Also had original black/purple, took blue as replacement and am really happy with the color, its beautiful to look at and handle.While my orignal color was black/purple - I LOOOOOOVE my purple/lime green. I'll eventually get myself a black tip so I can use it with my purple/lime green shield!!!
If you're still having issues with the ball retaining screen, when it's in you'll see one segment looks a little deformed in comparison to the rest of it.Thanks to everyone who had advice about the bowl retaining screen.
Just in case anyone’s interested, I think this is the issue. Very hard to see a bend in the pointer, however after a few attempts at bending it with hard tweezers the VI is no longer getting stuck and consistency has massively improved. I must have bent it way back when taking my first spring out, and removed the VI just because… Don’t force it folks, use me as an example, there’s markers for everything, even taking out the VIIt's also possible that the pointer is bent along its length, which could cause similar issues. Make sure when you remove it to rotate it where there is a cut on the inner side of the wall.
I found the level (the height in the cap) of the ball's can make a big difference here. If they are sitting a tiny bit too high, it stops the screen from engaging with the thread securely. You can test this easily (next time it happens) by removing two or three and trying again, if it goes on ok, then they weren't settled properly or there's a few too many.As of today though I think I've got it sussed. I don't know for certain whether there was a burr in bowl retaining screen thread - but I "scraped" it out using the same method that I was advised to scrape the wooden stem with, and bugger me if I can't now screw the bowl retaining screen in.
Maybe because the Tempest is standing upside down in the Wand? The heat from the balls kinda primes the top herb, so it’s warmer and more dry by the time you hit it. Guess you don’t hold it like that when torching.The Tempest is simply awesome, but I have a problem. This is my first butane vape and I get much better results with a lighter. With the lighter everything is browned perfectly evenly. When I use my Ispire Wand, it is usually dark at the top.
The silicone one from DynaVap does function. Won’t be able to see the v if you roll like that. Also it does hold it in a little differently so heat up and depth is a little different but it does the job. Plus side you won’t burn yourself on itI seem to have broken the glass in my wand adapter… can anyone recommend an alternative? Or should I grab another from Mad Heaters?
Thanks, appreciate the info.The silicone one from DynaVap does function. Won’t be able to see the v if you roll like that. Also it does hold it in a little differently so heat up and depth is a little different but it does the job. Plus side you won’t burn yourself on it
good lord i must've been so stoned when I wrote this. I'm pretty sure I mixed up the open and closed descriptions... and I call the reload2 the revolve lmaooo I'm crying laughing at myself right now.I've finally dialed it in and for me atleast have figured out how to use it with a wand and get great even roasts.
I use the straw method with the revolve 2. It usually vacumes up just past the side holes and I packed it down so its more or less even with the side holes.
Using the Helix
1. Open - I set the airport to 25 to 35% and after heating at 535 to 540 - with my finger on the open air port - I inhale softely to get the heat to start flowing for about 1 and half secs and then let go and inhale for about 2-3 seconds - exhale - and then feather it as I inhale harder. I've been getting punchy hits!
2. Bypass - I set the airport to 50% and after heating 535 to 540 - with my finger on the bypass airport - I inhale softly to get the heat to start flowing and for about 1 and half seconds and then let go and inhale for about 2-3 seconds - exhale and then feather it as I increase my intake. I've been getting really smooth terpy hits!
3. Closed - I set the airport to about 75 to 90 % and after heating 535 to 540 - i inhale softely and exhale and inhale softly and exhale and inhale and exhale and its sooooo nice and smooth and tasty!!! and EVEN ROAST!!!
I LOOOOOve my anvil but I feel like the tempest is a little bit anvil and DV and something inbetween.
While my orignal color was black/purple - I LOOOOOOVE my purple/lime green. I'll eventually get myself a black tip so I can use it with my purple/lime green shield!!!
@Brenyo Thank you for indirectly getting me to my End Game color scheme! and the extra revolve.
Oh this is awesome, thanks for the heads up!A new Aussie shop with the Tempest & Accessories for the Aussies worried about dealing with Customs
Its the long awaited rebrand of Wick and Wire incase your curious
(has stock ~70 currently but who knows for how long, meant for Aussies within Australia - we have the worst Vape laws of anywhere atm)
hey my man, i believe you are doing the same I did - the tempest is too low. I had to recheck the manual a few times on that part with 2 red lines and positioning where it explains about more convection vs more conduction depending on the position.good lord i must've been so stoned when I wrote this. I'm pretty sure I mixed up the open and closed descriptions... and I call the reload2 the revolve lmaooo I'm crying laughing at myself right now.
I did have a question, as I continue to enjoy this vape more and more, I've noticed that my VI only goes to about the 2nd marker using the wand. Is that normal? If I were to use a torch (I haven't yet) would that be different? Just curious as I've been getting pretty dark roasted (mostly even) at the 2nd VI marker (Using the wand 535-540 - has been my sweet spot)
Mine broke too, I used the silicone from Dynavap but it’s not deep enough and it falls out when you get it in the right position. I just ordered a new one.Thanks, appreciate the info.
If you look back in the thread, there are a couple others, but I'm liking this one that I picked up at Amazon. Called the OZCHINAnyone got a good idea for a case ? For the tempest reload and wand combo?
I tried Brenyo's Firedog small bag but my wand doesn't fit in it.
( BTW the wand on the dynavap site is 7.3 inch but I found different sizes on different sites... Is this possible ?)
If I am understanding correctly, I just re-read that part of the manual. I should aim to have the top of the glass on the wand to alignup with the top half of those lines?hey my man, i believe you are doing the same I did - the tempest is too low. I had to recheck the manual a few times on that part with 2 red lines and positioning where it explains about more convection vs more conduction depending on the position.
When I read it initially i switched the "top" and "bottom" lines , idk why. then after a few days when I was rereading to check if I missed anything I saw that part and double checked my adapter and tempest depth and saw that I was leaning heavy toward extra conduction with my positioning.
I fixed that by pushing the glass insert a millimeter or smth like that to be closer to that convection side and now this thing is blowing my mind with the tasty rips, and also the indicator now goes to 3rd mark and second click occurs.
btw, after like 30-40 bowls now, the click discs started cooldown clicking earlier as the manual said.
I thought the same initially but having the wand at an angle works nicely and let's the reload and carry case fit ok, I have the ozchin above as well but do prefer the smaller firedog now. No idea if different wand lengths is a thingAnyone got a good idea for a case ? For the tempest reload and wand combo?
I tried Brenyo's Firedog small bag but my wand doesn't fit in it.
( BTW the wand on the dynavap site is 7.3 inch but I found different sizes on different sites... Is this possible ?)