Hello everyone,
First of all, i just started to vape 6 weeks ago and i was smoking 22 years prior to that.
Damn i gotta say, i feel so much better and the strains taste so much better, lovely! <3
Now to the not so good part. (sorry for my english, not my native language)
I first got the Mighty(which is awesome) and then 1 week ago got the Plenty.
From the first use i had silver residue on the ring of the heater element.
I immediately loooked online and found out (on this forum) that the heater is out of aluminium
and only the fillingchamber is out of steal.
So, we have got aluminium residue after every few uses that we can wipe off, great!
Yes i know, it is not directly in the airpath but i gotta be honest it still bothers me a bit.
Then i wrote to the shop where i ordered the Plenty and told them this.
Now the kicker, they then wrote S&B about this but worded it like this:
"Customer thinks Fillingchamber is steal, is it not? We thought only Volcano Hybrid had problems which are now fixed?"
On top of that they EVEN FORWAREDED MY EMAIL TO S&B in their email.
The answer from S&B was unbelievable, they just dodged my actual complain!!!
"The Fillingchamber of the Plenty is out of steal for minimized waer"
For more questions just write us an email.
SO, they completely dodged the Heatingchamber part, not one word of it.
Thats freaking insane, same as with (sorry if i forgot your name) the other user from here in this thread, which had a similar response if im not mistaken.
Thats not right i find.
As of right now, i personally have send a new written email to S&B with included picture of the wear out heatingchamber ring. Saying that i now Fillingchamber is steal, what is up with the Heatchamber + ring.
I want to hear it from them, guess well see if i even get an answer, if i had the money i would give this to some lawyers for real as itt is a practice i just cant stand.
Sorry for venting guys, i dont know where i would turn to else.
Have a great day everyone! PEACE from Germany <3