Discontinued The Grasshopper


Well-Known Member
@seaofgreens you are true class. Thank you. Your post should be framed IMO. Nothing but respect, and thank you for sharing. I guess I really should not be surprised, since I did have the previous generation of GH last a decently long period of time. Then again, I still think alot of issues are contingent on battery health.

I appreciate you telling it like it is....far from shilling! ;) It's pretty easy to see the posters who never ever dare say anything negative about the GH, unless it's a "fixable" negative. And if I sound negative, I will put in the time to go through everyone of my posts and quote the positive, but I think it will be too overwhelmingly positive!

Love that you have the Sv3 so you get it. And I too don't understand how people use it dry without the silicone piece, even putting lips up higher when I received the worst blister burn to my lip i've ever experienced.

Thanks again for your post :peace: I think I only have 2 people ignoring my posts now! :rofl:


Well-Known Member
Since I received my grasshopper it's been mostly sitting in it's box waiting to be re-sold.


If I go out I take the Arizer Air (No bubbler needed, battery life)

If I stay in I use the VapeXhale EVO (Power)

But today I had limited time and thought my EVO had been warming for minutes, when in reality I forgot to turn it on. :rolleyes:

The GH gave me 4 decent hits before the EVO turned green!
I am noticeably better medicated than I would be from a single EVO bowl alone...
I'm happy I finally found a good reason to hang onto it!

I might not use it often, but the GH is the best way to get medicated when every second counts :tup:


Please delete
Lot of posts here questioning the reason for buying a hopper. Before questioning or criticising anyone for buying or using the GH I think you really need to offer a viable alternative of another discreet battery powered all convection portable.
With the current market this isn't even possible therefore purchasing one or more Grasshoppers for the vapour enthusiast is in my opinion totally justifiable.
Remember the big picture here is the fight against combustion & we should be encouraging anyone on this journey regardless of their choice of method.


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Since I received my grasshopper it's been mostly sitting in it's box waiting to be re-sold.


If I go out I take the Arizer Air (No bubbler needed, battery life)

If I stay in I use the VapeXhale EVO (Power)

But today I had limited time and thought my EVO had been warming for minutes, when in reality I forgot to turn it on. :rolleyes:

The GH gave me 4 decent hits before the EVO turned green!
I am noticeably better medicated than I would be from a single EVO bowl alone...
I'm happy I finally found a good reason to hang onto it!

I might not use it often, but the GH is the best way to get medicated when every second counts :tup:
Exactly! The quick punch to the face that you get from the GH, like my EVO or other big hitters, but in seconds, is truly amazing.


Well-Known Member
You asked, my confidence just isn't there based on ALL my experiences, both old and new.
That's totally fair, but that's why I'm offering success stories, and others are chipping in too. Not to discredit you, but to simply offer the wider spectrum of experience.

the international shipping starts to add up when it's one RMA after another.... another $50 to lose your devices for another month
I guess that shipping might be more expensive for you by 2-3x, so yes that's fairer to be much more annoyed by it. In the states people are paying apparently 2-3 dollars, I pay 12-30 depending on insurance tracking etc.
I've also only had to pay post twice in over a year, so my stance is subject to change as that changes. But again, the limitation of no alternative battery stealth device will mean the GH still has a place in my line up.

I didn't want to fix my GH's? Huh? They all ended up in RMA (again), so I had enough and sold them all
No, you definitely did, you tried to get them fixed. But you gave up when it just became unfeasible, more communication with HL could have resolved the issues, but for sure it would have cost you even more time and money, which crosses the line. That is unreasonable, but is also a potential with any electronic product.
We'll see how the HL service side progresses with all the inevitable warranties. They should have enough practice by now...
But it's very disappointing that you got shafted like this, and I don't blame you for not wanting to give them any more chances. I doubt many people would, and you're not the only one already.

all the DOA's that had zero use
Well DOA is very crappy, but honestly how often have you seen it?
It seems rare to me, especially now they have changed their testing before shipping.
But, it's a possibility and has happened multiple times.
Or if it happened via warranty, making the user pay for the additional return is illegal in my country, so I would be demanding assistance from HL. But I wouldn't expect anything either as they are not under my laws. That's a serious blunder on HLs part though...

I wish that HL would put some sort of disclaimer then, because i'm really starting to see a correlation between usage and RMA here
I wish they would offer failure rates, common issues and fixes and better designed the device for cleaning, but they do disclaim quite a bit in the small print.
Ultimately, with a non-user serviceable device, extra use is of course going to mean extra servicing, which means extra money to the post man with this device.
It's unfortunate, but I can't say it hasn't been worthwhile. Quite the opposite, but that's just on my side.

This is not my first trip around the block, but my third
So, if you've purchased, what at least 6 hoppers? Wouldn't the price of the additional devices easily eclipse what you could have paid for the multiple required services from the initial hoppers you had?
Or did you break even when selling them?
If so, that's doing it pretty well, but still it's very unlucky

Small torch and an extra 40 seconds will blow away a GH. No need for stealth when you're huffing on a bong anyway?
How quickly can I pocket the Sup3 after use?

Immediately with the hopper means stealth bong hits are easy (and if not, then hitting the pen vape in front of people is very stealthy, no one bats an eye. I agree it's not as nice as bongs, but with an MFLB mouthpiece it's decent enough. With the PFE and a heady dome though, it will be great)
Anyway, I have multiple tiny bubblers, none would work with the Sup3, and I doubt I would travel around with it.
Though I need to hurry up and just get one don't I :rolleyes:
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Some delivery guys left a box on my front porch this Saturday morning. 50 grasshoppers I've counted twice, i never ordered this much wth!!
Should i let Hopper labs know or should i keep them for myself ??

Lol they sent you extras by mistake? They will probably ask you to pay to return the extras :rofl:Mine worked for one day and cost me $62 USD to ship back internationally. Sweet deal right? I get to pay a 26% fuck you tax courtesy of HL and have to wait god knows how long for them to return it. In my opinion their CS and QC sucks. I had to return it through DHL as my local postal service and two other companies refused to ship it. I think HL should stop selling this unit outside of North America until they can produce a reliable product. Its easy and cheap to return for most but not from the other side of the world. I should add I am in a highly illegal place for MJ and did not appeciate having to answer questions about this device due to the incompetence of HL.

I should also add that even though I chose Priority International Shipping the original unit took weeks to arrive. It went allround fucking Colorado and California before going to Beijing and then onto me elsewhere in Asia. I order online from the USA frequently and have never experienced this. I bet they ship it back even slower and cheaper too.

You guys might find this strange but I seriously considered throwing my unit in the trash rather than returning it for repair. I think it will die again and then I would need to reinvest again. Nah I did it this time but this will be it. Its like being behind in a casino and losing more money to try to get back to even imo. Its a bad deal. Next time I will trash it and cut my losses.

The main reason I have hung in this far is when it works the unit certainly is a beast. I think it is equally fantastic and equally craptastic. The design is completely fucking stupid imo. It is meant to be a stealth vape but gets way to hot to use without adding at least the silicone tip. It also really stinks and the vape is dense and highly visible. I loved it through glass but why use a battery operated pen at home? This thing is way to unreliable to take on a trip or out without backup.
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almost there

Well-Known Member
Some delivery guys left a box on my front porch this Saturday morning. 50 grasshoppers I've counted twice, i never ordered this much wth!!
Should i let Hopper labs know or should i keep them for myself ??
Forget HL, let me know if u want to part with a few I'm game. Just sent my hopper back for repairs yesterday, got to play with it for a whole 3 weeks. Can't say I ever got to know it, never experienced those clouds that the hopper is known for. If I at least enjoyed a honeymoon period there would be a measure of love and understanding of why I'm hanging on. As it stands I gotten the negative half of the experience without any of the benefits. I emailed HL and asked that a PFE be added to the return RMA but I didn't do that before I sent it off like the instructions stated, does anyone know if that will that be a problem?
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aint no party like a diddy party
Some delivery guys left a box on my front porch this Saturday morning. 50 grasshoppers I've counted twice, i never ordered this much wth!!
Should i let Hopper labs know or should i keep them for myself ??

Not sure about anyone else but i`d keep them, good luck getting em registered, but then again if you have fifty its pretty much a lifetime supply.Is a gift from the gods, you got a pic?

So my PFE turned up, its a thing of beauty , next level big bore action, well worth the money, got stung £14 import tax, but hey ho, i cant recommend this enough , also got the glass cleaning vial , which is pretty much just a glass vial


Well-Known Member
Sorry and just neglected to thank @MoltenTiger for his tips. I dont post very often and did mean to get back to you. I couldnt get the screen to budge and then it completely died anyway. Cheers mate ☺
Sorry that the device has not played out well for you. Rather than toss it, it might be an idea to hold on to it for a long while. After some time, it's likely production throughput can slow down and quality can go up. I assume the heater, which is basically a super-complex coil is fragile and prone to degradation. I could be wrong, but besides basic electronics there's not much that can go wrong with the device, apart from mediocre power cells.

I stumbled on this pic from an early indiegogo update, detailing the front end.
Just a theory but if the coil stops responding normally to the pulse waves powering it, then the temp sensors won't respond normally to the system, and if it's past a threshold the device will indicate the problem.
Hopefully they can improve their component quality. It will be interesting to keep track of their blog updates I guess, see how things really pan out long term


Honi soit qui mal y pense
So guys, some intersting news.

Yesterday I went to "Verdampftnochmal" with my slipping frontend. Thread of the frontend were down - not by forced use! - after 2,5 months of daily moderate use. Nobody had heard about here before when I posted this issue a few days ago.

3 months in use, charger down after using it twice, thread of frontend down after 2,5 months.
And the best, with the new frontend I get no vapour anymore beneath 4-4,5! WTF??

Does anybody knows this issue??

The guys form "Verdampftnochmal" are great. They changed the frontend ("We know the problem!") and I could screw it on the body again.
It was an interesting talk with the guys. Backpackers of the first round with thousands of bucks, official GHL retailer in Germany and are getting no batteries and replacement parts since months! GHL's last announcement of new bats was for the beginning of march. Nothing happened up to now.

I dont want to go into details of the talk but all they've told sounds outrageous!

All in all they talked to me it's by far the most unreliable vape in their large selection and CS of GHL the worst by far too.
This might answer the open question of how far representive issues are we are speaking about here on FC.

They dont know whether they'll offer Hoppers in the future - it's just to much troubles in all respects.

Would be a pitty cause they can repair a lot of defects and shipping costs overseas arent reasonable anymore.

I love my (my gf's ;-)) hopper so much if it works but damm' I'm no masochist. And we don't have to talk about behaviour and politics of communication of GHL.


Well-Known Member
@Hogni I had that issue with front end threads stripping....however, I don't see how it could possibly affect vapour output at any temperature if i'm understanding you correctly? Thanks for giving the feedback on the retailer! If HL starts losing them, they are going to start getting into even more trouble IMO.


Honi soit qui mal y pense
The damaged frontend worked as usual. But yesterday evening I've tried the hopper with new FE with two different, very well milking strains with described results - don't know...

EDIT: BTW Yesterday I went also to "Klaus der Gärtner" Growshop in Berlin. Actually they've three coloured ti hopper for 238 € each!
A bronze, a purple and a light grey.
Price is a steal for european customers!
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Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Forget HL, let me know if u want to part with a few I'm game. Just sent my hopper back for repairs yesterday, got to play with it for a whole 3 weeks. Can't say I ever got to know it, never experienced those clouds that the hopper is known for. If I at least enjoyed a honeymoon period there would be a measure of love and understanding of why I'm hanging on. As it stands I gotten the negative half of the experience without any of the benefits. I emailed HL and asked that a PFE be added to the return RMA but I didn't do that before I sent it off like the instructions stated, does anyone know if that will that be a problem?
You should be fine unless your unit ships back to you before they get to your e-mail ...


Well-Known Member
Interesting pic @MoltenTiger, I hadn't seen that before.

I'd love to see the current iteration.
Still no teardown pics of a production unit?
Here's the update associated with that pic

It's effectively the current iteration, the only changes have been made to the PCB, which is floating above the intake holes once fully assembled (hence the ability to IPA soak up to the gills, though HL retracted that cleaning recommendation due to the thermal shock induced if not left for long enough to evap after cleaning, I guess)
The bottom threads in that pic are the MP threads, the heater is nested inside the tube.
I'd bet that it's the heater that is causing most of the issues.

The manufacturing capacity of the heater nearly cost the project, and so I guess the process still has little quality control as every printed item needs to go to a device which is pre-sold, getting to orders faster but stressing their warranty department. They've batch tested the other components to streamline and optimise the production, but the heater is made with state of the art tech and is slow production.

I know AusVapes is also left in the dark with the hoppers (unsure they backed them though), without stock of anything since their first order.
But, HL have only just caught up to orders, nearly, and the WPA is only just out, not even the SS case is out. These guys have been stressed for cash this whole time, it'll be interesting to see how the year plays out for them


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
The damaged frontend worked as usual. But yesterday evening I've tried the hopper with new FE with two different, very well milking strains with described results - don't know...
This could simply be your hopper behaving erratically. My Ti one has done this for weeks. I've figured out loosening the back end and rotating the dial half a dozen times and re-tightening usually fixes the issue for a few sessions before needing to be repeated. Sometimes if nothing is done it just sporadically works and doesn't work though.

So I would say good chance you got lucky with the broken FE the first time, and then unlucky for the back-to-back sessions the second time with the new FE

Just a hypothesis ... all we got with the Hopper! :lol:


Honi soit qui mal y pense
Thanks for your reply! I'll try it in the evening. First I have to work in the garden. Such a nice and sunny springday in Berlin (22°C!)
Crying for a beer or wine and a hopper sesh on my patio at the lake :)

I''m glad to see that GHL's stock is filled up for delivering in time to regular customers but I really can't understand their politics why they are fucking their retailers - and so Hopper customers of those too - at least in Germany and AUS.

If a nice german member of FC wouldn't have send me some of his new bats I would still sit here with one bat since Dec! Thanks again, @vapen00b - will not forget this! :tup:
A good example how well this community is working

Edit: Sorry for back to back post!
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Well-Known Member
I''m glad to see that GHL's stock is filled up for delivering in time to regular customers but I really can't understand their politics why they are fucking their retailers - and so Hopper customers of those too - at least in Germany and AUS.

If a nice german member of FC wouldn't have send me some of his new bats I would still sit here with one bat since Dec! Thanks again, @vapen00b - will not forget this! :tup:
A good example how well this community is working

Edit: Sorry for back to back post!

I am also from europe and it was/is cheaper to order batteries from HL for me... if I order 3 batteries it makes roughly 21 euro and I have not to pay taxes/customs if my order without shipping costs is under 25 euro... I do not have to pay taxes/customs. so 3 batteries =21 dollars plus 17 doloars shipping is 38 dollars. if I would order from say verdampftnochmal it would cost 14euro per battery.... 3 batteris is 42 euro without shipping costs ( I am not from germany)...
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