
Well-Known Member
I way prefer the look of the the random pattern to the new machined style! glad I got a couple before they changed it.
Me too. It's not bad, just oddly formal. The old one looks like vapor.
My Helix Tip hasn't been getting the love it deserves lately. To change that, I treated it to a Perforated Cap. It arrived today, and visually, the Cap is a bit... unusual? The perforation seems pretty random (though I'm sure there are hundreds of years of research behind it) and the overall appearance is quite wild:

It's also interesting that the Perforated Cap looks quite different on the Dynavap website.

My digger outer is marked with the year 2023 - has the design been changed in recent months?
Yes, this appears to be the new version with this sale.
Well, whatever, who cares about appearances, it's the inner values that count - and that's where the Perforated Cap shines. The extra airflow is great and really makes a difference, especially in combination with the Helix Tip. I'm a fan of open airflow in general, and the Perforated Cap definitely delivers.
Same for me, what a great combo.
So yeah, I'm satisfied and confident that the Helix and I will be going on dates again more often. :brow:
@coolbreeze How many heat cycles are you needing to fully extract in the Hyper? I presumed it would be like the old Dynas I used to use, but realised it might not be the case. If you heat lower on the cap, can you fully extract the bowl in a cycle or two?
You can fully extract in a heating or two. To be honest I'm not sure I've stretched it to three. If I aim low and heat a little extra slowly it's more or less done in one. Otherwise you can get two big comparable heats and be done. The mass doesn't really seem huge but it does hold the heat pretty well, and then it cools pretty quickly. I know it's a big load, but it does hit hard,
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Herbal Engineer
It arrived today, and visually, the Cap is a bit... unusual? The perforation seems pretty random (though I'm sure there are hundreds of years of research behind it) and the overall appearance is quite wild:

It's also interesting that the Perforated Cap looks quite different on the Dynavap website.
Well to be honest that perforation does look kind of whack especially compared to the neat and uniform one that was advertised on the website. If got this I would think its some kind of defect and contact dynas QA. Even if it works well enough you dont want to bother returning it they may offer a discount on something you want. Like you say performance is what's most important but that's not a pretty preforation job for sure.
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Well-Known Member
Well to be honest that perforation does look kind of whack especially compared to the neat and uniform one that was advertised on the website. If got this I would think its some kind of defect and contact dynas QA. Even if it works well enough you dont want to bother returning it they may offer a discount on something you want. Like you say performance is what's most important but that's not a pretty preforation job for sure.

The one he has is the "wheat" perforated cap that was their previous version. The one currently on the site is new. There isn't any defect with it, it's just the design they chose and it had the correct picture when it was available. If he ordered it recently from the DV site then it's old stock and if he wants he can contact CS if it's not what he ordered, but they are different.
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El Duderino

The Dude abides.
Well to be honest that perforation does look kind of whack especially compared to the neat and uniform one that was advertised on the website. If got this I would think its some kind of defect and contact dynas QA. Even if it works well enough you dont want to bother returning it they may offer a discount on something you want. Like you say performance is what's most important but that's not a pretty preforation job for sure.

The one he has is the "wheat" perforated cap that was their previous version. The one currently on the site is new. There isn't any defect with it, it's just the design they chose and it had the correct picture when it was available. If he ordered it recently from the DV site then it's old stock and if he wants he can contact CS if it's not what he ordered, but they are different.

I’m sorry for the confusion. I didn’t order from the DV site but from a local seller (who also had the correct pic on their website).
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