@Icon13 Many other forums that talk about vaporizers get really vicious and negative so I have chosen not to be a part of that type of online community. I appreciate the mods here because they dont allow bullying and being disrespectful to others. Also it's not OK to be disrespectful to the company. Your problem is between you and hopper labs. I'm sorry, it looks like you didn't have very much success with this vaporizer. You have every right to be angry.
It's OK to give info negative or positive about a vaporizer but once you've addressed an issues move on. If I don't like a particular vaporizer I lose interest and I usually don't visit that thread.
I look for good hints about vaporizing, special techniques, products and health benefits. That 's what makes FC such a great place.
The Grasshopper is a risky buy. Some folks have had great success while others have not. We will hear more about complaints because folks are pissed and want others to know. Especially if they feel they are being treated unfairly.