You asked, my confidence just isn't there based on ALL my experiences, both old and new.
That's totally fair, but that's why I'm offering success stories, and others are chipping in too. Not to discredit you, but to simply offer the wider spectrum of experience.
the international shipping starts to add up when it's one RMA after another.... another $50 to lose your devices for another month
I guess that shipping might be more expensive for you by 2-3x, so yes that's fairer to be much more annoyed by it. In the states people are paying apparently 2-3 dollars, I pay 12-30 depending on insurance tracking etc.
I've also only had to pay post twice in over a year, so my stance is subject to change as that changes. But again, the limitation of no alternative battery stealth device will mean the GH still has a place in my line up.
I didn't want to fix my GH's? Huh? They all ended up in RMA (again), so I had enough and sold them all
No, you definitely did, you tried to get them fixed. But you gave up when it just became unfeasible, more communication with HL could have resolved the issues, but for sure it would have cost you even more time and money, which crosses the line. That is unreasonable, but is also a potential with any electronic product.
We'll see how the HL service side progresses with all the inevitable warranties. They should have enough practice by now...
But it's very disappointing that you got shafted like this, and I don't blame you for not wanting to give them any more chances. I doubt many people would, and you're not the only one already.
all the DOA's that had zero use
Well DOA is very crappy, but honestly how often have you seen it?
It seems rare to me, especially now they have changed their testing before shipping.
But, it's a possibility and has happened multiple times.
Or if it happened via warranty, making the user pay for the additional return is illegal in my country, so I would be demanding assistance from HL. But I wouldn't expect anything either as they are not under my laws. That's a serious blunder on HLs part though...
I wish that HL would put some sort of disclaimer then, because i'm really starting to see a correlation between usage and RMA here
I wish they would offer failure rates, common issues and fixes and better designed the device for cleaning, but they do disclaim quite a bit in the small print.
Ultimately, with a non-user serviceable device, extra use is of course going to mean extra servicing, which means extra money to the post man with this device.
It's unfortunate, but I can't say it hasn't been worthwhile. Quite the opposite, but that's just on my side.
This is not my first trip around the block, but my third
So, if you've purchased, what at least 6 hoppers? Wouldn't the price of the additional devices easily eclipse what you could have paid for the multiple required services from the initial hoppers you had?
Or did you break even when selling them?
If so, that's doing it pretty well, but still it's very unlucky
Small torch and an extra 40 seconds will blow away a GH. No need for stealth when you're huffing on a bong anyway?
How quickly can I pocket the Sup3 after use?
Immediately with the hopper means stealth bong hits are easy (and if not, then hitting the pen vape in front of people is very stealthy, no one bats an eye. I agree it's not as nice as bongs, but with an MFLB mouthpiece it's decent enough. With the PFE and a heady dome though, it will be great)
Anyway, I have multiple tiny bubblers, none would work with the Sup3, and I doubt I would travel around with it.
Though I need to hurry up and just get one don't I