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  1. PPN

    What color V3 PRO do you want XMAX to come out next?

    Hi FC, I had to run the Xmas/New year Giveaway in a short time and, on the top of that, I was sick AF for a week but I'm feeling slightly better now. It appears I made some mistakes cause, in the Giveaway, we are asking what color V3 PRO do you want XMAX to come out next... but I forgotten the...
  2. PPN


    Hi, FC Community, we are very proud to offer you a new Giveaway for Xmas&New Year Holidays. There will be two winners! Prizes will be a Xmax Stash Box for one winner and a Xmax V3Pro for the other lucky member! To enter, please, just post in this thread in order to reply to the following...
  3. PPN

    Xmax V3Pro Giveaway for our fellows FC fans!

    Hi FC, this a great community I'm glad I joined years ago, and since TopGreen like you, we wanted to offer you a Giveaway!! Prize will be 1 Xmax V3Pro+glass mouthpiece+glass adapter+glass bubbler. To enter you simply have to guess how many...
  4. PPN

    Is terpenes taste could be affected while shipped?

    Short story: I received some terpenes from Canada but the taste/smell doesn't seems to be right, it's a strain supposed to be fruity/candy (Runtz) , maker is Elevation Terpenes... I supposed the terpenes affected by heat while shipped (there was some white marks around the jar and the whole...
  5. PPN

    Multi-brand Xmax V3Pro vaporizer, convection, on-demand&session.

    Hi, I'm glad to present this new vaporizer inspired by our original unit, we named it "the V3Pro" although you will notice it's a totally different vaporizer! Here the features of the V3Pro: -Aluminium body -Convection heat technology -On-demand mode (30s hit duration) -Session mode...
  6. PPN

    Katalyzer Vapes

    Here a new french brand and its vaporizers, it's Katalyzer, they offer bubblers, vaping accessories and some cheap butane vaporizers: first is the Katalyste And they released recently "Le Testeur"...
  7. PPN

    TinyMight, le vapo venu du froid

    Salut à tous, je cherchais un fil sur ce vaporisateur vraiment très intéressant, voir révolutionnaire et comme je n'en trouvais pas je l'ai donc créé. Afin de poster cet article que j'ai écris récemment, tous les avis sont les bienvenus...
  8. PPN

    Is there a Mod box you can use like a desktop (plugged, without batteries)?

    Hi Stoners Community, The idea is to use my Iheat like a desktop vaporizer, I know Alan offers Iheat pluggin bases but it's variable voltage only and I would appreciate to get the temperature control feature we can find in some Mod box. In a perfect world this is could be a special Mod box you...
  9. PPN

    Ispire Wand, enail&vaporizer

    Hi, I came across a post in Reddit VaporEnts about that wand: Although it doesn't seems for sale at the moment. Looks interesting imho.
  10. PPN

    Want to Buy Lotus Saucer cap

    Hi, I was too late and the manufacturer website and retailers are everywhere out of stock of the new saucer cap, please if you have one you want to let to go I would be pleased to buy it to you. I have a few things for trade also, ask me. Regards
  11. PPN

    Want to Buy HerbalAire H3 Lite or Elite

    I a lready have a 2.2, it's the first vape I had in my arsenal, still working like a charm but I want another and a H3 or Elite would be better, although don't hesitate if you have a perfectly working 2.2 or 2.1, payment by Paypal, I'm ok to spend half price of a brand new unit , a bit more if...
  12. PPN

    FR ClickAndGo par Katalyzer

    Voici une petite introduction sur un système à induction de la marque française Katalyser que j'ai pu tester... et apprécier! Merci à pour m'avoir donné l'opportunité de...
  13. PPN

    Induction Heater ClickAndGo by Katalyzer

    Hi, I'm proud to present you the new portable induction heater made by Katalyzer, Katalyzer is a french brand although the ClickAndGo is made in China. Its features here: -powerfull induction heater (heat to the clic in 4-6s) -a strong and large magnet -a storage chamber large enough to fit...
  14. PPN

    Completed Veco tank, normal or XL, with or without coils- EU

    Hi, in short I lost my Veco XL recently fully loaded (1.5gr!), if it happens you have one unusued, with or without replacement coils (only interested about the ceramic ones and the new mesh based coils) I'm interested to buy it to you, we can think about a possible trade also. Let me know, TIA...
  15. PPN

    The Mobile Vaporization Pipe by Fadespace

    Hi, I saw this device while looking at the website by curiosity: Strange design isn't it? I don't understand where is the mouthpiece. It's a preorder only (450$!). Although it seems there is a lot interesting features under the skin...
  16. PPN

    Please, Is somebody nice can teach me about how to post a video?

    Hi, I know that looks silly but I tried but never was able to load them in Vimeo cause the too small internet flow rate I have. I think it's around 300Mo. I tried with Imgur or Postimage, one of this image hoster allows to post videos also but I encountered the same issue, the upload failed...
  17. PPN

    First attempt to distillate (drinkable alcohol) macerated fruits is a success!

    Hi Folks, I posted that somewhereelse but I wanted to share in a more official manner! Two days ago I made my first attempt to distillate alcohol, since 2 weeks I macerated "Arbouses" in water (this is the wild fruit from Arbustus Unedo), I filtered to keep only the liquid part and throw that...
  18. PPN

    Vaping with a (combustion) pipe...

    Hi Folks, I thought about that thread since a few weeks, after to read the Neo by Prrl thread I looked for the old tobacco pipe I got from my father, I had to work hard to remove most of the tobacco taste, now you can't taste it until the pipe remains to be hot and load depleted you can taste...
  19. PPN

    Completed NimbinVap 4.3 full metal version

    Hi, I'm looking for that version of the NimbinVap, it's an unpopular vaporizer I dig a lot, I already own the wood version but would appreciate to get its full metal brother! Here a pic of this bad boy: If you have one taking dust let me know, please, we can probably arrange a trade or I can...
  20. PPN

    X-Max Qomo Micro E-rig

    We are releasing a new "niche" device called the Qomo, it's basically a micro e-rig with portability in mind. I tested this device since a few months and I found the vapor very smooth, I was afraid to be harsh but that's not the case, even without water. The ceramic cup is efficient and...
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