Discontinued The Grasshopper


Well-Known Member
My RMA TI hopper has been rocking since it came back in April. Over the last couple of days, it’s seemed that the temperature has been off...running cooler than normal. Tonight, I decided to try adjusting the temperature on it (I normally use it at setting 4.5 - 5), twisting down to 1 and back up to 5, and noticed it a bit gravelly when I tried to turn it. Giving it a little more elbow grease (it really was that gravelly) the back end came apart.

Somewhat dejected, and thinking of perhaps another delay having to do another RMA (I’m still waiting on my SS RMA since March, someday maybe) I mucked around a bit and somehow managed to reassemble it (I was able, after a little bit of finagling to twist it back together). Man, what a difference! Now it’s actually working better than it was before. smooth temp dial, bigger clouds, darker ABV.

Thought I’d share in case others run into a similar problem.


Well-Known Member
My RMA TI hopper has been rocking since it came back in April. Over the last couple of days, it’s seemed that the temperature has been off...running cooler than normal. Tonight, I decided to try adjusting the temperature on it (I normally use it at setting 4.5 - 5), twisting down to 1 and back up to 5, and noticed it a bit gravelly when I tried to turn it. Giving it a little more elbow grease (it really was that gravelly) the back end came apart.

Somewhat dejected, and thinking of perhaps another delay having to do another RMA (I’m still waiting on my SS RMA since March, someday maybe) I mucked around a bit and somehow managed to reassemble it (I was able, after a little bit of finagling to twist it back together). Man, what a difference! Now it’s actually working better than it was before. smooth temp dial, bigger clouds, darker ABV.

Thought I’d share in case others run into a similar problem.

Mine is going cooler as well, still works and gets me stoned but first 2 weeks abv was much darker on 5.
So what do you think I should do ?

My only guess is that some dirt fell inside the holes ( so now I put an extra screen inside the chamber or the thermostat ( which is on the neck end ? )


Well-Known Member
Hi folks just another update on my now broken hopper i started an rma last night with Namaste vapes and have it ready to go for a replacement on Monday or Tuesday so not to bad i suppose. Hopefully this one isn't a lemon. If anybody is is wondering about ordering batterys to the UK from hopper labs it took 3 weeks to arrive and £11 extra in customs and royal mail handling fees. I would recommend getting a bunch of them in one order


Well-Known Member
Is hopper labs shipping out smoother now or is it still all over the place ? Wanted to get new batteries a few months ago but the shipping times were nobueno.


Well-Known Member
Is hopper labs shipping out smoother now or is it still all over the place ? Wanted to get new batteries a few months ago but the shipping times were nobueno.
I just ordered batterys and they took almost a week to ship and then almost 2 weeks in the post . Not ideal but what can we do when nobody stocks them in the UK or Europe that i could find.


Old & In the Way
Leaving the problem with new Green Ti purchase aside for the moment -- I'm first checking on how the seller may be able to help me,
Two days ago I initiated an rma request with HL for a plain Ti that has a very hot back end and flashes red/blue most of the time (in between periods of actually functioning pretty well). In the request I also told them that their website has now lost track of this hopper's serial number -- the My Grasshopper section shows its previous s/n.

Got email yesterday (24 hrs, not bad) form 'John' telling me no worries, they would correct the s/n issue and I should send it in, with batt. & charger, of course. Answering my question about how long the process might take, he said the current turnaround (if I have both body and back end issues) is 60 to 90 days though they are working on reducing that timing. So, off to Post Office I went, paying > $4 US for 1st class postage.

Meanwhile, the Green Ti out of Canada; I spoke with Sachin at THC (pretty clever there, Herb Cafe!) and he's gonna lobby for me with the Canadian distributor of Grasshoppers, who is his neighbor. I've told Sachin that the problem lies in the back end (I did some testing with known-working parts I have) and my best hope is that they might simple send me a new backend. Due to some travel schedules, I likely won't have answer to that until Monday.


Well-Known Member
I personally never had a problem with the EVO at all. Grasshopper I just only laugh

Well, I guess there's tens of thousands of Hopper owners who personally never had a problem with their device. Don't get me wrong: I'm pretty sure the EVO is more reliable than the Hopper (as it should be a abt. twice the price) but VDN must have had some sh!tty experiences to take it out of sales.


Free Men Don't Ask
but I am confident that the warranty process will be much faster in the near future,
What would make you think that?
Well, I guess there's tens of thousands of Hopper owners who personally never had a problem with their device.
I'd bet my life savings there are not 10k problem free hoppers in the wild.


Well-Known Member
Haven't I read somewhere they sold some plus 40,000 units? If 3 out of 4 sold units had failed, they wouldn't exist any more, would they?


Well-Known Member
Mine is going cooler as well, still works and gets me stoned but first 2 weeks abv was much darker on 5.
So what do you think I should do ?

My only guess is that some dirt fell inside the holes ( so now I put an extra screen inside the chamber or the thermostat ( which is on the neck end ? )

Have you tried blowing it out with compressed air?


Free Men Don't Ask
I've owned 5 hoppers now I think (lost track to be honest) and the only one I haven't had to send in for repair multiple times is the most recent blue Ti. But the SS that was supposed to have all upgraded parts etc has been repaired twice since I received it back from repair originally.

It's always strange to me when people act like even though ALL WE SEE about the grasshopper is failures and problems that there are all of these silent majority grasshopper users out there hopping away without telling anyone. Just look at any other popular vape thread pretty much - dozens of pages of users gushing about how much they love it and different ways to use it - why do those guys feel the need to talk about their great working units but NO ONE (or at least less than 5 that I've seen on here) feels the need to talk about their flawless hopper experience? Seems to me like even if they didn't have much to say there'd be tons of people on here defending their perfect hoppers if they existed, but that's never been the case.


I've owned 5 hoppers now I think (lost track to be honest) and the only one I haven't had to send in for repair multiple times is the most recent blue Ti. But the SS that was supposed to have all upgraded parts etc has been repaired twice since I received it back from repair originally.

It's always strange to me when people act like even though ALL WE SEE about the grasshopper is failures and problems that there are all of these silent majority grasshopper users out there hopping away without telling anyone. Just look at any other popular vape thread pretty much - dozens of pages of users gushing about how much they love it and different ways to use it - why do those guys feel the need to talk about their great working units but NO ONE (or at least less than 5 that I've seen on here) feels the need to talk about their flawless hopper experience? Seems to me like even if they didn't have much to say there'd be tons of people on here defending their perfect hoppers if they existed, but that's never been the case.

Mines just a baby but it still works and it is the only vape I have.

It's not perfect but it's the best vape I've owned and I can't defend HL but if your lucky depending how long for I can dig it.

Sympathetic for those who get a new one and it's doa. Sachin is a good person to deal with and he will take care of it . I would think he tests them before they go out.?? I hope everyone gets to experience the hopper and see what it can do. Excellent exctration in seconds..

When this GH (Ti) fails :cuss: Im sure I'll make it known. I try and pop in and give a status update so far so good but like I said mines a baby and it has the older double click from autoshut off back end so haven't experienced any hassles but burnt lips :p


Free Men Don't Ask
99 problems but my GH ain't one
For the first time maybe ever I can say the same :ko:. This stainless steel is by far the strongest/best GH I've had yet since getting that new back end. No flickering lights ever and even temp 2 can produce some pretty massive clouds. 5 is about as close to combustion without combustion that's possible I'm pretty sure. If on temp 5 the battery goes super quickly but I assume that's just because it's extra powerful. Back end never even gets warm.


Well-Known Member
I've owned 5 hoppers now I think (lost track to be honest) and the only one I haven't had to send in for repair multiple times is the most recent blue Ti. But the SS that was supposed to have all upgraded parts etc has been repaired twice since I received it back from repair originally.

It's always strange to me when people act like even though ALL WE SEE about the grasshopper is failures and problems that there are all of these silent majority grasshopper users out there hopping away without telling anyone. Just look at any other popular vape thread pretty much - dozens of pages of users gushing about how much they love it and different ways to use it - why do those guys feel the need to talk about their great working units but NO ONE (or at least less than 5 that I've seen on here) feels the need to talk about their flawless hopper experience? Seems to me like even if they didn't have much to say there'd be tons of people on here defending their perfect hoppers if they existed, but that's never been the case.
This is what I think as well . Do we know how many hoppers are in the wild and how much have failed. From reading this thread I think just about everybody who owns one has had to have it serviced at least once. Do the serial numbers on the backend correspond to manufacturing number. The unit I just sent back was gt5632 or something close I'm very baked at the moment.. I'm just wondering because mine was ment to be a new unit and if there is at least 40000 sold should my backend serial number be a lot higher if that makes sense.
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The Stainless Steel and the Titanium ones each start from 0000, and the Stainless Steel ones have been well in the 5-digits more than a year ago. My recently repaired is 11,000-ish and was bought by the shop from VDN in Spring/Summer last year. *Allegedly VDN bought them from HL a while before that, it was an "older" charge they gave to shops at a discount, when they got a "better" charge from HL (* at least that's what my local shop told me)

Also, this may appear a bit pettifogging, but I would rather see the expression "failure rate" used correctly, as in number of faulty units per 1000 or whatever relation, and that number we can only guess. Of course it's a fncked up experience to see >20 repairs on one unit but it still doesn't say too much about the general failure. If that was in any way representative, how could they have survived the first year of existence? They may even have the worst reliability of all vapes, any investor would have cut the losses if it was as dramatic as many here suggest.

Bad (or good) thing is, this unit gets people hooked on it like not many other do.


Well-Known Member
The Stainless Steel and the Titanium ones each start from 0000, and the Stainless Steel ones have been well in the 5-digits more than a year ago. My recently repaired is 11,000-ish and was bought by the shop from VDN in Spring/Summer last year. *Allegedly VDN bought them from HL a while before that, it was an "older" charge they gave to shops at a discount, when they got a "better" charge from HL (* at least that's what my local shop told me)

Also, this may appear a bit pettifogging, but I would rather see the expression "failure rate" used correctly, as in number of faulty units per 1000 or whatever relation, and that number we can only guess. Of course it's a fncked up experience to see >20 repairs on one unit but it still doesn't say too much about the general failure. If that was in any way representative, how could they have survived the first year of existence? They may even have the worst reliability of all vapes, any investor would have cut the losses if it was as dramatic as many here suggest.

Bad (or good) thing is, this unit gets people hooked on it like not many other do.
Could this mean that my ti hopper with the serial number in the 5000 range is an old unit before the upgrades or could it have been an old backend on a newer body it didn't have the one click on from auto shut off. Is there another way to tell if it has the newer components? I'm almost sure it had a blue coloured screen behind the steel one in the oven. I was assured it was the newest version. This could explain my strait to blue lights problem as I'm guessing it was the temp sensor that packed it. I remember reading somewhere that they had moved the temp sensor to avoid this issue?
It's covered for the first 6 months by Namaste vapes but if I'm just going to have it replaced with old stock for 6 months then I finally have to send it to hopper labs from the UK for a unknown amount of months until I get the newer parts I think I'll see how this replacement goes and if it has problems I'm going to ask for store credit.

To go off topic slightly I was looking at the haze square and I'm just wondering if any hopper owners have one can they comment on the heat up time and the smell from the unit when not in use. As these are the 2 main reasons I went with the hopper.
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