Thank you kind sir, twice. Now that you pointed it out, I see you did answer my question before asked. I'm going to blame a new found love for my HBMaxx dry for this if you don't mind.
to be quite honest, if I could have been bothered with the walk to the pantry to get the medical pick I have in mind to most easily remove my screen, I would have provided the pics myself before, making the answer to your query actually find-able.
So it was greatly convenient to see the images arrive after my lazy self and the forums editing time-out decided it too late to provide.
Your pics also show some of the under the hood differences from the older model shown on the last page by
These older blue heater shields, with a different (though similar) sensor.
The newer ones, as in the pics in the post above have a ceramic white heater shield and much neater soldered joins. The sensor is a blue colour on the newer units.
This really is kind of meaningless, beyond indicating changes and seemingly overall genuine improvement.
The brand new unit my friend got recently has been performing well, he says it heats up in "like 3 seconds" that it's "sensational

" and "much more convenient than the EQ". He's finally quit combustion and it's really cool enlightening him on the ways to do so without missing out at all.
Portable bong hits are a nicety that should be available without concern, and now that is a reality.
I feel the hopper is a perfect unit that offers this and more, despite it's shortfalls it's quite versatile.
The 'new unit' stories are from a brand new unit, and so the tune will change.
I lent him my dead one whilst he was waiting for the 3 weeks from purchase to get it in Aus.
That one was taking seriously a minute to turn blue, and it was a real piece of shit to get quality ABV out of. It took some technique (slow even tokes) and some time and effort.
He still enjoyed that one, but is blown away with the proper thing, and at least has some experience for when things go to shit. And a back up vape, which I don't think will ever not be needed.
But the quality has gotten better and when they're working nothing else is needed to be at a proper level.
People so often complain that vapes don't get them high but the GH rips people to shreds and their eyes don't lie.
I still think this is on another level compared to what's on the portable vaporizer market. It's the only product that's wholly designed, and it's pretty fucking impressive.
The heater doesn't heat beyond the set temp.
It's made using state of the art fabrication allowing previously unobtainable geometries generating 36mm of heating pathways into 4mm of space with it’s spiral shell design.
The energy is efficiently contained, and although it gets uncomfortably hot it conceals insane heat density and won't burn you.
It attaches to glassware directly.
It's so small.
The hits are huge.
It's extremely stealthy and can be used in public, smell and conditions permitting.
It's relatively one of the healthiest, safest vaporizers.
It has a modest price.
The only downside is that when it's not working perfectly, it's really disappointing.
When it's not working at all, it's generally infuriating.
But, because it's so small it's cheap to post, and services are free.
Going from a vape that takes a minute to heat up, to the 3 second serviced version is surreal every time.
This vape has a dreamy feature set, something that was assumed impossible.
Now it's realised with some stumbles and shortfalls, I really think it's an insanely great product that is more worthy of market share.
I feel like the new vape offerings beyond RBT and small business are lacking much needed innovation, and deserve to be overlooked or criticised (properly) and scrupulously in the name of improving off-gas selection, a la vaporisation.
But really, I know I'll be happy to continue using my hoppers for the years to come before there's anything that properly even competes with what they offer.
That post signifies their proper capability, I am glad not to be missing out on it.
Although I am missing out on getting ABV that dark from the hopper currently

It's a bit superficial, as I'm still getting even ABV and great results.
Just more hits per chamber, less chambers per battery, and dark tan colour. Dark brown ABV I prefer, and know I'll eventually be getting it with a hopper (my one that is dead now, not sure exactly it's still AWOL, was performing best and when I got it after its last service, I'll be using it over the one I have now..)
It's not needed to have two, and now the RRP is so high, it's not worth it.
But it's a good time. It's for sure worth it to get at least 1 though.
If you enjoy cannabis, it's hard not to enjoy a hopper.