Many vapes & accessories. Always happy to help
Wow, that's a nice mouthpiece. Might prefer that over the CU! And the GH can be used even stealthier - it magically disappears completely.

Well, someone will point out that people with problems are more likely to post about it. Which may well be true, but the fact is, the only information we actually have comes from people posting, and anything else is just speculation.
6th backend? Having five failed units is a 2.5 million to one occurrence given their stated failure rate of 5% (IIRC). I'd buy a lottery ticket if I were you.Been waiting a month for 6th backend.
Jeez, slbddco. While it is admirable to be adequately articulate, and swell to be sufficiently succinct, you, sir, have skittered off course with your voluptuous verbosity, much like an Autumn
Don't read this entire thing.
I'm not the kinda guy to say itoadaso Julian but iatoadaso I fucking iatoadaso
I don't buy into this.
It just seems like a poor excuse for mediocrity.
"Everyone is shit, so we can be shit too".
How about a company (any company, not singling Grasshopper labs out) actually deliver a reliable product instead of taking the approach: "everything fails anyway, so why bother".
They have retail packs in that last 300.. 300 backers is not 300 GHs
Maybe I'm just jaded, but I'm pretty suspicious about the way this update went. It seems to me like they only sent an update to pre-orders, and ignored backers.
I guess that makes sense, since saying "Hey pre-orders, we will start shipping your units soon!" sounds a lot better than "Sorry backers, our misguided optimism got us again, and we didn't get your units shipped."
I really think that they rushed through emailing all the backers at the beginning of last month, just to say that they had done it, and to get us all to believe that we would all have hoppers shipped by the end of the month, even though they probably knew they wouldn't be able to. Saw a post on Reddit where at least one backer didn't even have an address confirmation before they told everyone that all the address confirmations had gone out. I wonder how many more might be in the same boat.
And now, so many pre-orders seem to be getting excited about updated website dates and the possibility of their unit shipping soon, just because GHL says they are finishing up the last of the backers. Newsflash: they were finishing up the last of the backers in December, after months of supposed production ramp-up, and with only 300 backers to go.
We're in February, and backers are still waiting for hoppers. Backers are still waiting for shipment confirmation. And as far as I can tell, backers got no update.
My original backer estimated ship date? February 2014. Newly updated estimated ship date? February 2016 (for the last several months, it was November 2015). My warning to pre-orders that think "We're almost there!": I thought that too. In September, when my order said October, after the other ship dates were missed.
I still believe GHL will come through eventually, but don't hold your breath.
I spy with my little eyes: Someone that hasn't been paying attention to the world. When a new product comes out (like electronic handheld vaporizers. They're pretty fucking new, if you think about it. Nonbutane powered vapes really only started to show up about 5 year ago), there are bound to be problems. As time goes on, those problems get sorted out. A company releases it's initial product, it works well but has some kinks to work out, then it releases it's second product and it's even better. You think 100 years ago (not quite 100 years, but you get my point) your precious toyotas worked as well as they do now? No fucking way! They were shit, just like all cars. But, over time, they released more and more new models and with each new model they addressed more and more issues. That's how life works. You try something, it doesn't work as well as you'd like, so you improve upon it. That's why you BETA TEST (which is, in reality, what the backers are), so you can iron out problems. You think the first ever cell phone was perfect? No, it wasn't. They fucked up all the time. The first computers? Not only did they fuck up all the time, you needed an entire warehouse to store them. You get my point? It's a fairly new industry with it's fair share of problems and every year more and more of them become non-issues. I've never seen a company that doesn't offer at least a 5 year warranty on it's products. If it fucks up, you get it fixed and move on with your life, just like you do when your car breaks down (which still happens all the time, so all of your arguments are effectively invalid). If you don't like that, get out. We won't miss you.How about a company (any company, not singling Grasshopper labs out) actually deliver a reliable product instead of taking the approach: "everything fails anyway, so why bother" .
I spy with my little eyes: Someone that hasn't been paying attention to the world. When a new product comes out (like electronic handheld vaporizers. They're pretty fucking new, if you think about it. Nonbutane powered vapes really only started to show up about 5 year ago), there are bound to be problems. As time goes on, those problems get sorted out. A company releases it's initial product, it works well but has some kinks to work out, then it releases it's second product and it's even better. You think 100 years ago (not quite 100 years, but you get my point) your precious toyotas worked as well as they do now? No fucking way! They were shit, just like all cars. But, over time, they released more and more new models and with each new model they addressed more and more issues. That's how life works. You try something, it doesn't work as well as you'd like, so you improve upon it. That's why you BETA TEST (which is, in reality, what the backers are), so you can iron out problems. You think the first ever cell phone was perfect? No, it wasn't. They fucked up all the time. The first computers? Not only did they fuck up all the time, you needed an entire warehouse to store them. You get my point? It's a fairly new industry with it's fair share of problems and every year more and more of them become non-issues. I've never seen a company that doesn't offer at least a 5 year warranty on it's products. If it fucks up, you get it fixed and move on with your life, just like you do when your car breaks down (which still happens all the time, so all of your arguments are effectively invalid). If you don't like that, get out. We won't miss you.
I'm definitely getting in trouble for this comment. Oh well, worth it.
I spy with my little eyes: Someone that hasn't been paying attention to the world. When a new product comes out (like electronic handheld vaporizers. They're pretty fucking new, if you think about it. Nonbutane powered vapes really only started to show up about 5 year ago), there are bound to be problems. As time goes on, those problems get sorted out. A company releases it's initial product, it works well but has some kinks to work out, then it releases it's second product and it's even better. You think 100 years ago (not quite 100 years, but you get my point) your precious toyotas worked as well as they do now? No fucking way! They were shit, just like all cars. But, over time, they released more and more new models and with each new model they addressed more and more issues. That's how life works. You try something, it doesn't work as well as you'd like, so you improve upon it. That's why you BETA TEST (which is, in reality, what the backers are), so you can iron out problems. You think the first ever cell phone was perfect? No, it wasn't. They fucked up all the time. The first computers? Not only did they fuck up all the time, you needed an entire warehouse to store them. You get my point? It's a fairly new industry with it's fair share of problems and every year more and more of them become non-issues. I've never seen a company that doesn't offer at least a 5 year warranty on it's products. If it fucks up, you get it fixed and move on with your life, just like you do when your car breaks down (which still happens all the time, so all of your arguments are effectively invalid). If you don't like that, get out. We won't miss you.
I'm definitely getting in trouble for this comment. Oh well, worth it.
The key word is portable. I'm not going to say that I meant portable, I'm going to point out that i SPECIFICALLY SAID ELECTRONIC HANDHELD VAPORIZERS. Is a volcano a handheld vape? No, it is not. Also, I didn't compare laptops to computers that took up a warehouse. in fact, I never said "laptops", I said "computers". Regardless, my point is still valid. When computers first came out, they had a lot of problems. When cars first came out, they had a lot of problems. When cell phones came out, they had a lot of problems. When cameras came out, they had a lot of problems. Whenever a new product comes out, it is going to have problems. Does that mean we should accept it? No. Will it get better? Yes. Nice try, though. If you're going to try and disprove my argument please try to use facts instead of semantics and pretending I said things I didn't say.There have been powered vapes out for longer than 5 years...the volcano and vaporbrothershas been out for much longer. Before you say you meant portable, then you can't compare today's laptops with computers that took up a whole warehouse. Just sayin...
but thy could at least cop to their issues, rather than the communication they have been doing.
He said they could give better communications, I said they aren't obligated to communicate anything so he should be happy they communicate at all. He didn't have to say the word "obligated" for me to point out that Hopper Labs isn't obligated to do anything, he implied it. Looks to me like you stopped reading a little short of my last sentence.Speaking of things people didn't say, how about "obligated"?
He said they could give better communications, I said they aren't obligated to communicate anything so he should be happy they communicate at all. He didn't have to say the word "obligated" for me to point out that Hopper Labs isn't obligated to do anything, he implied it. Looks to me like you stopped reading a little short of my last sentence.
You pre ordered a device that didn't exist, from a company that didn't exist before the idea. Inherently you should know you're not getting a mature product (for us this should read: beta). They have been open about development, where they told us they are still designing parts aiding reliability and production, just last month.. it's negligent to infer anything else.