Eventhough I am no fan of the Hopper, because I consider it too hot for being used native by me, which totally ruins the on-the-go premise ... my Hopper still worked last time I used it.
Bought my TI Hopper through Vaposhop in June 2016 and it still works (I guess it does, used it about 1 or 2 month ago).
I normally try to not comment negatively when most things have already been said, but when I watch this thread every now and then, I wonder that the Hopper has such a loyal fanbase.
I consider the Vape flawed in many ways. The Hopper gets kinda hot on the mouthpiece that I either have to be careful when drawing or use the silicon sleeve not to burn my lips, the silicone sleeve gets dirty and does not invite to use it after a while also does it take from the stealth effect that the Hopper has, Vapor is much too hot for me to use the Hopper native, the batteries only hold up for 2 to 3 bowls, using the Hopper in public draws more attention then for example a Flowermate, because it is very long and drawing while clicking off the device is not possible for me in a stealthy way ... and Hopper Labs is so intransparent with their information policy ... since always they are communicating "good news" regarding reliability, delivery and so on but never keep their timetables or their promises. I understand the difficulties in having a business and make it work but with all the unreliable units, the Hopper does not give the imppression of being a product ready for the market but a beta unit which still has to be worked on, eventhough it is in the market for about 2 years now.
To be honest, I think the initial idea behind the Hopper was the proprietary Battery. Like shavers and printers, sell the device for a low price and make the money with the Battery (shaving blades, printer cartridges). The Battery of the Hopper will never be able to vape 5 bowls, so one needs more Batteries and because of the fast degradation of the Batteries you have to order new Batteries every now and then. Even the lifetime warranty makes sense with that in mind. If the Hopper is really working reliable at some point, Hopper Labs will become a Batterie Company.
With all that being said, I was really hyped up about the Hopper back then and I also liked it using it through a small bubbler but the reason for buying it was the stealthy on-the-go aspect which did not work out for me personally. But at least my Hopper still works (though it rarely sees any use since the end of 2016).
Just wanted to let you guys know that there are still devices that did not have to be RMAed and that there might be hope for the fans (just had to rant while letting you know as well).