it seems like my ti gh is performing weaker then when I got it back from my last rma (10th february)...
I also got new batteries with my rma... my other ss gh which was not as good performing as my ti is now performing better in my opinion then my ti gh... maybe it is subjective it is hard to tell... but in my opinion my ti worked better in the past...
so what should I do... could it be the batteries (I bought 3 new 3 or 4 months ago) should I therefore buy new batteries...
or should I rma my ti gh altough it is working (but not as good as I received it after rma in feb.).. I do not want to send it in and then get told it is working and they did not do anything... also what should I tell gh why I want to rma,? should I tell them the performance is not as good as when I received it back from my last rma or that they should bump up the temps...?
did someone send their working gh to hopperlabs because of weaker performance and what did gh do... did they anything at all or did they send it back without doing anything... any experience...
maybe it is subjective as I stated before... it is really hard to tell but I think I got bigger clouds in the past
I'm in a similar position currently. I never managed to post my GH away (plain Ti has red then dead), so I'll do it on Monday - but, in the mean time my blue unit has started to show signs of imminent failure.
It's taking ages to heat up, it's super annoying. 13 seconds at T4.6 as I just timed it, and the hits it's giving are abnormal.
It begins to produce the classic GH vapour (super dense) but almost as immediately as it comes, it begins to rapidly taper away. This results with a super tasty but whispier than expected cloud. Gees it tastes good, and with my current tolerance, it is doing great things and I'm super baked.
But, I'm a little dismayed as to what to do with it myself.
When I was working last week, I had to pick some stuff up from our lead engineers property, and whilst I was there he gave me an over my head run down on this new product he's developing, basically a controlling device for a 'smart' hot water cylinder.
Now, this tech is actually pretty similar to what the GH is, a regulated circuit pumping energy at a controlled rate. Our board is doing heaps more as well, but at the heart of this motherboard was a glimpse at the intricacies that similarly lie within my favourite pen as well as this big A5 size control box.
I'm adequately sure that when the pen is fucked, it needs to go back to the labs.
Mine are both fucked again, so they're going to need a tuning.
The board Chris was making has a whole section with another processor unit that is basically a backup to the main micro-controller - if that thing drops out of sequence, then the backup overrides the residual command sequence and then it re-calibrates and operates normally.
The GH is possibly just reliant on being at a particular sequence that could be disrupted, and when that happens, it's basically game over until it's 'reset'. Without the hardware to do this, it'll need to be sent away to the hardware.
The issue with dropping performance, which I've experienced a few different times, usually is linked with longer heat up times. And damn does 13 seconds seem like a long time to wait to hit the bong lol
I'm guessing that after a while of this the device is disrupted and normally I'd get a cop light response or a red then dead.
Instant blue has been identified by HL as fixable by blasting compressed air into the device.
I'm curious if IPA soaking, a GH with a long heat up, to the gills would cause it to heat up in a normal time frame... I'll probably try this but I'm not overly hopeful.
I know HL have said that long heat up times are a sure sign of a problem - so I think they should be capable of fixing this better than I could anyway.
I'm also curious, both our units spawned from a time before a revision to the front end was outlaid that was claimed to solve residue build up.
I'll probably send both mine back together, and make use of a bit of engraving for the hell of it.
I think I just bought a sublimator for 30AUD... so if that's the case, the exuberant expense of custom engraving is a little easier to swallow
Just realized I no longer have a shut off timer. Timed it and gave up after 2 1/2 minutes. Hopefully its a new update and not just me. Haven't read anything about it that I can remember.
This happened to me before my last RMA.
I got into my high mind, rather correctly though, that pre-heating chambers was a mint idea.
I clocked it at 10+ minutes (lol) and damn the cloud I got.
However, I ended up getting a straight to blue error.
This is actually not problematic - it just needs cleaning (air compressor to the front end).
I sent it away, and it came back (with new front-end parts), worked perfectly for a few weeks and now it has a red then dead failure and is filed to be returned, and probably soon tattooed.
I would recommend avoiding leaving it on at any point. Click it on, wait for it to go blue, hit it, turn it off and keep toking.
If you don't leave it on whilst it's not in use, it should be golden. That was a good device iteration, lasted me ages of heavy use (actually the longest hopper span I've had with a single unit)
Re: the engraving
If you can submit your own graphic design, why should font matter? Couldn't their scan just reproduce what you send, whether it be a design of a tree or the letter 'T'? I understand emojis and some other things may be protected images, but...
In the pre-digital '60's my dad had a Zippo lighter with his signature engraved on it; a promotional item that also had a company logo in bas relief on the reverse. Why could I not have my own signature on my Hopper? I don't sign papers with Arial font! Maybe I just don't understand the distinction.
Yeah, it's just how it's currently set up.
If you read the reddit thread introducing it, it seems pretty whimsical.
A black and white jpeg with 600x200 real estate can house an amazing amount of detail.
I actually tried to prep a signature pic earlier today, I found using a mouse pretty below par, but I can do a fairly convincing signature on a touchscreen, say a phone. Rasterizing that image digitally and rendering it within the pixel space to be engraved is simple enough, but complex enough that a default option of simple text in a simple font is necessary given the computers controlling the engraver, which won't read emojis or pay royalties to the Germans.
A jpeg can be anything, and is easily the better choice, or as I like to look at it; the only choice.
And as I said before, I'm happy to help anyone pimp out their hopper, because if there's something I know about rasterizing, it's how to do it.