Well-Known Member
After 3 weeks with my Couchlog, I'm starting to wonder if it's performing correctly; especially in comparison to what's described here with other's units. I've found that I need to set the temperature controller between at least 7-8 to get something closer to full/darker extraction. I also struggle with back-to-back hits (refractory period). Basically I have to hope I fully extract the bowl in the first hit, because if I don't the 2nd won't be able to do it. I've even given up on using my wood Dfreez bowl because it seems to rob too much of the heat to get a proper extraction - even at 7-8. I've played around with my pack, draw speed, etc. The device definitely can pump out some vapor, but I always feel like I'm throwing away un-fully-spent material by the end unfortunately. Anyone else experience anything like this?
How long do you let it heat soak before the first hit?