Thanks for the advice. Heating does not appear even on my screen. I'll give the bezel a few taps and re tighten it up. I have noticed that my FV does get a bit warm with prolonged use so it does seem that I may have a bad connection somewhere.
I just used the stage 2 kit with my FV for the second time. I got it a week ago, used the new batteries charged them after my first use. Now since a while passed, I figured one of the stage 2 batteries is empty. No power even though I know I charged it before, even worse - it just doesn't recharge anymore. The light on the charger (stage 2) stays green only!
What the hell!?
I can give you my review. And I hate that it's a bad one:
I am very unhappy with the FV.
After two of the chargers failed, first the normal one then the Stage II charger, the FV-Guys kindly enough sent me a new stage-II double charger, which I really appreciated. After having it used a couple of times, I only can load one battery at the time. As soon as I pop in a second battery -one of the lights indicate (one of the two) batteries are already fully charged. -Which certainly isn't the case.
I had some times when the functionality of the FV was as wished, now I can hold the button pressed as long as I want. The FV barely gets warm, I can get no vapour what so ever.
Maybe other people have a much more positive experience using this vaporizer. Mine is just not working for me, or maybe it will again after I tried it over and over again.
I am used to having problems and occasional dis functionality since I have it, since last week it just doesn't work at all![]()
Is the European Current being supported by USA adapters with correct specs?
Thanks for the clarification. Being in the USA, I never investigated this aspect further.
My FV still performs marvelously, and I have with help of other members, and indeed from FV himself, outfitted a few local patients with FV units!
They are having a good time as well!
There's more, but I should stop gushing.
Thanks for the fucking visual. My night is now ruined.
But back on topic. What kind of grind does the FV prefer, an MFLB Finishing grind or a 2pc Space Case grind?
In September this year Pakalolo made a comment that caught my attention. I was experimenting with screens and the stage 2 setup which I have been using exclusively for over a yr.
His comment reminded me that I had a option for the original 3.2 batteries and setup I had completely ignored since I purchased the stage 2 kit. So I've been playing with the original setup for couple months now. I really like the original setup. In the original mode I find I get a longer taste on my product before it gets to full brown.I notice the flavor much more than I remember. I also notice it does require longer sessions in stage 1, and if I have plenty of time, the original setup is my main mode of use today.
What I really like is if I'm a little pressed for time or just need a quick blast I use the stage 2 setup. Things really get hopping in stage 2 quickly.
I guess I'm saying I find the Flashvape to be quite versatile for long lasting flavor sessions or for a quick blastoff.
I like to use my fv with 3.7v battery's but in stage one mode for big flavorful ripps
I've even used kief.
Hi all,
I v had some problem with my FV but it was fully replaced by the FV guys (it was still under warranty ). As soon as I v got my new unit the S2 charger started acting wierd : it is always on red not sure what to do. Probably I have to purchase a new charger. Is there any compatible charger for the 3.7v batteries ?Can I still use the charger even if always on red, keep the batteries on charge and use them even if the green ll not appear? To order a new charger from FV it would take long time before receiving it and the shipping cost will be quite heavy plus I would like to use my new unit asap ....thanks in advance