I guess I can serve as a tiny voice of reason.
I've had a hopper since mid Nov. I ordered late Jan/early Feb 2015. It's been sent back and in the shop for an equal amount of time as its usage thus far. It's currently in the box waiting to be sent back again.
Fuck yeah, it's a great unit, when it works (I ordered 4 of them). But, like someone else said 'that can be said about all vapes'.
NO ONE knows what the failure rate is unless you're a Gh employee. We can only go by the data we do have, which is way heavier on the failure side (to be expected, I get it).
They're communication has been anything but accurate, for over 2 years now. It's frustrating to say the least. Surely someone there can figure out estimates or proper customer communication by now, eh?
I read months ago people writing "once you have one, all the complaints will be forgotten and you'll be singing their praises".....eh, not so fast. If someone asks me about the device, I tell them what I wrote here.
In a nut shell, great piece, although inconsistent. But a very painful experience.