For say, movie theaters, reckon you would be able to switch it on, let it heat for 10 seconds cut it off and draw on it? Maybe someone can test that theory.
Yeah, I figure if nothing else maybe a fractional release of terpenes.
For say, movie theaters, reckon you would be able to switch it on, let it heat for 10 seconds cut it off and draw on it? Maybe someone can test that theory.
Or an asthma attack, haha.Put it in a paper bag like a bottle of booze...
Here's my suggestion for a starting point on baffles for the intake.
Cut a strip of 'cardboard box' say 1.5 inches by two. You want the corrugated fiberboard type, with the solid covers over a corrugated center. Then strip off one face so you have the corrugated part on one side, facing on the other.
Spray paint the corrugated part flat black. "Coloring it in" with a Sharpie would also work, but flat black paint will generally be a better light absorber. When dry, wrap it around the unit over the vents and secure with a rubber band. Air will enter the gaps in the corrugation and easily make the right angle turn into the vents, photons (light) coming out will not be able to turn so will reflect around until absorbed.
Is there any evidence that they actually built a single thing shown on that site?
And I'm sorry, but I just have to: "Trevor has an exceptional understanding of engineering and flight systems, as well as startup management experience and a passion for business."
It reminds me of my 18 year old sons resume- yeah, you know a little about that, but calling yourself an "Expert" in it...?
Wow, that's a long haul t-break if you don't know when they're coming. More power to you.Sorry for raising this up again. I really don't want to fuel any speculation, and I'm more interested in hearing from actual GH owners than people just speculating. Anyway I'll join in since I got curious and couldn't help digging around: A google search for "Bird Aerospace LLC" (with the quotes) only gives 3 pages of results.The most interesting find is this: So I'm not very convinced about Bird Aerospace.
However, I must say that I'm mostly confident in the efforts of Hopper Labs, since they do have a great product that works (most of the time). They just need to get all the bugs sorted ASAP. I'm sure (and hope) that now they're extra careful about the assembly and the units that they ship. I'll happily continue my t-break until my 3 hoppers arrive (hopefully this year).![]()
thank you so much. i cant believe how off topic this thread gets sometimesI have just moved a bunch of posts about vaping in movie theaters into a new thread. Let's please keep this thread on topic.
The led is located down inside the air holes. I seriously doubt someone is going to be able to get a sharpie or anything like that in there(and getting all surfaces of the diode as well), let alone being able to wipe it off with ISO later on.@Snappo mentioned covering the led with sharpie or the like. ISO will remove it whenever you want.