i've never gone past 5 on it though and have never used it with any water device yet. i wait between each hit for the unit to cool down too so i don't overwork the heater. i don't know if it makes any difference but i also have one of the harder to turn temp dials.
Is it possible to go past 5?

Couldn't resist.... but thanks so much for sharing man, it's shit like this that helps. Mostly temp 3-4, no water....and i'm 5 and water only.... it just helps track some patterns as unscientific as it is.
I totally agree with all your points too man, I admit i've been over emotional at times, including the praises, however sometimes a nerve gets struck and you have to set your limits. I really hope more retailers get them and batteries don't go up in price because they don't seem to last very long (150-250 uses) compared to any battery i've ever owned in my life.
For those with the
PFE..... would any of you PREFER it not being so wide open? I had to be really mindful of keeping my draw slower, because I find the airflow to be super good with the regular front end, so i'm wondering if a narrower bore would be practical?
And also another thing I never tried testing was not grinding. HL says it can be effective, has anyone just put little budlets in the GH, and if so, what was the outcome? After a sesh would the buds be fully extracted or need breaking down, etc?
And I didn't know about the FAQ!
Often, I hear a soft ticking noise while I'm either using my Hopper or when it is on the charger. Is this normal?
Yes, the Hopper can be heard making a soft tick as it operates. The sound is due to the high-power heating element switching on-and-off to maintain accurate temperature. The ticking is normal.
Is it advisable to use the Hopper while charging?
You can use the Hopper while charging. It will not affect the performance of the device and will help to extend the battery life. Simultaneously using the Hopper and charging is great if you are also using a water piece. Now that the
Performance Front-end is released, you can securely leave your Hopper in your water pipe with the charger connected.
How long do the batteries work (hold a charge) with daily use before it's time to order more?
Hopper battery will last between 150-250 cycles depending on operating conditions. Batteries degrade on a spectrum over time. You will lose a little capacity each time until the battery becomes unusable. It is mostly up to the user to decide when they need a new battery. We have kept the battery price low from day one to encourage users to keep spares and replace worn cells. Remember that a battery's performance will suffer in colder temperatures. For more info on batteries see our full Hopper Battery post
My Front-end screen unscrewed. Is there an at home fix I can perform?
The screen in the Front-end can occasionally come loose if resin builds up. Keeping your device clean is the best way to prevent this from happening. See our
Glass Vial for a good cleaning aid. If the screen becomes loose, you may have trouble fully screwing the Front-end onto the body. Our warranty department will be more than happy to fix this for you. If you would rather not send the unit in, you might try these
tweezers suggested by other users. We cannot guarantee this will work and we strongly recommend you send in the unit if you do not feel confident fixing the problem. If the screen becomes damaged in your attempts to fix it yourself, it will void your warranty on the Front-end. Hopper Labs suggests you never intentionally remove the screen.
How to take care of the Hopper outside? Are moisture and condensation bad for my Hopper?
The Hopper is designed to accommodate an on-the-go lifestyle and does not require special precautions when outside or traveling. It is, of course, best to keep moisture out of the device and the air holes free of lint and dirt. Excessive moisture exposure could ruin the electronics, but they are resistant to most conditions short of submersion.
What’s the best grind to use for the Hopper? Fine or Coarse?
Due to the pure convection style of vaporization, the grind of your herbs is not as important as it might be with other devices. Users often report an excellent experience without grinding their herbs at all. For the best performance, we recommend a medium grind as this will increase the surface area of the material and keep material from passing through the screens. A useful tip is to not over pack the chamber. The herbs should be placed loosely inside the chamber and not firmly packed.