Correct, also
@Shit Snacks One could pack it any size you want a full pack could last all day, maybe a half pack could last all day, you can have almost no vapor or huge clouds, the world is your oyster with the GH.
That said, and again I realize probably there is no way for anyone who doesn't have one to understand this because I don't know of any other vape that I've used that I would say this about, I just don't understand why you would want to put in more than you were planning on consuming right then.
Here are the reasons why I think someone "
might" want to use it that way.
They literally
can have cannabis concealed on there person in a GH but for some "reason" probably having to do with not living in Colorado for some reason so first of all remember all of my comments come from the perspective of someone who does not care about discretion, has no reason to care about discretion or efficiency for that matter. I am a cannabis industry lobbyist that lives in Boulder, Colorado, DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!
That tangent over my precise anecdotal evidence tells me that these might be the reasons fro packing more than you plan on consuming within the next 10-30 seconds (something I never do with any other vape and never thought about using a vape this way until the GH made it clear that this is not only a TRES SEIS!!! STRAIGHT TREAT YO' SELF, SOMEONE LESS HIGH THAN ME PLEASE INSERT THAT RON PAUL GIF HERE!!!!

way to use a vape ... it is also the way I find the vape performs best. Its not to say that none of the things folks have complained about (heat etc.) are not problems, it is to say that if you use the unit the way it seems to be designed or at least likes to be used, none of those issues ever come up. So here is why I think you might want to pack more than you plan on consuming right that minute (literally) and to be clear, like all of my posts if you haven't noticed, this list is full of scientifically accurate sarcasm, I am after all a simple country lobbyist I fo' sho' have precise equipment for sarcasm, if you don't agree that my list is both hysterical and informative then you're just wrong cus ya know, science!
Reasons to pack your GH full of dope for no particular reason:
1. You hate this strain and you want to get rid of it.
2. You HATE that first rip taste
3. You LOVE that day old begone dull care 17th hit vape taste and you want to marry it
4. You HAVE 10 seconds to get high but for some reason, your old vape that took half a minute just to warm up notwithstanding, you don't have the additional 3 seconds it would take to throw in a pinch of fresh cannabis and treat yo self
5. You somehow CAN carry around a vape pen loaded full of dope but for whatever reason CANNOT carry around some small, like WAY WAY WAY less than a gram of your Tres Seis pre-grinded weed to get you through your day.
6. Your fingers break out in hives every time you touch cannabis so you would like to reduce the amount of times you get hives a day to 1.
7. You actually do have crazy tolerance and actually do plan on consuming that entire bowl in the next minute, in which case can you please post an instructional video. As a representative of the industry I think its important that in the face of threats to sales like a device that can get you wrecked on a pinch for what it would take an entire pax temp step session, we definitely need to figure out a way to get peoples tolerances WAAAY higher.
There might be more reasons and if I think of them I'll add them. Like I've been saying the GH experience just might not be for you, but apply the logic of other vapes is not going to be useful in understanding this vape because its a different experience. Better or worse? You'll decide, for me I'm glad that I have this new method of vaping, its more natural and I wouldn't want a pax2 for getting high, I would want it for vaping spliffs instead of smoking spliffs, and in a group setting people who like tobacco tend to also like combustion and there is no vape in the world that can replace the visceral experience of some Tres Seis dope twisted up with some nice tobacco one my balcony with a cold home brew.
Is the GH an "everything" device? No, its not supposed to be, what it is my absolute favorite connoisseur product. Unless I specifically want something else (a bong rip, a spliff etc.) the grasshopper is my default device, its faster by far for one thing. Particularly if you start the clock at a "good hit" the GH is WAAY faster than the Firefly even which requires pre-heating etc.
I would like to compare it to a crafty, if anyone is in Boulder has a crafty and wants to hang out. Its the only vapor experience that I can imagine coming close the the GH because of convection and no need for technique like the FF. Not to mention I'm curious to see if the cooling makes a difference because the GH vapor doesn't offended me ... the comments on this thread are often harsher than the GH hehe.
Anyway now that I've forgotten what I was talking about, off to my next Grasshopper Inspired Misadventure!
Also about my new avatar, YES that is a stock photo and YES that is actually me in said stock photo, I'm ahem canna famous ... ;-)