TinyMight / TM 2


All who wander are not lost...

My OG TM is packed for my trip to Key West in my new case for the TMs as my PH TM2 jealously looks on. The case holds 4 batteries, 2 short stock stems (with hollow CUs) with rubber caps on both ends, brush, scoop, glass vial and the TM wirh a rubber plug for the chamber. There’s also a Velcro flap (not pictured) with a cloth side and a side with small slots (think memory cards); I keep the cloth side facing the TM. It’s a semi-hard shell case offering good protection. Not the first time my TM has been to Key West and this will be a travel upgrade.

As for potential TM upgrades, please do not digitize anything! It works too well the way it is. I wouldn’t change much really. The knurled knob on the TM2 was a game changer for me since I rotate and use my TMs more than other vape (not that I have that many now but these are my top and best vapes, hands down). Love the Tinymight!! :peace:


Try hard noob
> As for potential TM upgrades, please do not digitize anything!

Hear, hear!

The TM is nearly perfect as it is, IMHO. A nicer metal perhaps, or a better cooling unit, a better power button, a manual off switch (maybe?) and a dimmer led... these are the only things I'd like to see.


Unknown member
2 short stock stems (with hollow CUs)
You probably also got the extra balls with the PH?

I've used the extra balls (and mp) to fill up a few extra stems. Like you see on the picture all you need is half a cu (for bowl side) and a rimless screen (to keep mp open) to add some cooling to the stock stem (long or short).
Maybe you can do something similar so you don't miss the ball cooling too much? ;)

Personally i'm using the second one from the right like 95% of the time, before that i always used the long stock stem with hollow cu/ditanium mp but since receiving the balls i haven't looked back. So much smoother and doesn't need frequent cleaning to keep unclogged.

I'm sure the OG TM is great (never tried one unfortunately) but me thinks you'll miss the TM2 PH in Key West! So by taking a ball cooled stem you might ease the missing slightly?


All who wander are not lost...
You probably also got the extra balls with the PH?

I've used the extra balls (and mp) to fill up a few extra stems. Like you see on the picture all you need is half a cu (for bowl side) and a rimless screen (to keep mp open) to add some cooling to the stock stem (long or short).
Maybe you can do something similar so you don't miss the ball cooling too much? ;)

Personally i'm using the second one from the right like 95% of the time, before that i always used the long stock stem with hollow cu/ditanium mp but since receiving the balls i haven't looked back. So much smoother and doesn't need frequent cleaning to keep unclogged.

I'm sure the OG TM is great (never tried one unfortunately) but me thinks you'll miss the TM2 PH in Key West! So by taking a ball cooled stem you might ease the missing slightly?
Yes I got the quartz balls with the TM2 and use those mostly with the TM2. The OG TM is just as capable and still works wonderfully well 4+ years on, and I don’t mind taking out it (PH TM2 stays home mostly). I’ll be more than fine in Key West with the short stems, thanks for your concern :). Just having a TM there is fine with me and I didn’t want to pack or break longer stems when the short stock ones have served me well all this time (in addition to a few 3rd party stems even before getting the TM2 which came with the ones with the tapered mouthpiece and balls). All good.

And yes, these types of stems can be configured in various ways. It’s great seeing others’ stems be it custom made or homemade with various parts and pieces. It’s one of the virtues of the TM which allows us to use in in different configurations. :peace:

EDIT: low temps! That’s how I mitigate cooling if things are too harsh and I’m without additional cooling methods. I forgot to add that. In general a couple of years ago I started vaping on lower temps than previously and greatly enjoy it this way. I don’t get irritated and sore throats like I used to as well. Everyone finds their balance…
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