Some quick observations about my RMA'd SS Hopper received yesterday.
- received in a brand new box. No serial number. Same battery as before I assume.
- arrived with several more scratches. Doesn't really bother me but it would have if it were a Ti model.
- vapor production at 3.5- 3.7 is great for native use. Good clouds and way better flavor than I remembered.
- 3.8 and above gets too warm for my comfort when using it native, especially when taking multiple short draws. I find the PFE doesn't help make it any cooler so I've decided to use the the normal mouthpiece with silicone tip for out and about.
- 4.5 - 5 is money for water use. Very glad that it still works for one hit extractions through a bubbler. Got me very toasty last night.
- button works the same as before. I remember hearing something about it having changed. Nothing new here.
- still a little hard to turn the dial. but not too gritty.
- getting two to three packs per battery with mixed use;native and through water. Seems to be more efficient with battery life. Will have to do some more research.
- blue flickering lights when drawing even with a fresh battery. I'm using a Nitecore D4 and probably won't use the usb charger this time around.
My replacement SS unit has mad flickering blue lights since I received it end of last week ... it's performed admirably apart from that though every time I've used it! So that's good! Flickers like a son-of-a-bitch, but hits like a champ ... that's a compromise I can live with (and yes I've tried cleaning all contacts, different batteries, etc.)
My replacement Ti unit performed very poorly out of the box ... so batting 50% here ... although I have a spare semi-functional Ti unit, and after swapping it's back-end onto the replacement body, it's vaped 2 bowls without issues (vs. all bowls having issues in that unit to-date).
Not as stellar a report-back as I'm sure everyone was hoping for ... but all things considered, although not perfect, this is the best result of an RMA I've had in over a year ... (by far)
Edit: Make that 3 bowls without issues w/ the Ti one (w/ the old back-end ... although it was a "new version" back-end at the end of 2017 ... so perhaps I just got unlucky with the replacement unit in that it has a bad back-end? ... here's for hoping

The bowl I just had in the Ti one was with a dab of Sour OG rosin wrapped in some Japanese organic cotton, and it was awesome! (would have finished it in 1 hit, but ran out of lung capacity

... that's what a Hopper is
supposed to be like! ... had a 2nd half hit to polish it off, and when I unwrapped the cotton after taking it out, there was no stickiness in it ... vaped 100%)