Sorry, my friend, but I have to question this statement. The ability of the GH to cash a load straight away, with appropriate AVB to show for it, is one of the main reasons many (most??) of us have put up with Hopper Labs at all.
My two GH now run cool after RMA and definitely do NOT cash my load and that's all on Level 5 on the temp dial....I actually think I'm getting better extraction with my little Fury 2.
Fair to question it, and in thinking about it it's become needlessly complex

I just mean along the lines of leaving reusable material. Vaping at 210 degrees is going to leave reusable material, going above this temp limits the practicality of reuse.
I like a 235 degree roast, and I've had hoppers achieve this, where the ABV is left super dark brown like from the sub, on the brink of combustion and toasted right the way through.
But temp 5 is supposed to be 210 degrees, which from what I learnt from using the Tubo, the StemPod and the EQ, 210 degrees is too low a setting and I'd generally aim higher.
Conduction vapes do low 200 temps better than convection IME, in terms of tanning the herb. But convection gets a better high from the rapid broad spectrum release. But it's not enough energy generally to properly smash the herb like the convection power of the flower pot, sublimator and similar surely can.
I also always noted that using the EQ, or other vapes mentioned and ones I've tried except for a few, there is so often inconsistency to the ABV and scorching was common. This means there is huge thermal gradient across the herb and inefficient vaporisation occurring. The Sub blasts right though chunks of flower, it's all the same colour once it's done. And it turns to dust n the fingers. The GH is the same, but it's golden and there's still some oil left, which has plenty more actives. Enough to worry about, perhaps.
Getting a consistent 210 I consider to be just tolerable, what's left is marginal enough for me.
What people were saying about the GH back when I pre-ordered in 2014 has played out as very true. And I agree with it, what the VaporizerWizard was saying in his review is what sold me, and it's all legit. Apart from the very real failure rate and RMA situation - struggle street.
I don't think the GH is meant to cash loads in one hit. It's original intention was a discreet multi hitter, and that's what it does best. It cashes loads in several hits that taper off. However, it hits hard enough to do the job full time. In some ways it's better going to higher temps, but in most ways it's not. I suppose. High temps are more impacting, and I much prefer destroyed herb being emptied from the vape, and not golden reusable ABV (as I don't reuse it). But I always have fresh green, so as long as the pen is working.. at 210 it's fine.
The GH can run cool, as in cooler than 210, and that's not good. But they have at times been released in batches where the temp was obviously higher than 210. And as good as that was, it has never ended well.
I'd say that 210 itself is cool, so it might not give optimum results in terms of yield efficiency if it's working for everyone. But it should deliver a nice high without effort, and it seems very efficient in most ways.
I don't have a Fury 2 to compare, but I imagine it has a more
conduction effect occurring which would lend it to delivering a darker ABV. How do the highs compare?
It's hard to be unhappy with my ABV when I'm happy with the buzz, but I still am a little unhappy with the 210 limitation and prefer it when ... a quote from my warranty lodged Nov 21st arrived Dec 28th, due back in a month or so;
Unit turns on and begins to heat up, but does not reach temp.
The red LED stays on for a LONG time.
Before this the 18 second auto time-out safety feature was not working and the device was unable to get to proper temperature despite displaying blue LEDs within a normal time-frame.
Chambers would not become deplete despite off-gassing multiple times, ABV was always sub par.
I want units that can perform like they used to, basically allowing minimal hits per chamber and dark chocolate coloured ABV.
This will be returned with GT004244 and will also be sans battery and front end.
That chocolate brown ABV is what I like. And, I have a blonde ABV bowl in front of me.. The main thing is it's all the same colour, and it's been the same colour ever since I got it May 21. And it hits hard enough that I've been as happy with it since then.
I'm super curious how my other hoppers will be when they get here... 3 units should show some variance. The other HT unit I was using a while back got hotter than my unit - but get this - it ruined flavour and I opted for my own most often. I mainly used it for claisen hits and I could easily see that the other unit would pump out clouds sooner and reach ever slightly higher density by direct comparison. But, the hits without the terpenes is lacking, a solid 210 hit does the job. The Sub suffers at this temp, it only one hits bowls at 235, anything less is a two hit or more ordeal. One hit meaning depleting the chamber in less than 45 seconds. Watching the cloud peak, fade and clear. That is the ultimate vapour bong hit, and actually I've never seen a hopper do it. The hopper isn't so good at high temps compared to units designed for it, like the Sub. But the Hopper is awesome as a mid temp convection vape. The clouds it pumps out are quality and that's what matters.
@vapviking it's pretty easy to use compressed air to blast the new version units. They cool down a lot by doing this, so I'd advise a.) avoid burning yourself as it is small and fiddly and easy to do, and b.) avoid using the unit after blasting it, to avoid thermal shocking anything. Take out the battery and blast everything. I did this to the other HT after it got cough bonged a little badly. Water through the gills, seeping out of everywhere. No drama. Have seen awesome durability from these HT units. They're super, super nice.
I'll also note that I found a pic from May 22 of my GH PCB on my phone today, and I was taking a comparative pic out of interest earlier. There's a little bit of difference - the central pad is worn from the battery rotating, but everything else is all good. Even after being short circuited and heating up a whole bunch of times.
There's definitely some sealant going on on everything down around the chamber to keep residue/resin from getting everywhere and stuffing it up.
I was using straight BHO in the hopper a couple weeks back, and it was so amazing. Sooooo strong. Got a bunch of people super ripped, on top of tincture, bongs and vapes.
I haven't had to clean it as it all just evapped off. It got a little cloggy recently, so I scraped it out and got a dry q-tip in the chamber. scrubs up easily when warm. Super low maintenance vape, I just threw a couple of PFEs in a glass of metho this morning, and rinsed with hot water tonight. Clean as. So good.