@Socks And Sandals, I use boro VapeXnails, good memory
. I went with boro because they're significantly cheaper than quartz. Interesting that you found quartz glass easier to clean with solutions. Did you control for all other variables, such as amount of use/dabbing, type of dabs (materials used), temps employed, etc? I haven't seen anyone mention quartz being easier to clean than boro when using solvent/cleaners/etc before... but I haven't super deeply dived into the topic either
It sounds like some interesting controlled variable testing opportunities 4 sure.
As I understand, the main advantage of quartz nails is that they can be high heat / torch cleaned, which many people like (it's a fast and easy cleaning method). However, that heat will devitrify quartz glass over time (how quickly depends on how much heat is used and how often) and the result will be chazzed quartz (impacting flavors, longevity and cleaning).
It's really great to hear your flavor feedback between the EVO and other vapes
@Socks And Sandals . I'm sure you're not alone
. Keep us in the loop as you try other materials. And big kudos on mentioning the 10 second wait time from seeing vapor when dabbing with the EVO. It really makes a difference imo... I've been recommending a 15 second wait on FC for the last few years as part of my detailed EVO concentrates method (low temp dabbing @ ~360 F). I came to this dabbing technique on my own through trying and testing many different variables... and have never seen anyone else post about it. It works. With amazing flavors. Cheers.
As many here know, I'm a big "spotless clean" fan with using a vape; it keeps flavors optimal and use enjoyable. And I found PBW, hot water and the ultrasonic cleaner to best. Significantly better than ISO (I used ISO for years before PBW). PBW does the job extremely well and I use it to clean everything associated with my vape including glass, ELBs and VapeXnails after every three days use. The key to PBW is using the correct amount. Unlike ISO, PBW is a powder and needs to be mixed with hot water, so one can use too much or too little of it in solution. Not much PBW powder is needed, so it can be easy to use too much and this decreases the cleaning ability/efficiency as well as cause white staining on glass. I go so far into spotless cleaning that I do three distilled water rinses after PBW cleaning with my wet hydratubes/hydrabases (no water staining).
I get my VapeXnails spotless clean using PBW, hot water in combination with the ultrasonic cleaner. There's been a few stubborn VapeXnails that took more time to come clean but they've always finished completely clean. I remember one nail was stubborn because I had too much PBW in solution. And dabbing fewer times between nail cleanings helps (e.g., cleaning a nail that was dabbed 2-3 times vs 10+ times). For people who dab a fair amount with the EVO, get a number glass VapeXnails; that way, one can dab with clean glass all the time... even while simultaneously clean dirty VapeXnails if necessary.
@Socks And Sandals what questions you have about ultrasonic cleaners. I went with a small
Magnasonic one (it will fit many ELBs, VapeXnails and the Helio dry mouthpiece). A number of FC members have invested in large ultrasonic cleaners so they can fit their water bongs, hydratubes, etc. as well. I simply recycle the PBW solution from the ultrasonic cleaner and rinse my hydratubes with it (3-5 min hold time with a flip to account for air bubbles); it works perfect. Note that isopropyl alcohol and ultrasonic cleaners don't mix as it's an explosion hazard... and Orange Chronic has isopropyl alcohol in it.
@Relaxed, I've personally been happy with using ELBs with kief, which is basically like hash (even without a flower sandwich). It will get the ELB super sticky and dirty quick, but cleaning it isn't a problem here. I know you didn't like PBW though and can't vouch for ISO so much. Here's a link to some YT videos on hash use with the EVO that you may find helpful... and fun to watch (they were posted a while back). Cheers and let us know how it goes.
@Socks And Sandals and
@His_Highness have given lots of great feedback already and know their stuff. Definitely stick with small amounts of concentrates in the nail, up to a grain of rice is plenty to get a big cloud. Much more and when drawing the liquid dab can get into the bamboo. If anyone wants a huge dab hit with the EVO, just set up 3 or 4 VapeXnails with concentrates and hit them back to back... safe and crazy
@BigJr48, the EVO is totally worth it! It's endgame for my wants (every vape has its own unique advantages/disadvantages and it fits my use/wants very well)... and I have zero VAS. For the longest time, there was a 20% discount IG code that worked. Does anyone know if it's still around?
The EVO has me flying pretty good right now. Sorry for any spelling/grammar misses. Cheers and happy Friday all.