Indeed he’s a nice guy however he doesn’t have access to HL’s system so asking him to check on an order, like I did and that I’m owed 5 replacement batteries contrary to what Trevor quickly and incorrectly surmised about my account, didn’t help. Heck, I was nice to HL too in throwing them some money to test the cart functionality on the new IO site after volunteering to proofread it too and PM them with many changes.
In fact if you have questions about an outstanding order OR repair of yours, you might as well contact HL directly and cut out the middle man needing to make an inquiry to HL. Sure he can be a vocal mouthpiece for HL herein but that’s about as much as I discern all he can do at this point and advocate for us. We can use that sure but we all want what’s due to us and which we’ve paid for (or what HL has promised with lifetime warranties in repairs).
I hate to be negative early in this development but it’s really just more of the same and an extension of HL’s old ways. Really. Trevor somehow opined something of mine shipped - yeah, 2 out of 5 batts I ordered in April ‘19 and were shipped in Oct ‘19 and were summarily followed by anemail from HL stating their records indicated that I received bad batts and should discard them. And I provided all the ‘evidence’ and emails to this effect - and the fact on the whole that HL owes me 5 replacement batts (does anyone disagree? Apparently HL does or neglected to understand my simple situation) - so I was put on some list, #30 in queue, to speak with the Wizard of HL hiding behind the curtain.
So that’s been my recent attempt to contact HL about my stuff. Ideal? Far from it and frankly more of the same. Sorry to drag the morning down but if you want answers about anything outstanding at HL - good, bad or indifferent - you might as well directly email them since there’s no access to the system. I looked at my account for the first time in a long time and offered up everything one needs to know but it doesn’t matter. Nor was I rude. Prickly perhaps but this shouldn’t be rocket science yet without the proper tool, i.e. access to their system, I’m not sure what this will accomplish on a personal level. Nice guy? Sure, great site he has too! But it’s more of the same in my eyes - SSDD (same shit different day). And it may be even more confusing if a simple outstanding order like 5 batteries can’t be confirmed and validated.