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  1. PPN

    Reclaim winterization?

    Just an idea, can I winterize reclaim to get a better final product? I want to take off the reclaim bad taste and winterization seems a good idea.... but perhaps it's a waste of time and alcohol....
  2. PPN

    Tastier portable vaporizers?

    I started to vape in January 2013 (so I'm a newbie) and I owned several portable vaporizer and I want to speak about their taste, I just speak about battery powered vapes, not flames powered. The master of the better in all categories is the Minivap (but I only get the single version not the...
  3. PPN

    How long can I keep my oil?

    Hi Guys, when I make oil I feel it stronger the first days and after a week less powerfull? Is it a normal process? i'm thinking shatter is better if I want to keep it, but how many times? I made 5 or 6g of bho from trim and low quality bud 10 weeks ago and this oil loose the effect strenght...
  4. PPN

    Rencontres autour de la vapo

    Salut, je ne sais pas si cela est réalisable question législation, mais des rencontres sous formes de soirées, journées ou weekends entre vaporistes serait génial pour nous permettre d'essayer les vapos des autres et faire partager les siens. Je souhaiterai essayer tous les vapos qui existent...
  5. PPN

    Ego battery longlife

    Hi FC, I use hard a ego battery which comes with my bholt in the summer and it seems that the battery had really poor performances now, I used it to handle Bholt attys, DrDabber and Omicron cartridges but now it works only with his Bholt and I get really whispy hits. Do you know how many times...
  6. PPN


    Salut, je viens voir si quelqu'un a déjà eu une experience avec le ev-2 ou le e-nano, je souhaiterai profiter des 50% sur le ev-2 (code EV50). le vapo+expedition internationale + whip kit est à 168.45 usd avec la promo! Je suppose que le souci sera la nécessité d'avoir un convertisseur de...
  7. PPN

    Electric nail?

    J'ai découvert depuis peu les concentrés (les vrais, pas ceux de mauvaises qualités que l'on trouve de partout en france) et c'est un autre monde tant au niveau des effets que des goûts... Je suis en train de réfléchir à l'acquisition d'un nail électrique (pas pour tout de suite, à voir)...
  8. PPN

    Oil/wax/budder/shatter wich differences?

    The thread title is clear, I live in france where we tell oil for everything like that and i don't understand what is the differences between oil, wax, budder and shatter? I'm trying to make my own bho and ethanol extraction but i want to know more about oil extraction?
  9. PPN

    I'm looking for a QUIET bubbler?

    Hi, I'm looking for a quiet bubbler, I don't know if quiet percolator system are existing ? if somebody can give me an answer it might be very nice
  10. PPN

    Californian cannabis might be a disaster for nature?

    I heard today on french tv (arte news) that there is too much cannabis farmer in California and it could be a big issue for nature? I never gone in California, so I don't know if it's true, but perhaps that you can tell me more about this? I like cannabis but I make it grow outside and just...
  11. PPN

    Bholt, 1er vapo portable "pen" et "GonG" pour huiles

    Salut les gars, pour changer un peu d'air sur le forum FC francophone je vous présente mon dernier achat, le Bholt un nouveau vaporisateur portable "pen" avec un atomiseur pris dans un adaptateur gong(14mm) qui se visse sur une batterie ego, il n'y a pas de réservoir, on met un e goutte d'huile...
  12. PPN

    to cough or not to cough

    Hi everybody, l vaporize my weed since february 2013, l begun to feel that my lungs are tiredfull ,my baby was born some months ago and my wife don't smoke (now l smoke yet but 3 little blunts per day mixed with tobacco the bad european habit): it was time to change and somebody offer me the...
  13. PPN


    Salut, j'ai fait la récente acquisition d'un petit dernier venu compléter ma collection: Le Firewood, pour trouver le site du fabriquant sur lequel j'ai commandé il suffit de taper firewood vaporizer sur votre moteur de recherche. Ce vapo m'a attiré par son look rétro en bois, son prix, son...
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