Discontinued The Grasshopper


Well-Known Member
ITT unsolicited business advice.. no information to indicate this is a wrong position to take with the warranty policy.


livin'in vapooodia
don't wanna be negative...but...strange things begin to happen,,,,,
after using the grasshopper for about 10 times since yesterday,,,
suddenly half an hour ago:
the red heating lights did not stop anymore, the blue lights did not show up and the hopper kept on heating, the herb went black and began to burn after about 20 seconds??? turned the thing off....
i turnd it on and of several times, then it worked like it has to, but only for one heating cycle, then came the blue/red doomlights, then i pushed it on off again and the red "battery is empty" lights came around,,,,,so i turned it of, did a cleaning of the threads, did a 100 on/offs ,,,,same ritual re-began,,,,last thing i tried was turning the dial back and forth,,,,,,i don't know how many times.....and it became harder and harder to turn the dial, when i got the hopper yesterday, the dial worked like a charme, now it became very hard to turn, like if something, maybe a piece of metal that is grinded off is now stuck there somewhere between the dial and the backend?? BUT funny thing, when i then put the hopper back together,,,,,it worked again like nothing ever happened,,,,could be a false contact between the dial and the rest, also it is now set on 3 and i don't like to change the temp because now it works??!! i keep tying to find out more and tell you more later ,,,,, back to testing.............is this another hopper sadventure...
or is it the fullmoooooooooon..........making my hopper lunatic???

Modnote: back to back posts merged

okey,,,,,,now the blue lights come directly after the red light when i turn the hopper on, only takes a sec!!! to get blue but it went so hot that the herb combusted!!!! i guess this sounds like sending the backend back for replacement....hmmmmm oppper.....i'm even not angry or anything,,,,or depressed,,, about this,,,the two years of waiting made me become patient like a monk,,,smile,,,zenhopper will be zend back to boulderado colorado,,,
hasta la vista 'hopper desperado',,,,
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Brewer, Lobbyist, Vaporist
One testament to both the stealth and the effectiveness of the hopper is the fact that I can't seem to find mine, again. This alone may compel me to get on the waitlist for a second one :tup:!

I totally left mine in a cab once as it fell out of my pocket! The driver brought it back to me phew! Yeah you're right though, I'm glad I pre-ordered a second one, hopefully I won't lose mine before that one gets to me!
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livin'in vapooodia
ok,,,now...finally after trying to use it again...the backend fell apart....the thing is already in a baggy for the shipping back,,,,and the warranty request on their site is alreay filled out and send in.....goood night,,,,
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20 going on 60
Hi Guys, long time reader, July 15 pre order, first time poster.

Was just wondering if the sticky transparent silicone anti-scratch plastic guards used on mobile phones would be a viable idea for protecting the GH colours from scratching.

Example of material : http://www.zagg.com/uk/en_uk/invisibleshield

I know you would end up with a seam along the length of the device and the tapered end would still be vulnerable. You'd also need to probably have the shield cut into two sections, the mouth piece and the body (after the air intake holes) but what I'm really curious about is if using something like this would cause overheating of the hopper?

I like the idea that something like this would provide:
  • Scratch resistance
  • Better grip (subjective to user)
  • Some protection of the main body from accidental dropping
  • Keep the GH looking brand new
The downsides as I see it are:
  • It's gonna be very annoying to cut to shape and apply
  • May make slipping the GH into a pocket harder
  • Seams will get gunked up after time
  • Will probably need annual replacement
It's just an idea I had and thought I'd run it by this forum.
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Well-Known Member
For reasons like this it worries me they STILL offer a lifetime warranty. Again, great gesture early on, but continuing to do so could prove to be a bad business decision. I hope it is not.
It shouldn't worries you because the "lifetime warranty" only comes into effect after a standard warranty would have elapsed.

Even if there was only a 2 year warranty on them, people would still send some hoppers back right now. It's only on the very long term this lifetime warranty could have some effect and even then, I'm not sure there's that many people sending any kind of vaporizers or electronic units back after 2 years (there's definitely people doing it but I'm not sure it's a high percentage).

Vape Dr.

Well-Known Member
@TheWhisper That looks like a pill bottle key chain holder. Most are plastic though.

I have the same thing but it's an ear plug holder.

I have 3 aluminum ones. I got them near the pharmacy department for about $4 a piece with a bunch of ear plugs (they actually come in handy).

Mack's is the company that makes mine.


Cloud Chaser
What's that little stash jar called?
As mentioned it's a pill jar, I got it from Amazon, the exact ones I ordered years ago aren't available anymore but this is close: http://www.amazon.com/Large-Size-MEDICAL-ALERT-FIRST-container/dp/B000SJG1E2/ref=pd_sim_121_1?ie=UTF8&dpID=41DUI4DjtSL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL160_SR160,160_&refRID=05XW54J2QGH671B7TAWC
@jojo0420 thats a pretty sweet case that holds everything ya need. Where'd ya get it?!
Amazon https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00XK8W71O/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
It will actually hold both my Hoppers.
Derp, I see that is no longer available. It's just a small Ego case.
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Old & In the Way
I know I bitch, but I dare you to catch me going out of my house without at least this setup:


Enough juice and herb to get me through an evening... or more.

Sweet setup.
It's a relief this is currently unavailable.
I really have to resist the urge to accessorize a device that I won't own for another few months!

(VAAS, Vape Accessory Aquisition Syndrome, is that a thing?)
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Cloud Chaser
Is that @Ratchett's battery holder?
Yes it is, sweet setup. I also have one of his stands and loading funnels, they are must have accessories for the full time GH user. Makes loading them up quick and easy.
Sweet setup.
It's a relief this is currently unavailable.
I really have to resist the urge to accessorize a device that I won't own for another few months!

(VAAS, Vape Accessory Aquisition Syndrome, is that a thing?)

It is very much a "thing." Ask my wife. :cool:
I have so many accessories for my stuff I have cases just for the accessories.


Brewer, Lobbyist, Vaporist
I know I bitch, but I dare you to catch me going out of my house without at least this setup:


Enough juice and herb to get me through an evening... or more.

That looks like a sweet survival kit to me! I ordred @Ratchett's wallet on Monday, got in on Friday and never leave the house without it, I recommend it and thanks for the quick turnaround over the holiday @Ratchett!


Active Member
That looks like a sweet survival kit to me! I ordred @Ratchett's wUnbelievable t on Monday, got in on Friday and never leave the house without it, I recommend it and thanks for the quick turnaround over the the holiday @Ratchett!

Still glad i got my money back. I surf threads,forums internet all over ,it just blows my mind,thats its stillthe same o same o withe gh. Problems problems, problems with this vape

mod note: Edited to fix broken quote
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Well-Known Member
Again. I really don't think they're having as many problems as it appears. I think in this case, with the Grasshopper being a internet funded device, the likelihood of someone with a problem hopper going online to complain goes from high to almost certain. I feel like we're probably seeing almost ALL the failures. And if that is the case, then the amount of them is a drop in the bucket compared to the amount they've shipped.


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
As @Vape Dr. Said that is a pretty cool stash container the aluminum pill bottle holder is what mine is. It only cost $3 - $4. I picked up mine at a drug store similar to a Riite Aid or Walgreens.

I've been thinking too that the lifetime warranty might prove detrimental to the company but an awesome thing for the buyer. A lifetime warranty is the lifetime of the company. If the company goes under, the warranty won't do you any good. I would assume at some point the company will change the warranty. A three year warranty is a fair deal, 5 years even better. They can do that at any point. The Haze offers a 10 year warranty.

I only wish smooth sailing for the buyers and the company. iMO those posting negative things on FC is a small percentage of the units. This is a global marketplace. We are a tiny piece of the pie.

I have an eyeglass case that looks like the case above.
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Well-Known Member
RE:Warranty talk

They need to keep the lifetime warranty. If they drop it now, with the issues they're having, it'll be apparent to anyone buying one that they're buying a vape that will likely be broken in a year with no avenue for replacement.

As others have said, the "lifetime" part of the warranty doesn't go into effect until after say, a 2 year warranty is expired. By that time if Hopper Labs hasn't fixed their reliability problems I doubt they'll still be in business.


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
Other vaporizers have experienced a lot of problems early on. Some survive and some don't. The Solo and the Ascent had major problems early on. The company was able to follow through with an awesome product.

The Pinnacle Pro is limping along even though it continues to have problems. I have 2 units that have cracking and the batteries are almost toast from about 9 months on. The company didn't want to fix them. I was told it was my fault. I no longer use them and I wouldn't even give them away.
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Well-Known Member
Yes, I'm not saying it's not a concern, but I don't think it's as big a deal as a lot of people are making it out to be. I think they're doing about as well as could be expected, making slow but steady improvements
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