portable vaporizer

  1. RichardC9

    Cloudious9 Carti9 Vaporizers

    Hi FC Community, This is Richard from Cloudious9 and posting this as the manufacturer of the Cloudious9 brand. I like to announce our latest vaporizer release, the Carti9 vaporizer. It's designed to be a simple plug and play water filtration vaporizer for the 510 carts. The idea is to merge...
  2. Iecigbest

    Bazoka Pro - Portable Torch Vaporizer

    Hello everyone, I’m new here and would like to introduce our vaporizers, the Bazoka Pro. Main composition: The butane torch is cleverly combined with glass, with the butane component and quartz chamber on the left, and the glass bubbler and bottom storage space on the right, which can store...
  3. B

    Discreet, stir-free, portable vaporizer with replaceable battery ?

    Hi all, Maybe you can help me stop combusting... I'm looking for a portable vaporizer with replaceable batteries wich is discreet to use (looking like an ecig, without having to stir). I saw so many different devices on this forum I got lost! I thought about the Tinymight but it seems...
  4. PPN

    CopperHead Vaporizer

    A new vaporizer rised in France, I have no clues about the manufacturer but it looks pretty interesting... and affordable. Not so inclined to buy it but cause financials are tight at the moment but I'll love to hear somebody else experience! Here the link where I saw it, it's a retailer...

    The Angus Halogen Vape by YLL Vape

    Hello members After long time research and development from scratch, our halogen portable vaporizer coming soon. Here are some features: halogen bulb as heating element convection and radiation heating system 2 replaceable 18650 batteries walnut shell 5 pre setting temperatures long air...
  6. pondcaster

    Time for a new vaporizer but need advice on which one?

    Short time lurker, new member needing some advice, if possible. Hope this isn't against etiquette...if so, please forgive and disregard. Although thread title pretty much says it, below is a little more info that would hopefully help make an informed decision. Quick vape history, we've had a...
  7. Davinci_vaporizer

    DaVinci IQC

    Hi FC Community! We'd like to announce the launch of our newest vaporizer in the line-up- IQC, Clean First Tech Accelerated. Highlighting Clean First technology, Temperature Control, App Connectivity (Android, iOS and Desktop Web), Replaceable Battery, and USB-C charging. Featuring: Type C...
  8. Antar93

    Any suggestions about electric nectar collector?

    Hi, I'm new here. I am looking for an electric nectar collector these days. I can hardly find a high quality electronic nectar collector in the market. I have tried some silicone nectar straws and glass nectar collectors. They worked very well, but I have to take my torch wherever I go. It's...
  9. Shit Snacks

    NYtimes' WireCutter Review "Best Portable Vaporizer" Discussion

    Just found this article in a google, seems like it was updated for 420 this year: https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/reviews/best-portable-vaporizer Even though I would disagree with the recommendations at the top, in the body below it does mention my two current favorites (TM & FW7 -- though...

    Ais vape

    It's a rebrand vape but it reminds me of a dotleaf their ig is @aisvape.tech they have multiple chambers. They are not interchangeable with dotleaf
  11. kuzko

    TinyMight / TM 2

    Www.tinymightvape.com Anyone try out one of these yet? Haven’t seen much info but the website says it’s convection heat, on demand or session, with fast heat up and replaceable battery.
  12. K

    The Ultimate Clean Portable Convection Vaporizer

    I have to say this forum has an amazing array of people with experiences, expertise and knowledge on the topic of vaping. Some of you OG's are like wine connoisseurs. You have a nose for what is good and bad. Having a background in software and app development. I love the challenge of creating...
  13. cheeseholidays

    Arizer Go (ArGo)

    I saw this get posted on Reddit. I’m definitely intrigued.
  14. SunnyHours

    Stealthy and Cheap Portable? Maybe Vapium Lite, MIQRO or IQ?

    Hi everyone! I'm looking for a new portable Cannabis Vaporizer. My Solo 1 has served me well for all these years, but with all the new Vapes and the technology advances in the domain as well as batteries...I think there's gotta be something better now... I've been curious about the MIQRO and...
  15. F

    Totem Vape

    Any info on this? Seems like a weird concept. No idea if it'll perform.
  16. W

    Best Portable Vaporizer for Medical Reasons?

    Hi guys, New to FuckCombustion but would really love some help and advice. I have a friend of a friend who is currently undergoing treatment for cancer (I didn't push as to what type). They are currently looking into purchasing a portable vaporizer to help take marijuana as smoking really...
  17. 7thFloorVapes

    The ELEV8R from Elev8 Vehicles

    Christmas Has Come Early! Our glass artisans at ELEV8 Premier Studios have produced a 100% pure convection, all American made Schott Borosilicate glass (minus screen), portable and durable Vaporizer. No batteries needed! Easily used with dry herbs and concentrates, or if you're feeling frisky...
  18. M

    WHICH of these 2 vaporizers would you purchase?

    Would like to know if anyone has tried either of these (or both) and could provide some feedback on which you would go with. New to vaping - wanted to go with the convection option (ceramic chamber), portable device - for dry herb. Cannot find too much information on the vuber nova - not from...
  19. P

    Fuhume Heat

    Hey guys first off this is not my vape just a new unit I received, maybe the manufacturer will join FC at some time but I thought I post about its existence. Here is some information from their site. Fuhume Custom Airflow Soothe your throat right with our original concept created to...
  20. mikek9

    Utillian 720 - Portable Convection Vaporizer

    Model Info and Specs are first and personal insight/comments are underneath all the specs. Utillian 720 http://utillian.com/utillian-720/ $219 CDN at Toronto Vaporizers Apparently limited quantities available Hey guys, this morning I was reading some medical marijuana reviews from different...
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