A) I'm telling you I've seen first hand friends scratch this bowl day 1.
This warning is not over the top, the ceramic is unfortunately appears to be easier to scratch that the aluminium. I wish this was not the case.
I wouldn't bother writing out that warning to people if this was not the case. In may be that these are a few odd cases, but somethings not right for it to happen day 1.
B) Troy tested it multiple times hitting both sides of the table.
"One might argue that the wider surface area covered by the new feet was just more able to transmit these shocks up to the device to knock it, or each devices distance from the impact may have come into play," No hate intended, but isn't this just a long roundabout way of saying that the design isn't particularly stable and not the solution we were hoping for?
C) This is not just based off Troys video (though that is also relevant). This is based off other back to back heavy testing over a 40+ hour period.
That all being said, perhaps I came off too negative, I just wanted to outline information that I don't think is clearly out there for people that may effect someone's purchase.
I should also let you know I hold stocks in the company, so if anything I should be a shill lmao

, but I'm actually being as honest as I can with people. I also won my Mighty in a competition.
Finally, I think it's important to clarify,
Mighty+ has some really nice benefits over the original Mighty
such as: +faster heatup + faster charging.
But people buying a Mighty+ are mostly aware of at these things already.
If you're enjoying the Mighty+ that's great, It's a fantastic vape, right now I still think it's the best on the market.
But please be careful with your bowl D':
I'm of the mindset that ceramic is a huge improvement over aluminium in theory.
I hope my words don't upset anyone, I don't come on here to cause any hate or anything, I just try to help.
To move to something more light hearted, I got my Mighty hooked up to a desk mic stand xD.
Some people might think i'm insane but i've found it to be the ultimate solution for me.
I would love to share a pic but i can't for privacy reasons.
Basically this Neewer mic stand comes with a phone holder that clasps the Mighty PERFECTLY.
It only cost me $15USD. For extra protection I use it combined with a 3rd party mighty stand that is threaded with a zip-tie connected to the stand, just in case the clamp fails, if it falls it's zip tied to the mic stand (hope that make sense, sorry that's a messy sentence)
So why do this? Yeah actually that's a good question lol.
Well for me I find it really useful to have hands free vaping, no annoying silicone tubes or any mess, I always have an extra hand clamping the device.
I like to play VR/Games and vape and so with this setup I can do that without any worry of breaking things xD
The clamp fits it almost like it was designed for the thing, I still have full access to take the cooling unit off, turn it on and off, access the pick, everything.