Good Morning Everyone.I hope You are all well.
I took a trip to the UK and Ireland recently to catch up with family and visit my homeland as a tourist,which I never really did when I lived there.I took my vapcap with me as a travel never let me down.Clouds are huge,yet cool and and maintenance is a snap for air travel.I packed my jet Lighter empty for air travel.some airlines don't allow lighters now either in checked or carry on baggage.I passed through multiple airport scanners,searches and checkpoints including high security airports at Singapore and also through X-rays in Windsor castle.etc.When we visited Windsor castle, the Queen was in attendance.I can say I vaped at the palace lol.My VC and dynastash never raised an eyebrow.
I managed to pick up some fine medicine in Dublin and made some new friends along the way.I used Vodka to clean everything up as I went.One minor niggle I noticed just before I left was the rings on the TI tip didn't take too kindly to an ISO bath.they came out swollen and biggie with an otherwise perfect device.luckily I had extra seals here and changed them out before I left for my holiday..i had no issues after that and took extra care cleaning the seals as I went.
Georges customer care and his personal input into orders needs a special mention.He and the folks at Dynavap went way beyond with their customer service and made sure I had everything I needed and more before I left.This comes from a guy who must b flat out setting up lasers right now

Youre parcel made for a real special holiday.thanks George
I was lucky to be one of the early beta testers for the TI woody.The new TI tips work a helluva lot better than the original betas, both in performance and heat distribution.i have also fitted one of the
8mm concave TI screens that FC folks are using.thanks to
@Stevenski for that tip.
I really can't recommend the Vapcap enough,especially the Omni for a long term standalone device.You really will never need anything else.My other vapes get little use nowadays.
Anyway onto a few photos
Halfway up the Howth head walking trail Dublin with the indestructible TI Vapcap.
Phill Lynott gets to meet the vapcap at his tribute in Dublin.
A timeout at Blenheim Palace, birthplace and former residence of Winston Churchill
The Giants Causeway
Cheers & good vibes to George and everyone at DynaVap & FC
looking out towards Iceland from the Giants causeway on a rather blustery day.