Dr. WeirdBud: or the reason I stopped worrying and loved the unregulated vape
So, what can be said about the Mi3 that hasn't already been covered. I guess this is more of an appreciation post, in hopes of guiding those in the future (content for the thread is fun too, as I hover some of these threads pretty regularly and love reading everyone's thoughts).
The Mi3 is truly a work of art, and feels fantastic in the hand. Admittedly I was worried about an unregulated device, as I have only ever used a dynavap setup and a Fw7. This concern was shortly vanquished after using it for the first time. It is a dance between you and the device, and when you hit the steps perfect it will being tears to your eyes. I am able to quickly work through one bowl with a single inhale, all backed by smooth flavorful vapor. Albeit, the vapor is dry, but not hot/harsh in my experience.
This is one I leave for home due to the glass internals. Without a clear future of RBT I am terrified of breaking it. As many of you, I am assured, love the ritual that comes with vaping, this device it the very essence of that. It is one I look forward to coming home to everyday and hits O' just right

Either way, thank you to this rbt for creating the Mi3, but also thank you to this thread for guiding me along the way!