Discontinued The Grasshopper


It's an obsession but it's pleasin'
Do the lights have to be at the air vents?
I think one of the "bragging points" is that there are no wires in the thing. The LEDs are probably attached to the circuit board/heater assembly or something. If they were down at the end, that would require wiring of some kind? (I know I'm talking out my ass. Just guessing here.)


Well-Known Member
The hopper pairs very well with the orbiter! I love it, specially with the smaller whip.

Edit: https://gfycat.com/GleamingUnsteadyCirriped

Is it just me that thinks its a bit cruel to blow vap all over the cat? It clearly did not like it. Just when I thought here is a cat lover with a content cat at his side then he gets blasted out of the room. Lucky my wife didn`t see it, you would be on her cruel to animals list.


Serial Vapist
Is it just me that thinks its a bit cruel to blow vap all over the cat? It clearly did not like it. Just when I thought here is a cat lover with a content cat at his side then he gets blasted out of the room. Lucky my wife didn`t see it, you would be on her cruel to animals list.

I couldn't keep my cat out of the room when I was vapeing. He would scratch at the door to come in, then he would sit on the arm of my plush chair waiting for me to blow hits at him. Seriously, he loved it. Then he would get on the bed and just roll around for an hour and take a nap. But, he always wanted in. RIP, Smokey :(


Well-Known Member
Honestly reading about these battery problems just makes me more interested in an e-cig style grasshopper.

It would likely be an easier and cheaper design to produce, just use the same heater tech for a 510-threaded vaporizer. Then you can stick it on any boxmod and boom, bigger, more reliable batteries and just as, if not more stealthy.

The grasshopper in use stands out with a pen look as opposed to a pen vape. A box mod look blends into the public a lot more imo.


It's an obsession but it's pleasin'
Is it just me that thinks its a bit cruel to blow vap all over the cat? It clearly did not like it. Just when I thought here is a cat lover with a content cat at his side then he gets blasted out of the room. Lucky my wife didn`t see it, you would be on her cruel to animals list.
I would say it's only cruel (maybe not cruel, but more like inconsiderate or annoying) if you already knew the cat didn't like the smoke. Otherwise, it's a matter of everyone involved having learned something new and it happened to be captured on video for all the world to see. It would have been classic to see the cat knock the Orbiter over as it bolted. What we in teaching used to call "natural consequences."

The thing about cats is, if they don't like something they'll just up and leave. And that guy looks like someone who don't take no guff. Dogs, on the other hand, stick around and take whatever mild "abuse" (bothering? annoyances?) come their way just to be close to the humans. (Yes, I've lived with both. Grew up with a dog and have lived with cats for the past 30 or so years.)

Anyway, just to stay on topic: I will never let my cat touch my GH.


Well-Known Member
I thought in the last update they alluded to reading the forums and social media and that's why we are now able to buy separate mouthpiece assemblies and why there's a new silicone mouthpiece cover on the way.

They did say that, yes... I could be misremembering things, but other than the silicon piece, I never recall people talking about losing a mouthpiece - not that having spares isn't a great idea!
Maybe they are listening. It'd be nice if they introduced themselves.

I think one of the "bragging points" is that there are no wires in the thing. The LEDs are probably attached to the circuit board/heater assembly or something. If they were down at the end, that would require wiring of some kind? (I know I'm talking out my ass. Just guessing here.)

I believe you're correct... It looks like the entire works are on a PCB that probably fits onto the heater's cool side like a Lego micro-module. And that module would sit just under the chamber. The lights are just at the point below the chamber bottom, and the light holes are also the air intake. You can obstruct the airflow if you block them, so that's how I came to that brilliant insight. :)
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Well-Known Member
I assure you I wasn't laughing at your speculation; just near it. :)

You've made good points that certainly we all can agree on; a mediocre safe battery is way better than a powerhouse that can blow your nose off. And $7 isn't a bad deal, even at 10 batteries per year.

5.5 chambers! Full chambers!? Is that the case with any of your batteries? It's Friday, so there's no reason you can't bake out to determine this very important detail :haw:

The most I've been able to achieve seems to be 3 chambers with decent depletion of material, using a "full" chamber of about 00.8g fluff - and lately seemingly very nice output. And I know I've said it before but even I keep forgetting, but... unless the herb is utterly dry, it doesn't satisfy my cloud expectations. If I spread a fresh grind out and leave it overnight (or longer), it seems to be the best way to enjoy my hopper.
Haha, either or is fine with me :D
On the batteries, judgements aside, I guess their tested capacity is disappointing (a very common trait for any battery esp. mixed bin lots), but the fact that you can still get multiple high quality vapour hits off even the worst ones at something like 500mAh, is a good sign for the future potential of the hoppers tech.

Anyway, in order to get 5.5 chambers, I was using a big seed of life tube, massive fast hits for as long as possible.
3 of the chambers I spent in a single hit. There would have been a tiny bit of vapour left in it potentially, but it would have tasted below-par and would have been super whispy (I was toking long enough to outlast the hyper-density production from the hopper). The AVB was dark, but not as dark as it could have been (which can be near black). I have a shit load of bud atm, so I don't bother cooking to that level unless I'm using a nice strain from my smaller stash.
The bud I was using at the time isn't A+ quality, the battery I was using was possibly newer than my others.
I feel like not all of my batteries could perform this well, but I'll work through them trying.

I don't have scales, I would imagine I was using a fair amount less than 0.8g per chamber, I would have ground up at max 2g but who knows, it filled my grinder. I just brim the hopper without compacting when loading.


I cleaned up the EQ today, first time using it in a while. It sucks compared to the GH. The flavour is incomparable, the EQ is almost tasteless relatively. The production of vapour from the GH at 170°C(T3) is much more impressive than my DDave'd EQ at 222°C! With the hopper at 210°C it is on a completely different level. The fact it is portable at all is simply awesome.

I'm not going to film me cooking a bunch of chambers haha, but here's my new instagram with some hopper pics. Shows the SoL in action, just imagine that times 5 with a real quick .5 to follow.


Well-Known Member
I couldn't keep my cat out of the room when I was vapeing. He would scratch at the door to come in, then he would sit on the arm of my plush chair waiting for me to blow hits at him. Seriously, he loved it. Then he would get on the bed and just roll around for an hour and take a nap. But, he always wanted in. RIP, Smokey :(
Fair enough cats do have a mind of there own and tend to rule the house. RIP smokey


Well-Known Member
My new GH body just came in the mail! Nice customer service, the part got send 10min after filling the warranty form. However the screen has a small crack probably won't hinder it's function but on long term it might be a problem. So since I have the broke body laying around, is there a way to change the screens? Am I allowed to do so?


Old & In the Way
Is it just me that thinks its a bit cruel to blow vap all over the cat? It clearly did not like it. Just when I thought here is a cat lover with a content cat at his side then he gets blasted out of the room. Lucky my wife didn`t see it, you would be on her cruel to animals list.
Our two cats used to immediately (like, as the joint was being lit) leave the room when we combusted herb (they were marginally more tolerant of cigarette smoke). But 'second hand vape' of herb rarely bothers either of them, as long as it's not right in the face like this cat got! If one is sitting on a window sill, I can blow strong vape right past her out the window, no problem. It's just mellower for everyone involved!

Mr. Me2

Well-Known Member
My new GH body just came in the mail! Nice customer service, the part got send 10min after filling the warranty form. However the screen has a small crack probably won't hinder it's function but on long term it might be a problem. So since I have the broke body laying around, is there a way to change the screens? Am I allowed to do so?
The tech guys here can opine on the ability to change that screen.

Why not email Caroline and ask if you're "allowed"? I expect they will either say leave it and use it until/if it fails, or send it back for a replacement body. Why risk voiding a lifetime warranty?


Well-Known Member
The tech guys here can opine on the ability to change that screen.

Why not email Caroline and ask if you're "allowed"? I expect they will either say leave it and use it until/if it fails, or send it back for a replacement body. Why risk voiding a lifetime warranty?

They seem so busy. However the problem is solved, it seems like it's just a little bit bent but not cracked. Won't be a problem. So happy to have it back I won't risk something :)
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Sent my hopper in for the 4th time on a re-opened warranty request because it was doing the same thing as it did a few months ago.

The issue is (and was) that more often than not when trying to use the Grasshopper it will give dead battery lights no matter what the battery level. Last time they tested my hopper and said the body needed to be shortened so it made a better connection. This time they're saying they can't find anything wrong with it because I assume they put in a single battery and it worked once or twice. This is incredibly frustrating.

Edit: This is a different body than the one previously shortened.
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Skywalker OG,


Well-Known Member
Happy to say that my returned Raw Ti unit that I suspected of a hot back end has been confirmed as such. New backend on the way with my returned unit.

FYI, I didn't know I should have sent my battery in with the hopper for the warranty; Caroline messaged me pointing that out. So I guess that's the expectation for anyone about to send in a whole unit for repair.

Last time they tested my hopper and said the body needed to be shortened so it made a better connection.

Whaa?!? I'm sorry you're having this happening.

I just can't even fathom, given the most likely mode of production being automatic CNC machines and things like body length being part of a controlled process, how this can happen.
If even a few mils causes unacceptable operation, then that adds a data point to the unexpressed question I've had about how that inside center contact might or might not "give" as the backend is tightened down. No "bounce" on the contact (like the 'give' on a charger's positive terminal contact). And yet another reason to heed the post a long time ago someone made that one should not let the battery "slip down" into its compartment to land on the inside contact with a thud, but to slip it in sideways. I just have the feeling that shit is delicate in there.

Mr. Me2

Well-Known Member
Happy to say that my returned Raw Ti unit that I suspected of a hot back end has been confirmed as such. New backend on the way with my returned unit.

FYI, I didn't know I should have sent my battery in with the hopper for the warranty; Caroline messaged me pointing that out. So I guess that's the expectation for anyone about to send in a whole unit for repair.

Whaa?!? I'm sorry you're having this happening.

I just can't even fathom, given the most likely mode of production being automatic CNC machines and things like body length being part of a controlled process, how this can happen.
If even a few mils causes unacceptable operation, then that adds a data point to the unexpressed question I've had about how that inside center contact might or might not "give" as the backend is tightened down. No "bounce" on the contact (like the 'give' on a charger's positive terminal contact). And yet another reason to heed the post a long time ago someone made that one should not let the battery "slip down" into its compartment to land on the inside contact with a thud, but to slip it in sideways. I just have the feeling that shit is delicate in there.
Resource worthy? It's good info for me!


Well-Known Member
Resource worthy? It's good info for me!
Let us hope we have to use warranty service as near to never as possible!

Seriously, are there grasshopper users that are not on any forums? The Resource Thread is an Essential... like much of this forum, it's' required reading for anyone thinking about buying one.

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Well-Known Member
Gotta take a break from weed for an unknown length of time. Kinda sucks packing away my GH and 5 batteries. It has been working but I've had a few hot backend issues and a lot of flicking blue lights. I'm constantly having to unscrew rescrew to stop the flickering. I've found while in use if I apply force or try to bend the too of the unit I can get solid lights.

Anyway I tried my best to kill this thing before it got stored away and I was unsuccessful. Until next time folks...


Old & In the Way
Resource worthy? It's good info for me!
When I was asked to return my Hopper, it was by email, which gave me a link to the service interface for further instruction. It was clearly stated there that the Hopper, charger and battery should be returned. Maybe this is an update to the instructions...
@Vapor_Eyes can make the call but to me this doesn't seem to be a detail worth memorializing in the Resource Thread.

Mr. Me2

Well-Known Member
When I was asked to return my Hopper, it was by email, which gave me a link to the service interface for further instruction. It was clearly stated there that the Hopper, charger and battery should be returned. Maybe this is an update to the instructions...
@Vapor_Eyes can make the call but to me this doesn't seem to be a detail worth memorializing in the Resource Thread.
If even a few mils causes unacceptable operation, then that adds a data point to the unexpressed question I've had about how that inside center contact might or might not "give" as the backend is tightened down. No "bounce" on the contact (like the 'give' on a charger's positive terminal contact). And yet another reason to heed the post a long time ago someone made that one should not let the battery "slip down" into its compartment to land on the inside contact with a thud, but to slip it in sideways. I just have the feeling that shit is delicate in there.

This was the part of @JoeMama 's post that I thought was resource worthy. The "no battery bounce on insert" part. I should have been clearer. I just have weak quoting skills on my iPad.


Well-Known Member
When I was asked to return my Hopper, it was by email, which gave me a link to the service interface for further instruction. It was clearly stated there that the Hopper, charger and battery should be returned. Maybe this is an update to the instructions...
@Vapor_Eyes can make the call but to me this doesn't seem to be a detail worth memorializing in the Resource Thread.
On that note though, I had to contact HL to request sending it in without a battery. Australia is flat out against air-freighting Li-ion cells, it could only have gone via sea. This was no issue, Caroline said they could use an in-house battery to test the device.


taste buds
Yeah, it's a great tip about inserting your battery gently but not quite worthy of the fixes resource. I'd really like keep it to actual fixes, although its scope has widened larger than I initially expected. I've been considering this issue in general for a while.

I really wish the "Best Of" threads were more active on here, I think the Grasshopper is a great candidate for a thread like that. It would only work well if people nominated posts consistently, and I don't think that would be an issue in this thread.
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