Well-Known Member
Herbie, I feel like this link has become our mantra.But, sadly, I fear we are preaching to the choir.
TC Box Mods Firmware Discussions and Customizing
Totally agree really enjoying these device and want to see others enjoy them too. I find that a lot of the question and there answers are already posted in that thread. The whole mod world is such a confusing mess. I just do my best to answer question and put up some starter files and setting to get people started.
I started recommending Arctic Fox for new user to learn what the settings do. Really FJ and sur_evic should be used by more experience user. Or at least till someone has a basic understanding of there mods settings.
So the stempodAF file loaded into Arctic Fox would be my recommended starting firmware. Great manuals well supported and allows adjusting the setting by a computer. It also includes a device monitor to see whats going on live. Even if planning on using another firmware I can't stress how helpful AF is to learn on.
Here's the link for downloading my all my DNA files and a AF file. Still messing with the clapton coil in the DNA files. The Arctic Fox file works fine with them.
With the Sur_evic SME firmware I still haven't figure out how to backup those settings. Seems like should be someway to do this? If not will try toss up a guild on how to adjust it's setting.
With the FJ firmware someone else will need to help with those setting. Sadly none my mods run it so really have no ideal how it works.
On Stempod running into some issues with the clapton coils and it's settings that I need to look into and work on.
The Claptons in the DNA75/250 download work great. I'm not happy with them on the DNA75c/250c yet but hopefully get to them tomorrow.