My FV seems to have been stuck somewhere
That's like a month++ since it has been shipped
Salut Roger....... It can be a problem without tracking number (but for this price FV can't send with tracking.... I think it would be better for FV and customers that they increase the price of 10 bucks and have a tracking). I hope you receive it soon, but one month seems to be lost, or a french postman enjoy the vape !
I'm really sad for you Roger....... have you gone to the post office ?
The top screen is removable but might not be easy to get back in place.
yes, you can soak the whole top cap in alcohol without any problem. however, you may find it is better to unscrew the bezel and remove the glass crystal for a more thorough cleaning.
We will be releasing the mesh filter screen as a replacment part as well very soon. As mentioned in an earlier thread, the mesh is not hard to remove and replace by hand, if you are careful. There were also some techniques discussed earlier, I will edit this post after finding it for your easy reference.
The black tube is heat shrink tubing, and is OK to soak in alcohol without any problem.
EDIT: (added this quote from earlier thread)
... that screen is actually not that hard to put back in once you get the hang of it... just take the o-ring out first, and put the screen's folded sides into the circular slot, making sure it is seated and centered. Then, push one side of the o-ring into the slot first, and press and hold it down with your finger tip. Now, with that one small section secured, slide and press the rest of the o-ring into place in a circular motion with the tip of your fingernail until you make your way all the way around (a tiny bit of stretching is required as you make it past the 1/2 way point). Now with the o-ring placed into the circular slot, carefully press down on the o-ring all the way around once again with the tip of your finger nail or a small blunt pointed tool, pushing the o-ring firmly in place into the slot, for a tight fit. The filter screen is now securely in place and ready to use.
I just take it all apart, soak in alcool and rinse with hot water.... assembly and disassembly of the top mesh is was very easy for me (I do Harley mechanic, so it's not that little thing that will piss me off) ... how much is this mesh ? 400 ?..... because I have for years with the DID of my wife !!
Another question : can we unscrew the top (where is the ceramic chamber) or it's out of warranty if it's open ?
...because I have for years with the DID of my wife !!
I don't understand this part.
Your Item Status:
Your item has been processed through our sort facility in ISC SAN FRANCISCO (USPS) at 9:57 pm on January 22, 2013.
Don't worry, mine did exactly that. Showed like that even after I got it a day or so later. Never got scanned again near as I can tell? Was still in SF. Yet I had it. Computers, you know.
Give 'em a little time, not even to PO can loose 'em for too long these days.
Hola hombre ! Remember that yesterday was the first time for me ! Today my ABV is more brown than dark... I'm learning to ride this crazy horse... better today
My Solo was at temp max (7) and no more vapor came, and I have a SS bowl too......
What do you mean by "a steel herb chamber cloud style I made" ? Have you pictures ?
That ABV above looks like the result of having combusted in the FV. As many members can attest, after some practice with using the FV, combustion can be easily avoided using the different techniques discussed in detail throughout the thread.
here is a picture of pakalolo's tiny 0.05g load's ABV after 23 hits* in the FV, WITHOUT combustion:
A picture speaks a thousand words, but can also be misleading. The FV is a very powerful vape, that gives almost INSTANT, ON DEMAND performance. It is versatile, and good for a variety of applications using different blends, both organic herbs and solid concentrates. However, it is a powerful machine and must be used with some level of restraint when first learning to master its usage. If you are combusting, a little shorter power-on time, or a little faster pace of draw speed will change how this vape behaves. Once you get used to how it works, vaping with the FV will come as second nature to you, and you will really be able to enjoy the FV's abundant power to the fullest. But before you are comfortable with unleashing the beast, please take it easy first... practice makes perfect!
That herbs also seem a little burnt![]()
The FV can and will burn your herb if you are not careful. I wouldn't recommend it if you are someone who prefers more automation in the process. If you are like some of us, and enjoy playing around and experimenting, then it is a very rewarding vape.
That herbs also seem a little burnt![]()
The FV can and will burn your herb if you are not careful. I wouldn't recommend it if you are someone who prefers more automation in the process. If you are like some of us, and enjoy playing around and experimenting, then it is a very rewarding vape.
Edit: Just put my Pax on the charger and dropped a whole nug into the FV for fun, no grinding. It's roasting along nicely indeed.Will have to crumble it up in a bit, but boy is the flavour off this thing fantastic. I really notice how pure it is, especially after coming right from using the Pax.
I had to make wonders for getting my solo vaporizing everything at the same time and no getting "dark spots". I used to have a MFLB and hated when it happened I am very obsessive with that so this Flashvape seems quite frustrating for someone like me.
Don't get me started on the taste you get from a Pax...
Honestly it's a pretty unique vape so it's hard to know if you'd like it until you live with it for more than a week.
I didn't like the batteries and combustion at first but it's growing on me, I use about half what I did with the Pax and get only slightly less medicated
I think more and more than the FV needs a sort of "break-in" (like a motor car)..... I can feel that the FV is better than when I received it.... or it's me, I don't know![]()
…this may actually be true as material will tend to stick to the screen less after some use, with the buildup of oxidization on the screen surface.
…this may actually be true as material will tend to stick to the screen less after some use, with the buildup of oxidization on the screen surface.
I'll suggest taking this a step further with my experience. Mine had a combustion accident a while ago. As part of the cleanup I flamed the protective screen. I pulled it out by one of the tabs, held it there in a clamp and nuked it with the mini torch until it glowed. This burned it clean (removing the smell in the process) but it also discolored (oxidized) the screen (no real problem with performance of course). Since then there has been no sticking of anything?