@slcbdco what do you consider good efficiency? I considered the grass hopper to be middle of the pack in that regard from the 7 or 8 loads I have been a part of putting through one.
My previous vapes that I actually used where the pax, pax2 and Firefly. I wish I had a vape to compare the GH to but it just kicks all three of their asses, the closest being the FF since its at least convection but as far as I know (this reddit dashing my thoughts that although double the price maybe the crafty is comparable
In terms of "I need to put X amount of product for it to work optimally (pax taking the most then firefly as both work optimally with packed bowls) the GH is MORE efficient on two counts.
1. That it works equally welove regardless the amount except for (in my experience) reduced airflow with a tight full pack which with th exception of the experience at the Rockies game tonight which I might post on tomorrow, I never pack it full.
2. The amount of effect I feel per the amount of product used.
When I say pinch, I mean after 3 weeks, I use crazy small amounts of product, take 5-6 rips per bowl, usually starting somewhere 3-4 and end somewhere 4-5 as a temp step to finish it and I am plenty baked and I am an all day everyday consumer with fairly high tolerance. Pretty much the only thing that gets me higher per hit is a dab. As a result I actually vape
fewer times per day which is not something I would have excepted since I really like the flavor, it's just that I'm high and want to carry on with my day.
Not to

but access to cannabis is NO PROBLEM for me, I can have as much as I want whenever I want it. Discretion is not a problem for me, I consume what I want where I want. I am not a "medical" user (in the sense that I suffer from anything, I'm sure my cannabis use is keeping me healthy but if I didn't consume for a few days I would be absolutely fine, fortunately that's not come up in I don't know say a decade) and I LIKE smoking. I like everything about it, I love Vaping also, I like both, call me bismokual.
I NEVER thought I would be impressed by efficency. I bought a Firefly because I was told it was the flavor champ. Owning both I would say the GH is more flavorful but the efficiency of it is its BEST feature, not to denegrate the others.
The GH is by FAR the most efficient tool I have for cannabis consumption as well as my most frequently used method. I have enjoyed that I consume fewer times a day for the same effect. I did actually by a high CBD strain today because I sorta miss the time I used to spend Vaping so I figure if I'm less ripped I could vape more often.
What's your experience? how are you genrally using it. It's DEFINTLEY a personal device (optimally anyway) so I'm curious to see where others landed!