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@RustyOldNail – No, the TM is fully regulated and does indeed cut off at ~3.2V.
I'm sure the buzzes are somewhat related to voltage levels, but I personally don't see many devices indicating or showing charges in a very linear way. My e cig mods for example will typically show 100% charge for a new battery for at least 5 or 10 puffs, while dropping quickly once the charge is below ~15%. Doesn't quite make sense, but good enough to work with. Some chips like the diCodes or DNAs might be a bit more accurate, but those are high end and pricey.
Sorry @TommyDee , this answer above is the WINNER!

I’ve owned a lot of mods, and settling on the DNA’s for their accuracy. As you probably know a lithium ion battery will quickly drop from the off the charger voltage at 4.2v, but at about 4.0-3.9v, will level off and stay at a consistent level for longer then most other portable batteries. There performance is helped with a good regulated chipset, though the DNA would make a TM more expensive. Back to my original theory, these 18650’s are being driven as hard as they can be, good to rotate a large amount. Also, remember lithium batteries have an advertised LIFETIME charge cycles of between 300-500, used once a day till drained, and that’s just one year!
A 21700 battery in a TM would be a 20% overall battery improvement in the next model.....