Discontinued The Grasshopper


Well-Known Member
i love my grasshoppers! They are by far my favorite portable and IAM very interested in the new model.

Me too

will Hopper Labs "upgrade" original Gh's to the new model for a fee?

Probably, or a send it in for a discount deal or something

can we get an update on the SS Cases and External Charger?

Nope. batteries will be prioritized, then rma and/or mk ii release

Probably a long way off...

Yep, if everything else goes exactly perfectly then maybe these might start getting addressed in May?


Well-Known Member
@Hopper Labs - while we all know that it takes time away from other pressing tasks, I believe that you will find that maintaining the kind of communications you displayed above will go a very long way toward helping to satisfy your customers and build trust and confidence.

Please do keep it up....it was over due but that's then and this is now....and as of now the communications and transparency are deeply appreciated. At least by me! haha

Agreed, i was holding back buying a hopper but with all the good comments I have been seeing and positive stories i have been hearing I finally gave in and got ti hopper. Very happy I did, this is seriously an awesome vape.


All who wander are not lost...
Getting the charger up and running seems like it should be an easier task than a whole new Hopper....... @Hopper Labs what say you?
Not as easy a friggin steel case! My buddy is still waiting for his - and now his only unit lost in the HL fire. Priorities, priorities! RMA backlog was improved to 85% yet they were only getting to Nov ‘18 which is over a year ago. I’ve no doubt the backlog has been reduced but I think getting ‘caught up’ within 5% (and that’s a generous tolerance compared to an exceptional 1-2% unit defect rate) was still a year or more away. I’m fairly certain I have the percentage and date correct and I think those don’t quite jive. That’s just me.

Nonetheless I appreciate @Hopper Labs presence and updates herein. I appreciated even more details on the efficiency gains, which makes sense (to me, a layman with this stuff). I hope they’re right which would be like my RMA’d Ti on steroids. I hope they can pull it off. I’ll be a vape spectator on this on though. My Hopper works fine as is as long as they get the (ahem) battery issues squared away. I don’t need more horsepower using it natively sans silicone tip 99% of the time. With my unit back from RMA, my regular temp is down a full setting so what would gen 2.0 do for me? Allow me to use it on yet another full lower setting (which would almost be 1.0)? Sigh.

Time will tell and I’m content with my lot, empathic with the recent positivity about the reliability and reduction in RMA backlog - until the fire and subsequent battery ‘recall’. I hope this next gen really pulls themselves up by the bootstraps but I’ll be a spactator, impartial observer, and cautiously indifferent (and a tad optimistic :\). :peace:


Well-Known Member
RMA backlog was improved to 85% yet they were only getting to Nov ‘18 which is over a year ago. I’ve no doubt the backlog has been reduced but I think getting ‘caught up’ within 5% (and that’s a generous tolerance compared to an exceptional 1-2% unit defect rate) was still a year or more away. I’m fairly certain I have the percentage and date correct and I think those don’t quite jive. That’s just me

I agree, it's best not to think about the math involved :brow:


Not sure why this is upside down... but getting back to the Flow Restriction issue, it makes a lot better aroma, adding the flow restriction from this drop down to this dewarr bubbler


Without the drop-down it also tends to want to shut off before it should, but with the little bit extra Flow Restriction everything hums along nicely
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Well-Known Member
Like the bubbler other than the "phallic" mouthpiece.

Lol. It's okay you don't have to put the whole thing in your mouth, just the tip. I'm more wishing the line work was gone and just more of the implosion bubble stuff:nope:

There was actually another one just like that but it sold before I could get my greedy hands on it. so I have to treasure my Joaquin Phoenix even though I know out there somewhere somebody has my River Phoenix bubbler. also, at least they didn't put a pair of glass balls on the base :razz:
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Well-Known Member
I absolutely cannot stand the way HL runs their business but you can't argue with the product...when it works

Yes it's probably safer to sit anyway. in case you blackout, hitting the ground can really mess up your day

For what it's worth I get the feeling @Hopper Labs have not intentionally been choosing to be haphazard. They were naive/bold enough to try to do the impossible, combined with stubborn enuf to not give up and a mixture of having both good luck to pull off anything at all, and bad luck because the devil still can't believe they won the fiddling contest. Fortune favors the Bold but the devil gets jealous, since his own bold plan did not go nearly as well.

All of this results in a somewhat itchy Christmas sweater of a QC experience but yes, let's wear that MFer anyway :clap:
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Old & In the Way
They still have spare bodies for sale so if you have enough extra batteries for your friend, you can still Franken-builtd a 'new' phaser from extra back/front ends.

You will need to mail them to get a clicky unit added to a cart, if you don't already have some spare back ends. Keep in mind an old stainless back-end is perfectly fine to mate with a brand new fully upgraded spare titanium body purchased off the site. Says they are shipping in 3 to 5 days
I had no idea one could purchase a Grasshopper a la carte. Have you bought a separate back end from them?


Well-Known Member
I had no idea one could purchase a Grasshopper a la carte. Have you bought a separate back end from them?

Yes, but you will need to email them and ask for it to be added to the cart, assuming they still have some available. If they're out of titanium ask for a stainless one

Cost is iirc 75 for Ti. I've purchased an extra TI clicky, my friend has purchased a stainless one. He was annoyed that it took a while to ship, i was happy it was added to the cart the same day I asked

I gave him a 2016 stainless back end to pair with the new titanium spare body that I purchased for him in September. He decided he needs a spare back end bc he keeps dropping the f****** thing so often.

doesn't really seem to matter as far as back-end (clicky unit) vintage compared to what body component is in play:

I purchased a complete full TI unit at the same time as the TI spare body that I used to build a complete unit from older spare parts. I tested them both and there was no difference in performance except that the one with the stainless back end got ever so slightly warmer on the back end after many cycles

By the way I don't know what the fuk happened but all of the colored spare bodies that I bought in august had problems so stick with the not-colored titanium would be my recommendation (blue char on 1, purple char on 1, green DoA). This was from August tho, so maybe everything from September forward is safe.
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Old & In the Way
Yes, but you will need to email them and ask for it to be added to the cart, assuming they still have some available. If they're out of titanium ask for a stainless one

Cost is iirc 75 for Ti. I've purchased an extra TI clicky, my friend has purchased a stainless one. He was annoyed that it took a while to ship, i was happy it was added to the cart the same day I asked

I gave him a 2016 stainless back end to pair with the new titanium spare body that I purchased for him in September. He decided he needs a spare back end bc he keeps dropping the f****** thing so often.

doesn't really seem to matter as far as back-end (clicky unit) vintage compared to what body component is in play:

I purchased a complete full TI unit at the same time as the TI spare body that I used to build a complete unit from older spare parts. I tested them both and there was no difference in performance except that the one with the stainless back end got ever so slightly warmer on the back end after many cycles
That's interesting. I'm not at the point of wanting to purchase a back end, have just enough to cover us out atm, but I have had a recurring back-end theme with one particular purchase. A Green Ti purchased in '18 has blown through 5 back-ends (plus 1x body repair) in 16 month's time. All have been in relatively close proximity, s/n-wise and I guess part of a rather large bad batch or something. Each one has gone to a dodgey/untrustworthy state wherein it is random whether it will power on/off or not, including powering on at random, which is where I draw the line and take it out of service. That Green Ti currently has an OG, pre-order SS back-end on it and can look even fancier when I put a SS mp or pfe on the green body.
Someday it will all get worked out, I'm sure.


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, i haven't been too current on the hopper recently. I did accidentally just pre-order a new model for April I still have a broken original hopper i'm hoping to send back for repair once i can log my request on their website. I guess i brought my original hopper not long after they first came to market, it has been back to the US from the UK twice for repair and then i gave up as it literally worked for 5 minutes each time, i must admit 5 awesome minutes to be fair .

Are the newer hoppers more reliable? Or are they still having issues with them? I did try and read back through a few pages. Many thanks and much love!


Well-Known Member
Are the newer hoppers more reliable?
In short, yes.
Or are they still having issues with them?
Well, it's Hopper Labs, and there always seem to be issues of one sort or another. Apparently they were close to being caught up on warranty repairs and then the place suffered a fire. So that's put them back a bit and it's also meant that they've had to stop shipping out the newly arrived batteries out of concern that they may have sparked the fire. But there's some positive energy, most of us are pretty optimistic, and we're all looking forward to the rollout of the newly-engineered unit in April...or June...or September.


Well-Known Member
@kilo Thank you for your reply. Hopefully my new unit will be reliable for me when it arrives in April ... 2022 lol.

@Cheesequake My original unit went back twice for repair and literally broke within 5 mins of use upon return each time. And as it cost me around £25 (€30 ish) each time for shipping i figured i may aswell spend that money elsewhere.

I'm still trying to figure out what it was that made me pay that deposit for the new model lol lets hope it arrives on time and works flawlessly. Happy vaping everyone. Much Love.


Professional Stoner
How can people throw more money into this company? they keep selling items they do not have...im still waiting for my case, been waiting for 2 years now....

This company will not be getting 1 single dollar before they actually make something that last more then 12 months of daily use.

And stop buying stuff that is not IN STOCK, right now we buying air untill they actually starts shipping items they have sold a long long long time ago.


All who wander are not lost...
How can people throw more money into this company? they keep selling items they do not have...im still waiting for my case, been waiting for 2 years now....

This company will not be getting 1 single dollar before they actually make something that last more then 12 months of daily use.

And stop buying stuff that is not IN STOCK, right now we buying air untill they actually starts shipping items they have sold a long long long time ago.
My local buddy has been waiting 4.5 years for his stainless steel case. Someone in a high school shop class could crank these out faster! I’m sure Ratchet & company and other accessory makers have pondered this.

As for HL’s claim that their proprietary batts will become standard - who & when? I don’t think they’ll ever be used in another device. C’mon! That’s a bold statement to make about a singularly proprietary battery. Maybe in 2112...:rockon:


Flower Potted, Maxed, & Rio'd.

On Dec 15th it will be 6 fucking years since I ordered a Ti Case. Six Years!! :bang:

They hid behind the "legality" of the terms of their initial Indiegogo offering, which loosely said they only have to send us something if it actually gets made. My fault for jumping on that bandwagon...:doh:

Not interested in all the failures, excuses and delays, just wanted my $40 case or a refund which I was told a few years ago will NOT happen. Wonder where the many thousands of dollars in "accessories" ordered went to? :shrug:

Would NEVER order something from them again without seeing very low failure rates and strong ethical business practices in effect for a few years.

If ever the term Caveat Emptor applied to a transaction...it would be this one...:disgust:

Oh well...a little bit poorer...a little bit wiser. :nod::tup:

P.S. Over the years I've ranted about this from time to time. This is officially the LAST time. The futility of this has finally overtaken and jumped ahead of me...:horse: :cheers:


Well-Known Member
Lol. It's okay you don't have to put the whole thing in your mouth, just the tip.



On Dec 15th it will be 6 fucking years since I ordered a Ti Case. Six Years!! :bang:

They hid behind the "legality" of the terms of their initial Indiegogo offering, which loosely said they only have to send us something if it actually gets made. My fault for jumping on that bandwagon...:doh:

Not interested in all the failures, excuses and delays, just wanted my $40 case or a refund which I was told a few years ago will NOT happen. Wonder where the many thousands of dollars in "accessories" ordered went to?

@Hopper Labs - you really, really, really would be smart to address this to the community. Can you please explain how in the world its has been this long and you have not fulfilled these types of accessories orders.

Do you have any rational that would justify an owner in such a position as described by Shrike, above, giving you any more money?

While I applaud the fact that Hopper is here and talking to us...some....there still are elephants in the living room that are not be discussed.....like the cases and the $40 people paid for them????
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Free Men Don't Ask
I canceled my charger/case order after the 3rd or 4th time the date was moved back. Had to open a case with PayPal to get them to respond and eventually refund me lol. Usually not the case though, they normally get me a refund within a day or two of asking.


Old & In the Way
I've also received refunds of cancelled orders, and relatively easily. Once was even for a SS case.
But I think @Shrike's was prolly an Indie go-go campaign item, and maybe HL draws a different line on those items, as far as refunds are concerned (not that I endorse their position, if that is their positon). He mentioned HL's attitude of not having to refund on an item never actually made.


Well-Known Member
So there's little old me thinking yeah go on i'll pre order another hopper (even tho my current hopper doesn't work). I should of done some homework first lol. Oh well i'll buckle in and prepare for the ride i suppose. I can just picture me now, three years time finally getting my new hopper. Sitting in my pants with 2 flashing red light hoppers and no vapour hahahahaha. I'm not completely joking either. I suppose i'll have to order myself an e-nano for Xmas to drown my sorrows lol. Peace and Love.


Well-Known Member
I wanted to order the new Hopper so much, but I'm going to have to sit this one out a few months to see if they are even reliable for a short time. Would have ordered instantly before the battery fiasco also... shrug. Surprise me and I might come back around.

Either way, I think butane vapes are my new future. No electronics to worry about over time. No dealing with annoying batteries. Will still work from inside a cave during the end times. I'm good over here with the Sticky Bricks.
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