@Ratchett If you need more let me know I'm happy to provide, speculation on this will be fun

The silicone mouthpiece fits on both the same, but in the video I talk a lot about the variations. From what it looks like, the original mouthpiece is shaved down, so that the edge is refined to just a few millimeters from where the hole starts. It also is a couple centimeters lower because of what I just described.
The new mouthpiece seems as though they didn't give it that process, and it gives the illusion of having a different hole diameter. I think it is the same size, and just isn't "shaved" lol

. Of course, I don't comment on this IN the video, because that would be smart and productive... xD The lengths and widths don't affect how the silicone mouthpiece goes on though.
Edit: Ugh it looks so bad. Hopefully HD processes soon, if not I'll do another one with the other side of the camera.