I'm not comfortable with the idea that parts might be re-purposed into units sold as 'new', like the s/n's may be showing us. If that's the case, then I'd much rather see a term like 're-manufactured' applied, and corresponding price reduction.
A heating GH matches my car's interior.
My vaping has gone to zero for a while now, but
My use had led to multiple repairs, all of which were relatively painless. With low cost postage, quick turnarounds and backup vapes (extra Hopper included), I have not been annoyed by the process. I still hold hope that one day they'll get the thing right!
As an early buyer, my price on a SS was $135 US (Ti was $150), so my real (and emotional) investment hasn't felt too devastating! Another month and I will have had them for a year!
So, I agree with you about the risks of ownership, and I emphasize that it comes down to whether the process is tolerable to the individual. For instance, I would not generally recommend this vape to international customers, unless of course they follow @MoltenTiger and are in similar position!
I'm not comfortable with the idea that parts might be re-purposed into units sold as 'new', like the s/n's may be showing us. If that's the case, then I'd much rather see a term like 're-manufactured' applied, and corresponding price reduction.
They make the HT model in very small batches and those batches sometimes have sold out - unavailable until more are produced. So I don't think they have unsold units languishing on the shelves for months. The HT and TI model serial numbers all begin with "GT......"Could it just be that the HT Colored Ti's sell more slowly that the other units, thus the lower serial numbers?
My hopper was going that way before it went straight to blue. Getting hotter to handle but poorer performance. Once I got the straight to blue I thought sod it, try iso soak up to holes then a good blow out. Solved the straight to blue and hopper working better than ever. I'm not suggesting you go my route but may be time for full service.
I filled the iso up to almost where the lights are. Left it soaking for an hour and then I let it air dry oven facing down. My hopper was always running cool so I don't know why it's running so hot now after the soak. Hope it keeps like this for a few weeks before it crashes. At T5 if I didn't click off as soon as I felt that heat it would have combusted for sure.
Did this very thing earlier in the week. Mine was a poor preformer also then eventually was going straight to blue. It was heating to a certain extent but not enough. I iso soaked up to the holes for a couple of hours then blew it out quite aggressively with a 125 psi airline. I'm attributing it to a build up of particles /dust on the temp sensor, so it thinks it's hotter than it actually is. I now have a case for mine. There is just such a small space between intake - heater - herb. The intake is also very open so easy for debris to get inside. Look at the intake on a S&B machine. You can barely see it!
So did your cleaning procedure work?
Is the performance back to what you were expecting?
I'm not comfortable with the idea that parts might be re-purposed into units sold as 'new', like the s/n's may be showing us.
I suppose it is possible that the production numbers are random, not sequentiial,
In your case I can understand how everything went back to normal but I just can't figure out why mine now reaches temperatures that it has never been capable of before. I really don't believe this is all there was to it to get my hopper working correctly, in any case I'm happy so all is goodYes, straight to blue no longer happening and performance is better than it was previously.
In your case I can understand how everything went back to normal but I just can't figure out why mine now reaches temperatures that it has never been capable of before. I really don't believe this is all there was to it to get my hopper working correctly, in any case I'm happy so all is good![]()
Maybe the third time will be a charm, I sure hope so. If you're following along my hopper has never worked right since the initial repair, that was a ~couple years ago I held onto it and just got it back for the 3rd time this go-round. I am determined to have a working hopper again. It seems to be working better than ever, great extraction @3.5 on the dial I'm gonna leave it there and turn it off after every session, I won't be leaning on it as a daily driver this is the coolest vaporizer ever when it's working fingers crossed again.
I understand, but maybe you could be more specific about whether or not, as policy, HL may re-purpose parts from 'used' units into components of new ones?It's not showing us that because the serial numbers have never been sequential.
It's almost possible, the serial numbers are not random or sequential, and by design they are not sequential, it's like Haydn symphonies, the number gives you "about" but not exactly the order, only Hopper laps and poppa Haydn know the exact order, but they do.
Hey, what did I tell ya?Just got my gh in hand. I'm a mighty user and I must say I'm blown away. Hands down this thing is a rocket in my pocket. Just wish I had the goods from @Ratchett. But ya I'm going to put my mighty away for a lil bit. Can't believe what I've just discovered lmao
I understand, but maybe you could be more specific about whether or not, as policy, HL may re-purpose parts from 'used' units into components of new ones?
I would not be opposed to the practice if it were disclosed up front.
Gorilla Glue #4 in the Grasshopper , listening to "Off The Top" freestyles on Youtube .Drinking this amazing juicy IPA from Heist Brewing Citraquench'l.
Can I ask all of you guys a small favor? Take your mouthpiece and use it to bridge the gap between the fire button and the top edge of the back end. On my unit(s), this turns the red lights on and creates a handful of audible clicks.
I haven't noticed this before and am wondering if this is abnormal. This could easily happen in a pocket with a set of keys, or even a dime.
Dynavap is an awesome company, but the GH is the superior product from what I've been told. I'll find out for myself soon enough as I have one on its way to me.Every time I touch the metal mouthpiece to the rear of the unit, the red lights flash once and then are off. If I keep doing this, the red lights just keep flashing once, but I don't hear any clicks. And, just take your keys out and try touching the rear of the gh...see what happens.
I got real discouraged with my Grasshopper because it took exactly one year to the day to receive it after I ordered it...that put a real damper on things. Kept writing to them every 2 or 3 months and they kept saying it'd ship very soon, then it wouldn't. So long story short, I'm not using it much and am looking toward the Dynavap now...looks almost too good to be true.
Yeah, I should clarify - by better device, I mean more powerful and convenient. The dynavap lineup certainly is full of great products that are innovative and durable.I haven't seen any negatives on the Dynavape threads and some are over 800 pages.
One thing I really want to be rid of is having to deal with batteries that don't last long, or batteries at all for that matter. Please do come back and let us know what you think of your new Dynavap mod. Did you order the "M" or one of the others?