Since my favorite mouthpiece is already attached to a 14F/18F adapter, yea hook it to the double walled wand. Which is attached to my double walled glass wand.Loving the modular nature of the setup. If you have a 18/14 reducer you could also use the double walled wand for direct draw with your 14mm mouthpiece (or if you have a spare 18/18m adapter you could use that & also get a longer airpath.
Not advisable. The iso will degrade the silicone pretty quickly. You're better off to just replace it with a fresh piece of silicon tubing.
I've cleaned Silicon whips with ISO and continued to use them without adverse health effects or a degrade in favor. But everyone seems so adamant on this that I guess I'm kind of a dumbass? Not sure really.
You are correct, @Stu is wrong on this one. I suspect he's thinking about PVC, which is the stock tubing for the EQ. ISO is actually the recommended cleaner for silicone. See this chart from a manufacturer of rubber and silicone products.
That was helpful and makes more sense that a manufacturer has already been asked all these questions and would provided their own literature. Do want to delve deeper for a little more reassurance before grabbing for my jar of ISO and getting to work with it. Heard so much PRO and CON on the subject of ISO and silicone hose of the past that I need to know that much more before coming up with a good method of going about it and passing that on.You are correct, @Stu is wrong on this one. I suspect he's thinking about PVC, which is the stock tubing for the EQ. ISO is actually the recommended cleaner for silicone. See this chart from a manufacturer of rubber and silicone products.
Thanks for the correction, Pak. I shouldn't repeat things that I read about from people without charts on the internets.You are correct, @Stu is wrong on this one. I suspect he's thinking about PVC, which is the stock tubing for the EQ. ISO is actually the recommended cleaner for silicone. See this chart from a manufacturer of rubber and silicone products.
So I messaged the distributor I have been getting my two types of hose from. KIM this is for the specific silicone tubing that I have ordered and have been using myself.Found more charts on line regarding the chemical resistance of various hose materials. I'm going to try to get to know more of the make of the specific source hose I've been getting. There is at least two ways that silicone hose is cured. Not sure if that would even be a factor. But knowing more of the source and any info regarding the make and what is compatible according to the manufacturer would clear things up.
Glad you like. @Nugg.@CuckFumbustion Awesome whip setup man. It is simple in that it doesn't have lots of parts and nothing else can be taken away from it but complex in design and execution. Your whole setup is fantastic!
DD update-New hose setup to try out. So I'm filling vapebags today. The double walled hose with my EQ setup is a bag filling beast! First thing, I use the outside of my cyclone bowl as a bag adapter. After fitting the vapebag over the cyclone bowl and tucking it deeper into the bag and refolding that, you have 3 layers of bag wrapped around the outside of the cyclone. So I cinch all that down with paracord. Smaller bag to fill, but a well behaved bag.
So I messaged the distributor I have been getting my two types of hose from. KIM this is for the specific silicone tubing that I have ordered and have been using myself.
Other types and makes could be a possible YMMV or perhaps not. Anyway as for the type I'm using. I've been informed:
1.It should be fine to clean with alcohol.
2.The manufacturer uses alcohol to flush the tubing after it is made.Best type of assurance I've heard yet.
3. The Seller wouldn't recommend leave it for sitting for prolonged periods in alcohol.Didn't specify as to why.
Also notable.
1. I can also put in in boiling water, since it rated up to 500 degrees.
2. It can also be steam sterilized in an autoclave, but repeated steam sterilization at elevated temperatures can make the tubing become more gummy.
Good news for me since I went to the bother of making a rugged adapter hose.
I threw a one inch piece into 99% iso the other day to see if long term exposure will have any impact.The Seller wouldn't recommend leave it for sitting for prolonged periods in alcohol.Didn't specify as to why.
Doubt that. I'm guessing the inside volume of the SSV wand is way too narrow. If you could get the dimensions before diggin into that project then perhaps, I dunno.Hi @FDR I too am an arizer fan, I own 2 eq's and a have made a perfect choice imo, nice to see more farmers on fc, even if cultivation talk is prohibited....
@Stu how long is long term, a week? A month? Think I'll do this test too,
I assume you will be keeping out of sunlight to eliminate that variable of uv damage???
@CuckFumbustion I wonder if my 14mm ddave fits inside my ssv wand???
Want a taste of the double walled wand pie...
Good luck with that. I used the 1/2 I.D. hose (500f foodsafe)for making the double wall wand. It is handy for other projects too. Newer method than pictured. Just slide half of a 1 inch tube over the flat end of the 19mm (In your case the SSV.The internal diameter of an ssv wand is larger that the 18mm ddave, and the 14 almost fits inside the 18 ddave, which is why I wondered if I'd get it down the ssv, would be good if I can, that ssv has thick glass...but is the void important like a double glazed window???
I have an ssv wand
I will try later and report back, if not I'm gonna have to buy some glass...
@CuckFumbustion your are an inspiration, you deserve an award....
@Stevenski good on you for crushing combustion. And well past the 1 year mark.Once the habit and ritual of vaporizing reaches a certain comfort level and you can get the effects in nearly the same time as you would combusting, then it's GAME OVER for combustion.
Been using my Flowermate 1.0 as a poor man's Arizer Air. But an AA would be a great riding shotgun with my claisen adapter. Maybe a 4/20 sale perhaps?
It's too economical not to use my EQ now. Reclaim, ABV, Clean up with ISO and warm tap water. Buying and sourcing adapters and hose in bulk. Vaping other teas to stretch thing further.Even re-purpose some of my combustion glass. Then the luck I kept getting finding bargains.
Been doing something different with the bags. You already know my modular setup? Once I feel that I have vaped all I can normally from the whip or water tool, I attach the bag and run on Fan 1 at 220c.(edit) Turn it back to 200C as an end step, just before filling the bag. Do this method about 2X. If there is any life in the basket pack, it is thoroughly vaped out and the ABV is closer to black gunpowder than a dark brown, I've been accustomed too. It just got that much more economical. Waste not want not.You already well know my thoughts on bags mate. I will say that vape bags are the best IMO but it is far more suited to the small child or maybe a young woman? We know what the big man on campus does with his EQ & it involves getting hot & heavy with whips, rips & lots of bubbles
Another success story. That is worth celebrating. Here is to your first year of no combustion.Funnily enough I took up vaping to quit smoking cigarettes. Once I "got" vaping I could focus on quitting the smokes. Smokes are $30 a pack of 25 now & I was paying around $160 for a 1/2 each week. Unfortunately I am not quite a year but it was April when I took up vaping full time I think so pretty close & I have not had a cigarette for over 6 months.
How true that is about the Solo. And the Keep forgetting I can change out/upgrade the batteries and that.I would recommend a Solo if you can spy one cheap enough. There was one in the classifieds for only $120 with 2 18mm GonG's. Even if you got one at the right price & had to replace the battery it would be a cinch for you. Besides that I feel the Solo is more ripe for the kind of "experiments" you tend to do in the lab.
If anyone has a J hook laying around I can heartily endorse using it with the EQ. A bit like a pipe, a bit like a hookah, a lot like a god time be had.
Read somewhere 232c was the self ignition point. Raising the LCD to 230 even with the fan is to close and 220c with a fan is close enough to turn dark tan to light gunpowder for higher temp range extractions. 230 under any conditions = danger with a primed setup. Actually have gotten visible vapor stepping from 208 to 220 with my setup filling bags not just fumes. 208c being the higher end for me before the scorched taste begins.@CuckFumbustion turn out a 14mm ddave doesn't fit in an ssv, looks like I'll be buying some glass now....
I combusted once at 230 with some hash through water, I've never been past 220 since....
On a separate note, my neglegent, careless friend did this with his new eq the other day....
What a bloody numpty...
Anyway its been disassembled and I soaked the heater mesh and cover in iso all night, glass cover came out OK, but I can't get the mesh back to clean for him, any ideas???? I tried a salt rub, iso bath, steam clean, and boiling water to no avail....
Not a main course meant for a Little Lord Fauntleroy, or some fair lady with a case of the vapors who is prone to fainting in a crowded opera house or a soft spoken Casper Milquetoast, but more like a toasty finisher to an already heavily devoured meal.
Another success story. That is worth celebrating. Here is to your first year of no combustion.$30 a pack!
That is more than what I budget for my experiments at CFRLB. Admit-tingly, that I do spent under $40 for 5 lbs of coffee. It is shocking how much people are gouged for their habits. But that's the insidiousness of combustion for you.
He came up as a recent spelling search for the noun 'milquetoast.' Thats when Casper showed up and I found out later was original bearer of the term.I was crying at you apt descriptions & links. Funnily enough the only one I did not know of is Casper Milquetoast. You certainly like to get you value out of your meds I will say that![]()
I'll look at battery sources in the meantime. If I can price and source that first, then I have more of an idea what a new one would be worth to me. April 20th being less than a month away another factor.You should keep your eyes open for a decent Solo.
Just thinking, Not sure if a wire brush on the ceramic is recommended or not. But can understand if taste is an issue.Thanks for the advice there, I never want to combust again, I find it wants to combust easier when I use hash than just herb...
Considering using one of my bho extraction tubes with the end drilled out as my double walled wand, will keep you posted...
As for my friends screen, it's more than just cosmetic, it's ruined the taste now, I think material has melted into the actual ceramic heater hole, that keeps releasing bad tastes...
Maybe I'll try the wire brush....thanks...