Well-Known Member
Did I wander in on a food fight in the elementary school cafeteria ?!?! Sheeeeeesh, . . . ,

I spy with my little eyes: Someone that hasn't been paying attention to the world. When a new product comes out (like electronic handheld vaporizers. They're pretty fucking new, if you think about it. Nonbutane powered vapes really only started to show up about 5 year ago), there are bound to be problems. As time goes on, those problems get sorted out. A company releases it's initial product, it works well but has some kinks to work out, then it releases it's second product and it's even better. You think 100 years ago (not quite 100 years, but you get my point) your precious toyotas worked as well as they do now? No fucking way! They were shit, just like all cars. But, over time, they released more and more new models and with each new model they addressed more and more issues. That's how life works. You try something, it doesn't work as well as you'd like, so you improve upon it. That's why you BETA TEST (which is, in reality, what the backers are), so you can iron out problems. You think the first ever cell phone was perfect? No, it wasn't. They fucked up all the time. The first computers? Not only did they fuck up all the time, you needed an entire warehouse to store them. You get my point? It's a fairly new industry with it's fair share of problems and every year more and more of them become non-issues. I've never seen a company that doesn't offer at least a 5 year warranty on it's products. If it fucks up, you get it fixed and move on with your life, just like you do when your car breaks down (which still happens all the time, so all of your arguments are effectively invalid). If you don't like that, get out. We won't miss you.
I'm definitely getting in trouble for this comment. Oh well, worth it.
Either way, this is not a beta this is a final product.
Incase you haven't notice there are plenty of much more reliable handhelds.
Solo, Pax2 and prima come to mind
The solo I have personally punished (over a long period of time) and there have been 0 problems.
If you speak to any solo user they will all say the same thing..
I outline an approach which there will always be defects, but as each one arises, you do a root cause analysis and take every endeavour to ensure it does not reoccur.
The device absolutely existed and was shipping before I ordered it.
Could you tell us how you use it? Like what temp settings? cool down draws? glass use? one hitter or several in a row? how many loads per battery?Hey everyone just popping in for a quick long term reliability update. I've had my stainless steel grasshopper no. 000044 for exactly six months to the day and it's been chugging along nicely without a problem. Haven't had to send it in once (knock on wood). I'm a fairly moderate user so my experience might not be typical but overall I'm very pleased with my hopper. Hang in there guys its worth it!![]()
The device absolutely existed when you ordered beta form. The iPhone 7 probably exists right now, but it's in beta. The grasshopper was not yet available for retail sale. If it were available for retail sale then it wouldn't be a pre-order. You would have ordered the product and received it in the mail a few days or weeks later, depending on location. You pre-ordered the finished product and that's what you will get. However, up until now, everything that was going out was, in essence, a beta version of the final product.
Cool, I didn't know I could order the iPhone 7 already in beta form. Where do I sign up?
You are saying that after the backer's are done, then the finished product will be sent out to all preorders. That things should work well and people shouldn't be on their third, fourth, fifth or sixth replacement, since things will work well and shouldn't need more than one replacement, since it is a finished product (yes, I don't expect that every hopper coming off the line will be perfect). Sweet, thanks for the insider info.
Of course the next iPhone is in a closed/internal beta form.
Those that have received multiple replacements did not received the current version the first time(& likely subsequent times). The hope is that the current version failure rate is very low.
1. You have known for over 1.5 years that you have a problem with setting dates. Solution. Stop setting dates and assign customers numbers. Dates at that point will be eliminated. Website could simply show a range or the next customer to be served.
2. You keep allowing customers to add to their order and it not impact their place in line. You cannot accomplish a set goal if you continually have to adjust what is necessary to get there.
# 1 would eliminate # 2 and would support the idea to modify orders at any time. Lets say your at a new resturant and you want to give it a try. You order your food and they say about 5 minutes. 10 minutes go by and you have to ask whats going on. They say we're preparing everything fresh and it may take a bit more time to get my order out. Another 5 minutes go by and you see John who ordered the same thing you did but is now ordering just one more as his food is coming out so they may as well grab from the next order. Bob, Chris, Zach, Craig all do the same thing. 5 minutes has turned into 5 hours. Although you make a good point I dont personally see merit in something thats potentially causing my business to miss goals and frustrate my customers. When people say its just an estimate I get it. But thats been an easily identifiable problem for years now so why not fix it? Disapointing your customers on a regular basis is not good customer service. Ill give credit where credit is due and its not in customer service. I'm not angry or upset and will patiently wait for my turn but I am disapointed.Two interesting points, one of which I agree with. I think #1 is an excellent idea; #2 I have a different take on. Seems like allowing people to add to a pre-order is a way to reward those folks who helped fund GHL early on. I can see merit in that idea while also agreeing that it does cause "feature creep" type problems when trying to hit shipping dates. Using idea #1 might help mitigate those problems.
I'll join you this morning. My hopper beat my crop in by a couple weeks, sooo, until then it will just have to mingle with the ladies.GH on my desk @ work. It's that stealthy.
Nice garden!I'll join you this morning. My hopper beat my crop in by a couple weeks, sooo, until then it will just have to mingle with the ladies.
Edit: having trouble embedding from tablet. Direct link
3.7Vi tried to search this tread but didn't find what voltage (V) of Hopper batteries are?
Could you tell us how you use it? Like what temp settings? cool down draws? glass use? one hitter or several in a row? how many loads per battery?
I'm just looking for patterns for happy grasshoppers.
I use a mix of glass and straight hits. Temp setting 4 for straight hits and 5 with glass, usually around 3-4 hits per sesh. If I really try I can kill a fully packed load in one hit but my lungs just can't take it.I'd say I get abut 2 1/2 loads per batt with a half full bowl. I'm more of a sipper than a ripper.
Wait for the grasshopper, I told two friends the same today, I can't recommend someone spend more on a pax today when they can spend less on grasshopper and get it in a few months.
"We can manage to run a crowdfunding campaign looking stupid in our unkempt beards and skinny jeans, yet not so much an actual company".
I've never seen a company that doesn't offer at least a 5 year warranty on it's products.
This company has never denied a refund or warranty claim
just ask HopperLabs to specify that it is a gift/pen worth $ 30 in that invoice.any UK buyers able to advise on customs VAT for the unit?