I got a message from Caroline:
"[...] In regards to the rattle, I showed the video to the team and they would like to have you send it to us for service. In order for you to do so, please submit a warranty request on
GHVape.com and I will get this processed for you and send you instructions for how to return the device to us. Unfortunately, Verdampftnochmal doesn’t have the ability to test the device or knowledge about what could cause this error.
We are happy that they are assisting you with your other Hopper troubles, but would like to have you send this Hopper to us for service."
Hmmm....Perhaps they are just curious... Or they are just careful. But now i'm worried about the rattle noise. They want to take my hoppers' soul away
I will send it in, BUT i cant register my hopper because of the error "serial nr not found " on the website. So Caroline got another mail. THAT'S frustrating. When I RMA'd my other broken hoppers to verdampftnochmal, I usually get them back within a week.
Now its almost a week and nothing happend but 2 mails from me and 1 from Caroline.

That's such a slow CS. Nice to have 2 backup hoppers.
@ GERMAN HOPPER USERS WHO HAD WARRANTY EXPERIENCES WITH HL: how did you ship it and how long took the whole process till you got your hopper back? I'm afraid of the costs, what about insurance as well ?