Bass Vaper
Well-Known Member
My replacement body is still going strong. It got a lot of varied usage Thanksgiving week, from sneaking single hits at the bar to using it for sessions with a group of friends. Everyone loved it, and everyone got ripped. It's amazing how efficient it is.
Does the new one get hot, back or front? This one is going back. It gets so hot on both ends plus is now acting very oddly when turning the device on. It rarely works properly on the first try anymore. Started out nicely, took about a week to develop (what seems like) every problem listed so far. To add, the power button feels like it's gonna go any click now. Pulling the charger on and off it so frequently prob doesn't help.
Oh well. My buddy said they got back to him today, he emailed them last Wed. But it does kick ass when working, agreed.
Edit to add- that's good to hear yours is going well.

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