Discontinued The Grasshopper


It's an obsession but it's pleasin'
Maybe I'm just worn down from other stuff that's happening with me right now, but I must admit that the recent spate of warranty issues and talk of battery problems and need for thread-cleaning have left me with a real crisis of confidence. (Interestingly, the shipping delays and communications weaknesses don't present a problem for me. :shrug:) I've actually caught myself considering whether I should cancel my order! :o

I'll probably feel better after some sleep.:zzz:


Well-Known Member
I'm starting to believe that the reasons for failing hoppers are somewhat inherent to the design. I suspect problems are coming from the way the circuit goes through the body of the vape, especially the threads. The fact that many people "fix" their hoppers by simply cleaning the threads or cleaning the crack in the backend just really make me doubt the durability of the device and if even "good" hoppers are likely to fail eventually.

Then there's the business with these batteries likely being overburdened and many reports of them having super short lifespans.

All that combined with finding out the electronics aren't isolated from the airpath are starting to make me really uncomfortable using this thing.

It's a shame because the heater tech is fantastic, and the design is sleek and sexy. It's an impressive device when it works, but I'm just starting to have my doubts. Considering selling or returning mine before I'm plagued with problems. I have plenty of other great vapes that are reliable.

Sorry to be all doom and gloom but after a year of waiting I don't really feel like this one lived up to the hype. I don't even use it that often and now I feel I will use it even less as I'm kind of uncomfortable with it.

On a lighter note I really would like to see grasshopper take their heater design and make a 510 adapter version. No more problems with the fancy circuit, completely isolated form the electronics, and as stealthy as can be because at that point it looks exactly like an ecig mod box. That would definitely get me excited about this device again.

As it is, it's a powerful little thing but I just find it hard to trust.


taste buds
Maybe I'm just worn down from other stuff that's happening with me right now, but I must admit that the recent spate of warranty issues and talk of battery problems and need for thread-cleaning have left me with a real crisis of confidence. (Interestingly, the shipping delays and communications weaknesses don't present a problem for me. :shrug:) I've actually caught myself considering whether I should cancel my order! :o

I'll probably feel better after some sleep.:zzz:
I would like to say stick in there. I noticed this kind of talk comes in cycles in this thread, especially the warranty concerns.

I cleaned the backend threads twice and I thought it was a waste of time both times. The front threads I cleaned once in three months, because it felt rough, it took less than 5 minutes.

My general cleaning schedule is once a month I clean the mouthpiece and chamber with iso. I don't remove the mouthpiece screen, just soak it in iso and use a pipe cleaner to go in through the tip and reach around.

I find it a very low maintenance vape. The reliability is definitely an issue, it's a big part of the reason I have two. It's not the only reason though, it really is such a good vape I would want two anyways. Hell, if it had rock solid reliability I might want three of them lol.

The lifetime warranty is just enough to ease my concerns about reliability.

As for the battery talk I think it's being blown out of proportion a bit. i recently did a back to back test with new batteries in two different hoppers and had virtually identical performance, finishing up the batteries using both hoppers simultaneously with a y-adapter and they died within 2 seconds of each other.

I honestly feel weird being so positive, as I'm not as in love with this vape as others, but it's what I've experienced. Maybe I'm just lucky.

I have no complaints about maintenance, vapor quality, heat up time, or efficiency, and the battery is acceptable to me, although more battery life is always better.

Yes, it does get hot, but the fact I can use it native with a heater producing 374°F air an inch away from my mouth is pretty amazing in its own right.
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Serial Vapist
This scenario is what I'm referring to. Mostly a battery fails while being charged, but imagine it would vent while being discharged... I would definitely prefer not to draw at the same time, exploding or not...

No, you are not understanding. They do not vent during regular use. It is a safety mechanism in case the battery fails and swells due to defect or overcharging. Most modern chargers use a negative delta V cut off system to prevent overcharging. But if the cut off fails you will be glad those vents are there or else that battery will explode for sure. With the vents it may swell, but hopefully not explode. Technically, it could burn your home down.

If your GH battery swells due to defect I am sure you will notice it immediately and I doubt the battery will continue to function. If it does function, you will be glad those vents were there because you will most definitely notice on the next battery change. It beats having a firecracker in your mouth.


Well-Known Member
No, you are not understanding. They do not vent during regular use. It is a safety mechanism in case the battery fails and swells due to defect or overcharging. Most modern chargers use a negative delta V cut off system to prevent overcharging. But if the cut off fails you will be glad those vents are there or else that battery will explode for sure. With the vents it may swell, but hopefully not explode. Technically, it could burn your home down.

If your GH battery swells due to defect I am sure you will notice it immediately and I doubt the battery will continue to function. If it does function, you will be glad those vents were there because you will most definitely notice on the next battery change. It beats having a firecracker in your mouth.

Thank you for clearing this up. I think I got it now. ;)


Somewhere North of The Wall
Despite the GH in my Sig. I ended up cancelling my order some time ago... Just curious, is there anybody that has not had to get a replacement? Or is it pretty much a given that every few weeks or so, you're going to have to send it in?
Despite my unit working perfectly (so far), and the rear end remaining perfectly cool unless GH is pushed hard for multiple hits, it has failed to become my favourite vape.
Don't get me wrong, I think it's a VERY good vape, I'm just lucky enough to have others which are better (IMO).

I must admit that it's very easy to operate, is the best herb unit for stealth that I know of and is capable of HUGE hits.
I used mine in a cinema without alerting the person I was with, so I consider it VERY stealthy.
And unlike one of my other favourite vapes (butane), I can use the GH in very strong winds, so it does excel in some areas.
Since I'm more of a vape at home kinda guy, who doesn't particularly need uber stealth on those occasions I do vape in public (and when I do my e-cig rig is even stealthier), I'm wrestling with the decision to sell or not.

Having waited a year for the damn thing I'm loathe to give it up :shrug:

One of my gripes with the GH is that loading is less convenient than both my top tier electric and butane vapes.
That may be made easier by the device which @Kfirrer has very kindly sent me (pre-production unit) to assess:

As soon as I've received, and used it for a while I'll post my thoughts.
Kfirrers video makes it look pretty convenient though.


Well-Known Member
R.I.P my second replacement. I'm getting flashing red/blue lights as soon as I turn the device on. Submited my third warranty request today.
I'm a bit angry that you are having such a rough run, seeing as I can thank you (and your reddit 'Vapefiend restocked' post) for the duration I've had a hopper!
I hope you have better luck with round 3 :(


I did have problems with my original hopper, but my newer pre-order and the 2 that came with it are better quality.
I abused my original GH too, not only did I rarely turn it off mid-drag, I would leave it on, exhale within 18 seconds and then hit the bong again. It got so hot on occasion, it was almost too hot to hold (all over).
I wouldn't recommend doing this, though I'm unsure if it was the reason my unit failed, it's just unnecessary and very likely a stupid thing to do considering the battery. (although I took the battery out a couple of times, and it wasn't shockingly hot. Definitely warm, but nothing concerning). I don't think my replacement or new unit have ever gotten nearly as hot as the original, it's likely the failed sensor enabled most of the heat, who knows.


@Copacetic Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on that contraption!
I think that is a pretty great solution, personally I have no difficulty pinch-loading over my grinder/chop-bowl, but that design would be a great enhancement for those with MS or any condition (including preference) that affects fine-motor control. Compared to the EQ the hopper is a hassle to load, it would be one of the more difficult vapes to fill I'd guess.
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Old & In the Way
Maybe I'm just worn down from other stuff that's happening with me right now, but I must admit that the recent spate of warranty issues and talk of battery problems and need for thread-cleaning have left me with a real crisis of confidence. (Interestingly, the shipping delays and communications weaknesses don't present a problem for me. :shrug:) I've actually caught myself considering whether I should cancel my order! :o

I'll probably feel better after some sleep.:zzz:
I think it's just an approach/avoidance syndrome. As the readiness date approaches, apprehension increases. :huh:

My two recent warranty experiences (2 different hoppers) have gone very smoothly. I missed not having at least one working hopper around, even with Mighty and Pax 2 on hand.
And when Ti was made whole yesterday, some very pleasant vaping ensued; honeymoon picked up right where it left off.

I'm suggesting that you, given your wait and apparent curiosity to this point, hang in there. Sounds like Sept. may be your month.
"Spate of warranty issues", I know we see them here, though I'm feeling a little guilty, since I've tried to communicate here about my two recent issues, I may have posted tmi or just too many little updates.

I see here a lot of talk and information about batteries and their safety, but very, very few hard facts or substantiated failures or venting experiences specifically with Hopper.

I see here many many instances of what I'll call "superstitious behavior". Things like, "My hopper had flashing lights so I spun it 'round three times, whistled a short phrase from an Irish fiddle tune and replaced the battery. It worked!!!!!! Who knew whistling could be so effective!"
All the anecdotes (not that I question voracity, just some of the conclusions) are just that; stories without true substantiation in verifiable, repeatable fact (aka science). All of this can make the nay-sayers roil like Trump supporters at a rally.

Yeah, okay, I'm one of the fools on the ride! My perspective is that the money spent is really, really little compared to so many other things, it's been a nice sideshow and hobby following the Hopper Trail.

I know @moondog is aware, but I want to mention again that there is a thread for Grasshopper Warranty discussion. Even with all the perceived issues, that thread has not really lit up. Maybe it got a poor start, but I do think it's worth maintaining;
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It's an obsession but it's pleasin'
One of my gripes with the GH is that loading is less convenient than both my top tier electric and butane vapes.
That may be made easier by the device which @Kfirrer has very kindly sent me (pre-production unit) to assess:
As soon as I've received, and used it for a while I'll post my thoughts.
Kfirrers video makes it look pretty convenient though.

I would probably choose Ratchett's funnel over this for home use, but I could see its value for reloading while out and about. But as dedicated hopperists believe, smaller is better, so I wonder if the unit is currently too large for convenient mobile use.

I appreciate everyone's responses to my faltering faith post of last night. I'm with you Vapviking, it's a fun ride/hobby and I don't really think I'll be canceling, but the latest brouhaha about the airpath running through the battery compartment/electronics is what gives me the greatest pause at this point.


Well-Known Member
I cleaned the backend threads twice and I thought it was a waste of time both times. The front threads I cleaned once in three months, because it felt rough, it took less than 5 minutes.
That's surprising for me. You really have to clean it between the tiny threads to really notice it. My back end does get pretty hot and before my last cleaning my battery barely last one bowl* (I'm still verifying the results of my last threads clean-up). If your GH and other GH have their threads clean and not the threads of those with the back end heat issue (high heat, hard to the touch, not just a bit warm), it could be the source of the back end high heat problem.

My new GH felt pretty hot on the back end right out of the box, the first few days, more so at 4-5 when the blue lights are blinking. So I cleaned it and at that time I noticed a black substance in the threads. I don't know the source of it but maybe it's ink from the battery label or a by-product from the manufacturing process. As this part of the GH doesn't touch anything else. It was already discussed in this thread I think.

Last night I did a more thorough cleaning with a special alum cleaning solution. There was still the ink like black substance in the threads. I'm still experimenting to see the results, on the back end and battery life. So far so good especially with the nitecore battery. The battery now seem to last longer with less heat.

I'm not sure, but it seems to me the new battery charged with the nitecore charger (I always use low current by holding the button), generate less back-end heat. It's still warm or pretty warm when the blue lights are blinking at 4-5. I need more bowls to be sure. Also the first, time I used this new battery I kept in reserve, I didn't notice the back end heat, even at 4-5. So it's possible newly opened stock batteries generate less back end heat but right after a first or second recharge (especially with the stock charger), they generate more heat.

Overall, I'm enjoying my experience with the hopper. I can get really ripped with the hopper. Since you can draw as hard as you want and it's full convection with a 5 sec heat up time. It's almost the perfect portable vaporizer. While I try to reduce the heat on my back end to make my hopper better and make the battery last longer, I'm still enjoying using it. I just place my fingers in the middle while I toke. While the hopper is almost perfect as a portable vaporizer, I have more trouble using it as a portable home unit since the battery last only one bowl. I would certainly buy a power adapter like the MFLB (if it would be below 100$), because it's quite fun using the hopper at home. I also used the E-Nano and sometime I have access to the LSV and they are much more consistent for me to produce cloud after cloud of vapor with low quantity of herb.

I have fun trying to turn the GH as a unit as efficient as those 2 desktop vaporizers. It's still very impressed with the unit with the 5 sec heat up time, the convection. The power of it is incredible. The size and the built. I can get one or two large cloud out of any bowl at temp 4-5, easily. Maybe more. What I try to do for fun is spreading my load over many tokes and still get dense cloud as it does with the E-Nano (a desktop unit). At the moment, I'm still temp stepping from 3.2 to 4.5. Sometime in one step from 3.2 to 4.5, it varies a lot because I'm trying to find the perfect combination. But this is all for fun (i'm trying to use my gh as a desktop, spreading my load over many tokes), my hopper can easily get me to an [8] or [9]. It just does it differently. Each vape have their own vaping signature. I also have the MFLB which has a completely different vaping signature.

edit:I mean about 8 draws, 10-20 seconds per draw (bowls last shorter or longer depending on the temperature used, etc)
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taste buds
@vapviking I can definitely be guilty of superstitious behavior. I still haven't used the USB charger with my Grasshopper. For some reason I just don't trust it.

Correlation does not equate to causation, but my strategy seems to be working out so far.

@WoodyWeedPecker the first time I cleaned my backend threads there was a bunch of black gunk. I think it was probably some sort of conductive grease put there intentionally. My performance didn't improve afterwards. If anything it seemed to slightly decrease but that was probably in my head. Granted, I wasn't having problems to begin with.

I cleaned the backend threads a month later and there was virtually no residue. I cleaned thoroughly and really got in the threads. I wasn't having problems this time either and saw no change in performance.

I'm not doubting that cleaning the threads can help if you have issues. I just haven't had issues so it seems like a waste of time to me.

I recall seeing speculation recently that in some cases the residue is black gunk from labeled batteries. After my second cleaning I labeled my batteries with a Sharpie. I noticed the labeling wore off fairly quick. I reapplied it a few times, but I don't label my batteries anymore.

Perhaps it's time for another cleaning of the backend threads, it's been about a month. If it's dirtier than last time there's a good chance it's the ink causing the gunk, at least in my case.


Well-Known Member
The fact that many people "fix" their hoppers by simply cleaning the threads or cleaning the crack in the backend just really make me doubt the durability of the device and if even "good" hoppers are likely to fail eventually.

I've yet to do this backend cleaning in the crack between the temp dial and backend... what do you use? Dental floss? Unwaxed, I presume?

... but the latest brouhaha about the airpath running through the battery compartment/electronics is what gives me the greatest pause at this point.

Moon, I respect your concern about this, but what is more worth worrying about is the idea that the air holes could get so clogged in the first place. And even if they could, the draw restriction would be so great, that THAT should give one more pause than to ignore that restriction and just keep powering through the difficult draw. As an aside, I don't know how those air holes could ever get so clogged without the user putting his mouth over the air holes to draw.

My new GH felt pretty hot on the back end right out of the box, the first few days, more so at 4-5 when the blue lights are blinking. So I cleaned it and at that time I noticed a black substance in the threads. I don't know the source of it but maybe it's ink from the battery label or a by-product from the manufacturing process. As this part of the GH doesn't touch anything else. It was already discussed in this thread I think.

It's oxidation. The black shit is oxidation. Battery ink does not seep into threads.

BadDog No

Well-Known Member
JoeMama wrote:

It's oxidation. The black shit is oxidation. Battery ink does not seep into threads.

Yeah that's what I thought it was from reading a post a while back. Think it was identified as titanium oxide. Of course if some are getting black gunk on the SS, then I don't have a clue (an all too common condition unfortunately :\).


Old & In the Way
JoeMama wrote:

It's oxidation. The black shit is oxidation. Battery ink does not seep into threads.

Yeah that's what I thought it was from reading a post a while back. Think it was identified as titanium oxide. Of course if some are getting black gunk on the SS, then I don't have a clue (an all too common condition unfortunately :\).

Hey! The post a while back about oxidation was also @JoeMama if I recall correctly, after his having spoken with an expert in the field.

I'm thinking that SS might also oxidize.

I wonder whether the rate of oxidation of either, but especially the Ti, is really rapid enough so as to be a constant maintainence issue, by constant I mean more than once in many months. Or is there possibly more shit developing due to interaction of Ti with other materials in the back end? Or just wear? So, I wipe threads off with a cloth and sometimes a swab with iso as part of mouthpiece or chamber cleaning. Slight amounts of grey material on the cloth or swab (from threads, not chamber), glad it's gone, move on...so far.

This reminds me of one of my continual questions. Maybe someone knows why the clip ring and clip itself must be SS and not merely the same material as whatever the body/mouthpiece are? It particularly detracts from visual appeal, imo.
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Every single bowl I've vaped with the replacement Hopper I was sent has had VERY early dead battery lights. Still over 4 volts and flashing. Caroline is trying to claim she can't reproduce it at all, and also isn't willing to make my front end match my body that she sent. It matched originally.

I couldn't be more disappointed in Hopper Labs.

Caroline said:
Hi There,

i just cycled 3 Batteries in your Hopper and each time, it turned red, heated up, turned blue, I took a long draw, and I turned the device off. I did this 10 times for each Battery and it is working properly.

The Front End being slightly off set is also within the acceptable tolerance. There is nothing we can do to fix this. If you would like to purchase a new Front End, I can find one that may fit your Body a bit better. Let me know how you want to proceed.
Skywalker OG,
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Well-Known Member
One of my gripes with the GH is that loading is less convenient than both my top tier electric and butane vapes.
Tried using a doobtube? The cap fits snugly onto the Hopper chamber so you can shift some herb into the cap then attach to and up-end the vape and it all falls neatly into place. Was posted by here a while back and it is now the primary way I load mine now.


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking that SS might also oxidize.

SS most certainly oxides. Most things do. Even chrome oxidizes...it rusts...but it only rusts a single molecule thick so its transparent and seals the rest of the metal from exposure to air.

If you have ever worn a SS watch and band and found black crap on your wrist after a long hot sweaty day wearing it, that's oxidized SS.



taste buds
If you have ever worn a SS watch and band and found black crap on your wrist after a long hot sweaty day wearing it, that's oxidized SS.
It's funny you mention that, that happens to me all the time at work with my Ti watch. I always wondered where the "dirt" came from. It happens less frequently with my SS watch but I rarely work up a sweat while wearing that one.

Interesting info about chrome too.

All of my previous statements I made about backend threads were relating to my SS Grasshopper. My Ti is just barely a week old, so I may do some similar testing to see if the backend threads get oxidized more quickly.


Vapor War Team Cap
guys, finally my titanium grasshopper arrive to destination and i want to know how to do a burn in...
it turn off after a couple of second of not-hitting, so how can i do a classic burn in like the solo?
i tried with max temp and many on and off but i don't if this is enough...
thanks in advance and sorry for my english.


Old & In the Way
guys, finally my titanium grasshopper arrive to destination and i want to know how to do a burn in...
it turn off after a couple of second of not-hitting, so how can i do a classic burn in like the solo?
i tried with max temp and many on and off but i don't if this is enough...
thanks in advance and sorry for my english.
This is also all I did with new hoppers. Turn on at max temp, wait until it cycles off, remove mouthpiece and blow gently to clear. Repeat several times. There was a very faint smell on the most recent one, but it went away immediately.


taste buds
I've bean meaning to post about something I noticed with my new titanium Grasshopper's backend. Besides it being smoother, there are now little dots in each notch of the temp dial. I can't tell if it's painted or just machined deeper than the rest of the notch. I'm wondering if this is a new change to the backends, or if it is unique to the Ti vs. SS.

One week old Ti on left, twelve week old SS on the right:



Well-Known Member
I've bean meaning to post about something I noticed with my new titanium Grasshopper's backend. Besides it being smoother, there are now little dots in each notch of the temp dial. I can't tell if it's painted or just machined deeper than the rest of the notch. I'm wondering if this is a new change to the backends, or if it is unique to the Ti vs. SS.

One week old Ti on left, twelve week old SS on the right:

My green ti has the lined notches, got it back in...June, I think
PSA: Hopper Labs will send out parts that don't match then make you buy replacements if you want them to match.

Caroline said:
In regards to the Front End, I did not have your Hopper here when I told
you I would ensure your parts fit together. Having your Hopper here now,
I can see that your parts are well within the acceptable range of
variance. You can purchase another Front End and I will do my best to
find one that has a smaller variance. This is up to you.

I will let you know what is determined once I re-test your Hopper.

Caroline is also now trying to suggest that my certified real Nitecore D4 is killing my batteries. I must be really special since just about EVERYONE who has a grasshopper has a Nitecore.

Caroline said:
Hi There,

I believe the issues lies within your Batteries. Your device is fully operational. Your Charger is likely charging your Batteries with a very high voltage and this is likely causing your Hopper Batteries to fail. We DO NOT recommend using any other Charger than what we provide for this reason exactly.

We have two options:

1. I can send your device back with the Battery I have now and you can see that it is fully operational with our Battery.
2. You can return your Batteries for testing and I can ensure the Batteries are failing and then you can purchase new Batteries.

Let me know how you want to proceed.

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Skywalker OG,


Well-Known Member
1. I can send your device back with the Battery I have now and you can see that it is fully operational with our Battery.
2. You can return your Batteries for testing and I can ensure the Batteries are failing and then you can purchase new Batteries.

Well, at least she's giving you the opportunity to verify what they are saying by sending your other batteries back and let them test them for you. As much as I don't like some of their decisions and choices, I don't think they are scamming you to send in your batteries just to sell you...what, $28 in batteries?

I certainly don't know the full story, but what do you have to loose by sending them in for test....unless you think they are just going to lie to you?

I don't have no dog in this so please just take this with a grain of salt.

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