I agree completely about the PFE. When used with flowers it gets gunked up very quickly, within a few sessions. The normal front end takes weeks to get gunked up in my experience. It’s a major difference, so I rarely use the PFE with flowers.I found myself cleaning it more often than the original mouthpiece, but then it has less resistance imo
Use the cosmic power of gravity- as long as it's upright, what could happen? Haven't I read about folks using it with cotton + concentrates?
Let's not get ahead of ourselves. People want a relieable hopper more then a spare body. Also who is to say the spare hopper peices are any more reliable? just more peices in RMA. Why doesn't HL just have you send the body and mail one out on arrival... Hopefully it's not just a cash grabIt seems there is a decent demand for the bodies. I didn’t understand the appeal initially but I am a fan of having a backup so if people want to buy bodies they might as well sell them.
Well, after lurking on this thread for many many many months, I decided to create an account to let everyone know I received one of my hoopers back (sent in and rec’d mid November) and it will not turn on. No matter what I do I cannot get it to start up. It charges, I think, since the red lights blink when connected to the charger. Contacted HL and of course it needs to be sent back. I honestly don’t understand why it was sent back when it doesn’t work. I’m also not sure if I’m going to send it back or just take the loss. I’m just tired of all this.
Mine would do that when I'd accidentally have it set to temp one. I'd panic and realize I'd done a temp dial twist back and forth to make sure nothing was getting gunked up in there. It wasn't staying on or heating up just like you're describing. I'd check the dial and realize it was on one and I'd turn it up and then it would "work" for me. I put "work" in quotes because mine were running too cool and they're back in RMA right now.Doesnt stay on though, even when drawing on it. Maybe 8-10 seconds and doesn’t get warm or produce much vapor.
Dang. Guess that means it'll have to go back again. I'll wait till the madness ends though. Probably use it and the good old Crafty till October or so, since it still does have some effect if I wait long enough between bowls.@Shieldsab:
The new behavior is supposed to be one click to turn the Grasshopper on after the auto-shutoff, two clicks was the old behavior. My older model Ti needs two clicks after the auto shutoff engages. My newer model SS doesn’t shutoff automatically, which is worrisome as it can get quite hot if left running.
It sounds to me like your hopper is underperforming. I feel if there is any question at all about it’s performance then it’s probably not at 100%. When it’s fully functioning there is generally no doubt about it’s performance. The fact it’s taking more hits to finish a chamber is a key sign in my opinion.
My Ti is a beast, I love the light weight and it’s functioning perfectly. It doesn’t have the improved airflow of newer models though. My SS on the other hand has the improved airflow but is running a little cool. The ABV is just within my threshold of acceptability, it’s a nice medium to slightly dark brown at temp 5. My Ti gets darker brown ABV in fewer hits with the same material. A side benefit of having a backup hopper is it helps a lot with troubleshooting.
If the repairs weren’t backed up I would have sent in my SS already. However, the performance is just barely acceptable for now and I’d rather not send it out for months at a time if I don’t have to.
Everyone’s shooting the messenger lol. I gave the post a like for sharing the info. I had actually already read the email.
When I saw the email I optimistically thought it might have some good news about increasing production and reliability. It’s disappointing to see that the pace of production has not increased much if at all. They told us again that they will increase this pace so we will have to see what next month’s email says.
As for reliability, the fact they are starting to offer spare bodies makes me think they have not improved enough and it almost makes it look like Hopper Labs doesn’t have faith in their own product.
I find the concept strange and confusing. If production is backed up, where are the extra bodies coming from? If they are selling newly assembled bodies then there’s going to be fewer RMAs going out every week. And if I have a spare body do I still need to send the entire Grasshopper in to be serviced, to “make sure it has all the latest components”, or will they start letting us send parts in again like they used to? Just a couple of months ago in one of the updates they made a point to say that you have to send the entire device in for an RMA except for special circumstances.
If you still have to send in the whole hopper then the extra body is not going to do you much good. Yeah, it’ll get you hopping again in the short term but you will eventually be hopperless while your RMA processes.
You'd be crazy to buy a Grasshopper vaporizer knowing what we know without a lifetime warranty. And even if they didn't have a lifetime warranty they'd have to have one or two year minimum and they'd still be dealing with most of what they're dealing with right now anyway.In my opinion they should clear abandone lifetime warranty and begin to work properly fixing at reasonable cost in a short time, otherwise they'll loss theyr customer one by one.
In fact I discovered this forum for trying to fix myself some issues , when I bought it I didn't know... but anyway , the first 3 issues where fixed in a short time , and I live in another continent , it's not bad . One was my fault , in Croatia a big wave arrived to the GH causing a short. I did pay and had a very functional GH until a very determinate part of it , a metal ring in the backend , broked . I honestly believe that they where so proud to build this vapo ( which is in fact so beautiful powerful and stealthy ) to gas gas gas with lifetime warranty , I imagine in front of a beer . Two years in Europe is the classical warranty , it's reasonable . The fact that things are blocked and people waits months is very worrying because it means no stock . What if they decide to proceed with other projects and abandone this ? And anyway you cannnot have only a GH , maybe with two you're maybe sure that maybe one works .You'd be crazy to buy a Grasshopper vaporizer knowing what we know without a lifetime warranty. And even if they didn't have a lifetime warranty they'd have to have one or twocyear minimum and they'd still be dealing with most of what they're dealing with right now anyway.
I hate to say this.
Guys, fuck this thing. Turns red then goes immediately blue and does not heat up. I've had it since Friday.
I already opened a new RMA. :-( But I'm not sure what I'm going to do with this 1/8th I bought. On the other side of the coast. My Mighty and Evo are back home.
I may have to have my friend roll these things up and combust :-(
Fuck fuck fuck.
I should have brought my mighty.