Ironic calling for mods. If mods were active here they would have squelched some of the noise and S&B bashing going on here that has carried over from their latest offering. How long has the Plenty been around?
I don't get this hyperbole about the amount of aluminum dust that is being created by the 1/4 turn of metal on aluminum contact that occurs. S&B can't control how hard or forceful one may close their chamber, they may expect common sense to come into play. Also if that much dust occurs, how would said dust travel from its current state created between the two metals, through the weed load, then through the screen, up through the winding cooling chamber and then into you.
I've had mine for over 3 years, and there is some scratching that has occurred, but very minimal. Someone here actually asked if there were metal slivers from those scratches darting into his lungs the vapor was hitting him so hard. smh.
Hope all are healthy, well and Rona free.