the failure is in degrees so if you think you have a problem email them your serial number.
Speaking of user experiences I totally wanted to tell my Tres Seis ACTUAL usage experience and how I was totally wrong about a full pack at the Rockies game last night but now I gotta wait because I got sucked back into the defend team GH mud. What can I say, at least I admit to being a GH Occupier!