You click it on and off, before and after each draw. You can't really forget to click it off!
Are you kidding? You must not be using it right, or perhaps you're not vaping the same herb I use. I have forgotten to turn off my hissing butane torch more than a couple of times after finishing a session with my Vapman. I had to quit locking the flame on for fear of burning my house down, not to mention the frustration of finding you're not ready to go after loading the bowl the next time because the gas has exhausted.
I've been vaping for about a year now. I got the MFLB last year and loved it, thought "I'll never need another vape, the box suits me perfectly". Then I made the tragic mistake of coming to FC to see if I could benefit from the experience of others. The Vapman was mentioned in the MFLB thread and I went to Ebay "just to see" if any were available. I found an auction for the classic, with mica heat shield, at $63 with just seconds left on the clock and made a bid at 65 thinking "heck I'd probably pay $65 to watch pigs fuck if I was good and bored". I didn't expect my bid to hold up but it did.
I loved it even more than the box but was sure I didn't have VAS. I just can't pass up a good bargain I told myself.
The VM changed my life after 40 plus years of combusting (and over consuming just because it was so hard to discreetly get a buzz with the pungent odor, so I made sure I got wasted when the opportunity presented itself). I used to think "if I'm going to get high I might as well get stoned."
I DO NOT have VAS. The Vapman with it's ability to medicate (a little bit) with 25 mg of material is perfect for me and has made me immune.
You would think I learned my lesson but NO, I had to find out if I was doing it right and started reading the Vapman thread. Oops, bad plan; everyone agreed the VM was a great "conduction" vape but "convection" was the real deal. Next thing I know, I'm trying to decide between the Crafty and the Mighty when Mr. Me2 chimes in with something along the lines of "either will be do until the Grasshopper arrives". A week later I've pulled the trigger on the GH and am still pondering which of the S&B devices to get to hold me over until it arrives.
I'm still reading the Mighty and Crafty threads but that's just out of curiosity. I DO NOT have VAS.
Does anyone think I should get both? I mean, I've saved enough to pay for them by just topping off with the .02 gm load instead of rolling another joint . It's found money. Fuck combustion.
I DO NOT have VAS!