This might be the most anti-consumer post I have ever seen in my life. Do you work for hopper labs? Do you have an investment in them? Because I cannot fathom otherwise why anyone who is even slightly rational would defend a company with this much shady shit going around them.
A) It is completely ridiculous of you to automatically assume that everyone having problems with the vape and company are being impolite and rude in their communication. You have 0 evidence to assume this. Are some people probably dicks? Yeah, no shit. That's life. But I highly doubt that every single person contacting Hopper labs for their warranties is a dick for no reason.
B) "if it was me I would also deprioritize their ass and put them at the back of line". Good thing you're not running a business then because that's one the least ethical and most anti-business practices I've ever heard. "Hey guys we have a bunch of people who gave us a bunch of money for a vape that we released with a bunch of defects, how dare they ask for us to honor their warranty. Time to put them in the back of the line!". Yeah what a great business strategy dude. I'm sure you'd have tons and tons of loyal customers with that kind of amazing treatment.
C)"They always answered me right away but maybe they liked me better because I never actually sent anything in for warranty I just kept buying more units"
OH OKAY. So yeah a company liked you better than other users because you have more money than common sense and instead of getting your money's worth on your original purchase you decided to just continue burning money and buying more shit from a company that can't produce a reliable product. Other customers aren't being dicks, you're just being a shill. "HEY GUYS I HANDED A COMPANY A BUNCH OF FREE MONEY I THINK THEY LOVE ME". Wow never would have guessed.
D) Why would people go on reddit and lie about their vape exploding? The fuck kind of logic is that? People buy vapes because they want to use them, over and over and over again. Nobody is rooting for a device they spent hundreds of dollars on to explode.
But yeah according to your everyone that has an issue is either:
A) A dick
B) Lying