coil of the month club?
I got a surprise email from "elite innovations" that my shipment of "#coilclub1" has been shipped.
Hmm? Well I didn't buy any more coils from Dan, and I already got my stashpod with a complementary set of clapton wraps last week. When I got that email from "elite innovations" I didn't know what was going on, thinking did someone steal my CC or my identity?

But I didn't see any charges so I just let it slide and I got a stashpod a few days later.
So I guess "Elite Innovations" is the company that helps manufacture & market the Stempod for Dan? Nice.
But what's this coil of the month club all about? Will it be like the
columbia house compact disc club, where we pay 10 bucks a year for unlimited coils delivered every month until MPL goes bankrupt?
Nah we don't want that. But mystery coils is pretty cool, I wonder if all stempodders have this coming? Or maybe just the pre-orders? Did I earn coil of the month club status just for posting some pics?

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Nooooo it's a golden SuperClapton

Very nice
Inspired by the shiny shiny coil pics, I just made a 4.5 wrap build with the same wire on the 6x2mm stick which came out at .21ohms that seems happy with TCR190 this time and a lower max wattage of 50W to cut down on the initial overshoot. Battery life is a little better again with power rarely going over 35W in use but I wouldn't expect a single battery mod to last long with this build either tho tbh. With the FJ firmware it works well putting it in cruse mode to warm up then going to manual temp control to save power between draws, or just cruisin

. I'm not seeing any glow at temp and mod temps are only up to about 55 C on the Cuboid after a full cruise with a whip to watch the screen so I think I'm gonna keep this build on for further testing and have a look at putting sur_myevic on one of my Invokes too

Hoping it'll stop me looking at fancy DNA mods and put this bulky Cuboid back into retirement before the fire button fails completely as I don't think it's gonna last much longer.
Re. the wrap counting: a full wrap goes round 360 degrees so as the end wrap only goes 180 degrees round it's only half a turn, in my head, so I'd call your 5 wrap 4.5 wraps and your 7 would be 6.5.
Thanks again for recommending that super-clapton wire, I like it alot, even though I have little coil-looping experience to compare against. I think the way that it has a "standard" clapton with that big, flat ribbon wrapped around it, and it ends up with a heavy, thick feel with alot of mass, which helps for that powerful glow-free vape that some of us are seeking?
Still getting just 3 sessions on 1 battery stopping at around 3.5-3.6v with my "4.5 wrap" coil, thanks for clearing that up for me. I'm learning all this coil guy terminology now. Although I could sneak in 4 sesh if I pack the basket less and push the battery to the limit.
A 6x2 stick means it's a 2mm diameter circle 6mm long that you're wrapping your coil around? I had wrapped around a 3mm base, yet it ended up coming loose from that when installed in the deck. Idk if I'll have space for a "true" 6 wrap, with the leads terminating on the same side of the coil, maybe I can put 2 of these in the SP deck, with 2 leads for one 6 wrap in the upper holes, 2 leads for the other coil in the lower holes?

If not enough space, I'll try a 5.5 wrap for a higher resistance, hopefully better battery and ramp up.
I'm really liking the super clapton wrap I have now, only real problem is this hot spot I got on one side from an asymmetric coil. But I'm doing the AJS twist with cruise mode to even it out.
Shiny coils but damn my stempod looks like it could use a good cleaning.
Messing around with the PID settings with the six wrap super clapton coil. I ended up just using the just the sweet setting in sur_evic with 50% boost. It's not showing the temperature spikes I was getting in pid settings and other settings.
Really one of the biggest differance with a DNA chip the temperature stay within a couple of degrees of what you set it at. Much more of smoother hit than a mod that has a lot of fluctuations in it's heat output.
Just using the same tubo evic PID setting left over from stock, which worked well with notch coils, I was getting some temp overshoot with my super claptons as well, maybe 10-15F, but far from combustion at least.
Good suggestion on the 'sweet' algo, I used to use that on myevic for some old DTV3 donut attys that would TC wonky. Sweet algo would be the easiest way to tame a wild, bucking donut short of PID tuning it.
This super clapton wrap is alot more stable under the sweet algo. The PID control can surely do an even better job at TC, but only if properly tuned in. I don't have the time and batteries to do all that testing now, so sweet algo is fine for now.
Also, regarding the boost setting, I don't think that setting applies for the "off" (standard/stock) or "sweet" algo, it only applies on the PID or Boost algo settings, but I'm not sure 100%. I bet the myevic manual and KeroZen know
I bet the DNA does a great job with the SP and all sorts of attys on TC, but the more I learn, it seems like just a more user-friendly, better hardware version to achieve the same thing. And with AF, TFR, PID control,
and actually knowing how to use it, I really think it's
just achieving the same thing.
Although with escribe, it's still not that user-friendly for everyone? Also, for DNA chips / escribe to be lacking PID control is pretty weak, IMO.
Been enjoying my stempod for about 8 weeks. I use it mostly for travel and out & about. It get some home use playing with the coils.
Would say I have ran 2 or so ounces thru my stempod without cleaning it.
2 oz. vaped through your stempod in under 2 months?
Vape fiend! lol


I go through a few grams a week too but not quite that much. But I also vape a little concentrate, so that keeps my flowers down. You don't dab herbie?
No shame about all those dusty herb crumbs on your SP deck, that just means it's well used & seasoned. But for all the coil changes you've pulled (more than most?) you gotta admit it's hella easy to brush it clean when the deck is open!
I put a heatsink on my mod and all the resistance numbers are way higher.
Is that normal? Will higher resistance use more power from the mod? Hurt battery life?
I tried some cheap fasttech heatsinks that made some of my attys, (DTV3, smok X-baby tank) go "much higher" like 0.360 to 0.415, or from 0.725 to 0.981...that's way too much and I don't trust that. Rather than just having their own internal resistance, that would indicate to me it's actually getting more poor contact than without the heatsink. I didn't bother to try firing those atties with the heatsink, but I would expect it to make the TC act funny. I don't want to re-set my coil lock-in from 0.36 to 0.415 just for a heat sink.
Some of the exact same heat sinks from a multi-pack wouldn't affect the measured coil ohm at all on some of my other mods, so I ended up using those.
It was a VTC mini, some cuboid minis, and a cuboid that did throw off the coil with the heat sink alot.
A different cuboid, and an evic primo, an evic basic, a RX gen3 dual and some eleaf invokes I all have running with the heatsink, and the coil ohm doesn't change it all. I think it just has to do with some models, and a random amount of mods in general, having wonky / unreliable 510 connectors, some are built better than others. Some get damaged in use.
I've not gone above 50w myself. I combusted on my first day so I've been extra cautious.
Do you have any recommended settings? Im running the funkyjunk firmware on a Joyetech Evic Vtwo mini.
Unless you have the TCR, or the set temp way too high, or the coil ohm locked in too high, how are people combusting so ez?
Are you running in watts mode?
Please, people, don't run this thing in watts mode, you're missing out on so much! It's really not that hard to get a basic TCR setup going.
If you must watt it out, please be conservative? I'm sorry Evilevile, you kinda make the SP and the new claptons look bad abusing it with fixed 55w non-TC vaping
Besides that, nice to see you enjoying the SP, cillianeire!
Between Herbie and Dan, the recommended settings have been posted many times here.
Ended up going back to a hive coil 6 wraps OHM's 2.1. The super clapton worked on lost vape. On the 1 battery wismec it was drawing too many watts. It was using 55-65 watts to maintain temps on a heavy draw.
The hive coil uses about 30-40 watts durning draw and 12w to maintain 380. It does glow a little more red than the claptons but not by much.
What do you guys think of glow color well maintaining 380? First one is shade second more normal lighting.
Nice work there, coils look nice and symmetrical. 5.5 wrap? I'm not familiar with all the different names and types of wires and wraps, so that's my first look at a "hive coil." It looks like it would be a little more pliable and easier to work with compared to the super claps.
As far as the glow, that's a little more bright than I'm going for @ vaping temps, but maybe others don't care as much. Also, unless you're blowing on it when you snapped that pic, it probably is less bright when it's actually being drawn on and producing vapor for you.